583 research outputs found

    Curve crossing in linear potential grids: the quasidegeneracy approximation

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    The quasidegeneracy approximation [V. A. Yurovsky, A. Ben-Reuven, P. S. Julienne, and Y. B. Band, J. Phys. B {\bf 32}, 1845 (1999)] is used here to evaluate transition amplitudes for the problem of curve crossing in linear potential grids involving two sets of parallel potentials. The approximation describes phenomena, such as counterintuitive transitions and saturation (incomplete population transfer), not predictable by the assumption of independent crossings. Also, a new kind of oscillations due to quantum interference (different from the well-known St\"uckelberg oscillations) is disclosed, and its nature discussed. The approximation can find applications in many fields of physics, where multistate curve crossing problems occur.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 8 PostScript figures, uses REVTeX and psfig, submitted to Physical Review

    Insulator-Metal Transition in the One and Two-Dimensional Hubbard Models

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    We use Quantum Monte Carlo methods to determine T=0T=0 Green functions, G(r,ω)G(\vec{r}, \omega), on lattices up to 16×1616 \times 16 for the 2D Hubbard model at U/t=4U/t =4. For chemical potentials, μ\mu, within the Hubbard gap, μ<μc |\mu | < \mu_c, and at {\it long} distances, r\vec{r}, G(r,ω=μ)er/ξlG(\vec{r}, \omega = \mu) \sim e^{ -|\vec{r}|/\xi_l} with critical behavior: ξlμμcν\xi_l \sim | \mu - \mu_c |^{-\nu}, ν=0.26±0.05 \nu = 0.26 \pm 0.05. This result stands in agreement with the assumption of hyperscaling with correlation exponent ν=1/4\nu = 1/4 and dynamical exponent z=4z = 4. In contrast, the generic band insulator as well as the metal-insulator transition in the 1D Hubbard model are characterized by ν=1/2\nu = 1/2 and z=2z = 2.Comment: 9 pages (latex) and 5 postscript figures. Submitted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Counterintuitive transitions in the multistate Landau-Zener problem with linear level crossings

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    We generalize the Brundobler-Elser hypothesis in the multistate Landau-Zener problem to the case when instead of a state with the highest slope of the diabatic energy level there is a band of states with an arbitrary number of parallel levels having the same slope. We argue that the probabilities of counterintuitive transitions among such states are exactly zero.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Thermodynamics of doped Kondo insulator in one dimension: Finite Temperature DMRG Study

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    The finite-temperature density-matrix renormalization-group method is applied to the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model near half filling to study its thermodynamics. The spin and charge susceptibilities and entropy are calculated down to T=0.03t. We find two crossover temperatures near half filling. The higher crossover temperature continuously connects to the spin gap at half filling, and the susceptibilities are suppressed around this temperature. At low temperatures, the susceptibilities increase again with decreasing temperature when doping is finite. We confirm that they finally approach to the values obtained in the Tomonaga-Luttinger (TL) liquid ground state for several parameters. The crossover temperature to the TL liquid is a new energy scale determined by gapless excitations of the TL liquid. The transition from the metallic phase to the insulating phase is accompanied by the vanishing of the lower crossover temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 7 Postscript figures, REVTe

    Electrical Conductivity of Fermi Liquids. I. Many-body Effect on the Drude Weight

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    On the basis of the Fermi liquid theory, we investigate the many-body effect on the Drude weight. In a lattice system, the Drude weight DD is modified by electron-electron interaction due to Umklapp processes, while it is not renormalized in a Galilean invariant system. This is explained by showing that the effective mass mm' for Dn/mD\propto n/m' is defined through the current, not velocity, of quasiparticle. It is shown that the inequality D>0D>0 is required for the stability against the uniform shift of the Fermi surface. The result of perturbation theory applied for the Hubbard model indicates that DD as a function of the density nn is qualitatively modified around half filling n1n\sim 1 by Umklapp processes.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures; J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.67, No.

    Resonance Patterns of an Antidot Cluster: From Classical to Quantum Ballistics

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    We explain the experimentally observed Aharonov-Bohm (AB) resonance patterns of an antidot cluster by means of quantum and classical simulations and Feynman path integral theory. We demonstrate that the observed behavior of the AB period signals the crossover from a low B regime which can be understood in terms of electrons following classical orbits to an inherently quantum high B regime where this classical picture and semiclassical theories based on it do not apply.Comment: 5 pages revtex + 2 postscript figure

    Cyclization of a carbon-centered radical derived from oxaziridine cleavage

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    Treatment of an oxaziridine with low-valent iron or copper salts generates a carbon-centered radical able to cyclize onto an appended olefin

    Few-electron molecular states and their transitions in a single InAs quantum dot molecule

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    We study electronic configurations in a single pair of vertically coupled self-assembled InAs quantum dots, holding just a few electrons. By comparing the experimental data of non-linear single-electron transport spectra in a magnetic field with many-body calculations, we identify the spin and orbital configurations to confirm the formation of molecular states by filling both the quantum mechanically coupled symmetric and anti-symmetric states. Filling of the anti-symmetric states is less favored with increasing magnetic field, and this leads to various magnetic field induced transitions in the molecular states.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let