5,334 research outputs found

    Constraining the primordial initial mass function with stellar archaeology

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    We present a new near-field cosmological probe of the initial mass function (IMF) of the first stars. Specifically, we constrain the lower-mass limit of the Population III (Pop III) IMF with the total number of stars in large, unbiased surveys of the Milky Way. We model the early star formation history in a Milky Way-like halo with a semi-analytic approach, based on Monte-Carlo sampling of dark matter merger trees, combined with a treatment of the most important feedback mechanisms. Assuming a logarithmically flat Pop III IMF and varying its low mass limit, we derive the number of expected survivors of these first stars, using them to estimate the probability to detect any such Pop III fossil in stellar archaeological surveys. Following our analysis, the most promising region to find possible Pop III survivors is the stellar halo of the Milky Way, which is the best target for future surveys. We find that if no genuine Pop III survivor is detected in a sample size of 4×1064 \times 10^6 (2×1072 \times 10^7) halo stars with well-controlled selection effects, then we can exclude the hypothesis that the primordial IMF extended down below 0.8M⊙0.8 M_\odot at a confidence level of 68% (99%). With the sample size of the Hamburg/ESO survey, we can tentatively exclude Pop III stars with masses below 0.65M⊙0.65 M_\odot with a confidence level of 95%, although this is subject to significant uncertainties. To fully harness the potential of our approach, future large surveys are needed that employ uniform, unbiased selection strategies for high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, published in MNRA

    Tuning the dipolar interaction in quantum gases

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    We have studied the tunability of the interaction between permanent dipoles in Bose-Einstein condensates. Based on time-dependent control of the anisotropy of the dipolar interaction, we show that even the very weak magnetic dipole coupling in alkali gases can be used to excite collective modes. Furthermore, we discuss how the effective dipolar coupling in a Bose-Einstein condensate can be tuned from positive to negative values and even switched off completely by fast rotation of the orientation of the dipoles.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to PRL. (v3: Figure 3 replaced

    Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with a Rydberg blocked atomic ensemble

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    We propose to implement the Jaynes-Cummings model by coupling a few-micrometer large atomic ensemble to a quantized cavity mode and classical laser fields. A two-photon transition resonantly couples the single-atom ground state |g> to a Rydberg state |e> via a non-resonant intermediate state |i>, but due to the interaction between Rydberg atoms only a single atom can be resonantly excited in the ensemble. This restricts the state space of the ensemble to the collective ground state |G> and the collectively excited state |E> with a single Rydberg excitation distributed evenly on all atoms. The collectively enhanced coupling of all atoms to the cavity field with coherent coupling strengths which are much larger than the decay rates in the system leads to the strong coupling regime of the resulting effective Jaynes-Cummings model. We use numerical simulations to show that the cavity transmission can be used to reveal detailed properties of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder of excited states, and that the atomic nonlinearity gives rise to highly non-trivial photon emission from the cavity. Finally, we suggest that the absence of interactions between remote Rydberg atoms may, due to a combinatorial effect, induce a cavity-assisted excitation blockade whose range is larger than the typical Rydberg dipole-dipole interaction length.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Signatures of gravitational fixed points at the LHC

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    We study quantum-gravitational signatures at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the context of theories with extra spatial dimensions and a low fundamental Planck scale in the TeV range. Implications of a gravitational fixed point at high energies are worked out using WilsonÂżs renormalization group. We find that relevant cross sections involving virtual gravitons become finite. Based on gravitational lepton pair production we conclude that the LHC is sensitive to a fundamental Planck scale of up to 6 TeV

    Dark Matter and Collider Phenomenology with two light Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons

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    Recently, it has been pointed out that two different excesses of events observed at LEP could be interpreted as the CP-even Higgs bosons of the MSSM with masses of approximately 98 and 114 GeV. If this is the case, the entire MSSM Higgs sector is required to be light. In this article, we explore such a scenario in detail. We constrain the Higgs and supersymmetric spectrum using BB physics constraints as well as the magnetic moment of the muon. We then point out the implications for neutralino dark matter -- next generation direct detection experiments will be sensitive to all MSSM models with such a Higgs sector. Finally, we find that all models outside of a very narrow corridor of the parameter space have a charged Higgs boson which will be observed at the LHC. In those exceptional models which do not contain an observable charged Higgs, a light top squark will always be seen at the LHC, and likely at the Tevatron.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figure

    CLIXÂźCampus and the imc Higher Education E-Learning Network: A Private Public Partnership-Approach to Creating New Educational Benefits.

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    In: A.J. Kallenberg and M.J.J.M. van de Ven (Eds), 2002, The New Educational Benefits of ICT in Higher Education: Proceedings. Rotterdam: Erasmus Plus BV, OECR ISBN 90-9016127-9The imc Higher Education eLearning Network is a Private Public Partnership in standard e-learning software development. Its goal is to provide universities with a standard platform that fits their specific needs. The paper presents the approach adopted by imc AG and its higher education partners and discusses some of the lessons learned

    How an improved implementation of H2 self-shielding influences the formation of massive stars and black holes

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    High redshift quasars at z>6 have masses up to ~10910^9 M⊙_\odot. One of the pathways to their formation includes direct collapse of gas, forming a supermassive star, precursor of the black hole seed. The conditions for direct collapse are more easily achievable in metal-free haloes, where atomic hydrogen cooling operates and molecular hydrogen (H2) formation is inhibited by a strong external UV flux. Above a certain value of UV flux (J_crit), the gas in a halo collapses isothermally at ~10410^4 K and provides the conditions for supermassive star formation. However, H2 can self-shield, reducing the effect of photodissociation. So far, most numerical studies used the local Jeans length to calculate the column densities for self-shielding. We implement an improved method for the determination of column densities in 3D simulations and analyse its effect on the value of J_crit. This new method captures the gas geometry and velocity field and enables us to properly determine the direction-dependent self-shielding factor of H2 against photodissociating radiation. We find a value of J_crit that is a factor of two smaller than with the Jeans approach (~2000 J_21 vs. ~4000 J_21). The main reason for this difference is the strong directional dependence of the H2 column density. With this lower value of J_crit, the number of haloes exposed to a flux >J_crit is larger by more than an order of magnitude compared to previous studies. This may translate into a similar enhancement in the predicted number density of black hole seeds.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, published in MNRA

    Temperature induced phase averaging in one-dimensional mesoscopic systems

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    We analyse phase averaging in one-dimensional interacting mesoscopic systems with several barriers and show that for incommensurate positions an independent average over several phases can be induced by finite temperature. For three strong barriers with conductances G_i and mutual distances larger than the thermal length, we obtain G ~ sqrt{G_1 G_2 G_3} for the total conductance G. For an interacting wire, this implies power laws in G(T) with novel exponents, which we propose as an experimental fingerprint to distinguish temperature induced phase averaging from dephasing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; added one figure; slightly extende
