1,412 research outputs found

    On suppressing the Higgsino-mediated proton decay in SUSY SO(10) GUT's

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    Using the freedom in SO(10) GUT's one can generalize the existing models without changing the mass spectrum of fermions to obtain a significant suppression of proton decay resulting from the baryon number violating operators of dimension 5. In some limiting cases, their contributions can be made negligible compared to the dimension 6 operators resulting from the heavy gauge bosons exchange.Comment: 19 pages, 3 Postscript figures, 2 mpost figures, rearranged plots, corrected typo

    Neutrino mixing and CP violation from Dirac-Majorana bimaximal mixture and quark-lepton unification

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    We demonstrate that only two ansatz can produce the features of the neutrino mixing angles. The first ansatz comes from the quark-lepton grand unification; νDi=VCKMνα\nu_{Di} = V_{CKM} \nu_{\alpha} is satisfied for left-handed neutrinos, where νDi\nu_{Di} are the Dirac mass eigenstates and να\nu_{\alpha} are the flavour eigenstates. The second ansatz comes from the assumption; νDi=Ubimaximalνi\nu_{Di} = U_{bimaximal} \nu_{i} is satisfied between the Dirac mass eigenstates νDi\nu_{Di} and the light Majorana neutrino mass eigenstates νi\nu_{i}, where UbimaximalU_{bimaximal} is the bimaximal mixing matrix. By these two ansatz, the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix is given by UMNS=VCKMUbimaximalU_{MNS} = V_{CKM}^\dagger U_{bimaximal}. We find that in this model the novel relation θsol+θ13=π/4\theta_{sol} + \theta_{13} = \pi/4 is satisfied, where θsol\theta_{sol} and θ13\theta_{13} are solar and CHOOZ angle respectively. This "Solar-CHOOZ Complementarity" relation indicates that only if the CHOOZ angle θ13\theta_{13} is sizable, the solar angle θsol\theta_{sol} can deviate from the maximal mixing. We also infer the CP violation in neutrino oscillations. The leptonic Dirac CP phase δMNS\delta_{MNS} is predicted as sinδMNSAλ2η\sin \delta_{MNS} \simeq A \lambda^2 \eta, where A,λ,ηA, \lambda, \eta are the CKM parameters in Wolfenstein parametrization. Furthermore, we remark that the ratio of the Jarlskog CP violation factor for quarks and leptons is important, because the large uncertainty on η\eta is cancelled out in the ratio, RJJCKM/JMNS42Aλ35×102R_J \equiv J_{CKM}/J_{MNS} \simeq 4\sqrt{2} A \lambda^3 \simeq 5 \times 10^{-2}.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; v2 references added, v3 references adde

    Radiative Generation of the LMA Solution from Small Solar Neutrino Mixing at the GUT Scale

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    We show that in see-saw models with small or even vanishing lepton mixing angle θ12\theta_{12}, maximal θ23\theta_{23}, zero θ13\theta_{13} and zero CP phases at the GUT scale, the currently favored LMA solution of the solar neutrino problem can be obtained in a rather natural way by Renormalization Group effects. We find that most of the running takes place in the energy ranges above and between the see-saw scales, unless the charged lepton Yukawa couplings are large, which would correspond to a large tanβ\tan \beta in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The Renormalization Group evolution of the solar mixing angle θ12\theta_{12} is generically larger than the evolution of θ13\theta_{13} and θ23\theta_{23}. A large enhancement occurs for an inverted mass hierarchy and for a regular mass hierarchy with m2m1m2+m1|m_2 - m_1| \ll |m_2 + m_1|. We present numerical examples of the evolution of the lepton mixing angles in the Standard Model and the MSSM, in which the current best-fit values of the LMA mixing angles are produced with vanishing solar mixing angle θ12\theta_{12} at the GUT scale.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; reference added, minor changes in the text; results unchanged; final version to appear in JHE

    Neutrino Masses and Lepton-flavor-violating τ\tau Decays in the Supersymmetric Left-right Model

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    In the supersymmetric left-right model, the light neutrino masses are given by the Type-II seesaw mechanism. A duality property about this mechanism indicates that there exist eight possible Higgs triplet Yukawa couplings which result in the same neutrino mass matrix. In this paper, We work out the one-loop renormalization group equations for the effective neutrino mass matrix in the supersymmetric left-right model. The stability of the Type-II seesaw scenario is briefly discussed. We also study the lepton-flavor-violating processes (τμγ\tau\to \mu\gamma and τeγ\tau\to e\gamma) by using the reconstructed Higgs triplet Yukawa couplings

    Flavour structure and proton decay in 6D orbifold GUTs

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    We study proton decay in a supersymmetric {\sf SO(10)} gauge theory in six dimensions compactified on an orbifold. The dimension-5 proton decay operators are forbidden by R-symmetry, whereas the dimension-6 operators are enhanced due to the presence of KK towers. Three sequential quark-lepton families are localised at the three orbifold fixed points, where {\sf SO(10)} is broken to its three GUT subgroups. The physical quarks and leptons are mixtures of these brane states and additional bulk zero modes. This leads to a characteristic pattern of branching ratios in proton decay, in particular the suppression of the p\to \m^+K^0 mode.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Jeugdhulp en sport: : Samen voor een beter toekomstperspectief van kwetsbare jeugd

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    Ongeveer een op de tien mensen krijgt tijdens hun jeugd een vorm van jeugdhulp. Deze jongeren hebben te maken met een of meerdere uitdagingen die een gezonde toekomst in de weg staan. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan leer- of gedragsproblemen, een instabiele gezinssituatie of sociale druk van vrienden om het verkeerde pad op te gaan.Beleidsmakers en jeugdhulporganisaties proberen op verschillende manieren de ongelijkheid in toekomstperspectieven tussen jongeren te verkleinen. Steeds vaker denken zij daarbij aan de sportvereniging als een plek waar de genoemde sociaal kwetsbare jongeren zich positief kunnen ontwikkelen. Hoewel bekend is dat voor jeugd sportdeelname samenhangt met verschillende positieve uitkomsten (zie kader 1), is het onduidelijk of dit ook geldt voor kwetsbare jongeren. Wat betekent sportdeelname voor het toekomstperspectief van kwetsbare jongeren? Hoe geef je vorm aan een sportomgeving die kan bijdragen aan positieve sportervaringen? En wat is nodig voor een succesvolle samenwerking tussen jeugdhulporganisaties en sportverenigingen? Die vragen beantwoorden we in deze samenvatting van de bevindingen van vier jaar onderzoek naar jeugdhulp en sport

    Global fits to neutrino oscillation data

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    I summarize the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters within the three-flavor framework from world neutrino oscillation data with date of May 2006, including the first results from the MINOS long-baseline experiment. It is illustrated how the determination of the leading "solar" and "atmospheric" parameters, as well as the bound on θ13\theta_{13} emerge from an interplay of various complementary data sets. Furthermore, I discuss possible implications of sub-leading three-flavor effects in present atmospheric neutrino data induced by Δm212\Delta m^2_{21} and θ13\theta_{13} for the bound on θ13\theta_{13} and non-maximal values of θ23\theta_{23}, emphasizing, however, that these effects are not statistically significant at present. Finally, in view of the upcoming MiniBooNE results I briefly comment on the problem to reconcile the LSND signal.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, talk presented at the SNOW2006 workshop, Stockholm, 2-6 May 200