1,797 research outputs found

    Proposing "b-Parity" - a New Approximate Quantum Number in Inclusive b-jet Production - as an Efficient Probe of New Flavor Physics

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    We consider the inclusive reaction \ell^+ \ell^- -> nb +X (n = number of b-jets) in lepton colliders for which we propose a useful approximately conserved quantum number b_P=(-1)^n that we call b-Parity (b_P). We make the observation that the Standard Model (SM) is essentially b_P-even since SM b_P-violating signals are necessarily CKM suppressed. In contrast new flavor physics can produce b_P=-1 signals whose only significant SM background is due to b-jet misidentification. Thus, we show that b-jet counting, which relies primarily on b-tagging, becomes a very simple and sensitive probe of new flavor physics (i.e., of b_P-violation).Comment: 5 pages using revtex, 2 figures embadded in the text using epsfig. As will appear in Phys.Rev.Lett.. Considerable improvement was made in the background calculation as compared to version 1, by including purity parameters, QCD effects and 4-jets processe

    Efficiency at optimal work from finite reservoirs: a probabilistic perspective

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    We revisit the classic thermodynamic problem of maximum work extraction from two arbitrary sized hot and cold reservoirs, modelled as perfect gases. Assuming ignorance about the extent to which the process has advanced, which implies an ignorance about the final temperatures, we quantify the prior information about the process and assign a prior distribution to the unknown temperature(s). This requires that we also take into account the temperature values which are regarded to be unphysical in the standard theory, as they lead to a contradiction with the physical laws. Instead in our formulation, such values appear to be consistent with the given prior information and hence are included in the inference. We derive estimates of the efficiency at optimal work from the expected values of the final temperatures, and show that these values match with the exact expressions in the limit when any one of the reservoirs is very large compared to the other. For other relative sizes of the reservoirs, we suggest a weighting procedure over the estimates from two valid inference procedures, that generalizes the procedure suggested earlier in [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. {\bf 46}, 365002 (2013)]. Thus a mean estimate for efficiency is obtained which agrees with the optimal performance to a high accuracy.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Privacy and Fairness in Recommender Systems via Adversarial Training of User Representations

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    Latent factor models for recommender systems represent users and items as low dimensional vectors. Privacy risks of such systems have previously been studied mostly in the context of recovery of personal information in the form of usage records from the training data. However, the user representations themselves may be used together with external data to recover private user information such as gender and age. In this paper we show that user vectors calculated by a common recommender system can be exploited in this way. We propose the privacy-adversarial framework to eliminate such leakage of private information, and study the trade-off between recommender performance and leakage both theoretically and empirically using a benchmark dataset. An advantage of the proposed method is that it also helps guarantee fairness of results, since all implicit knowledge of a set of attributes is scrubbed from the representations used by the model, and thus can't enter into the decision making. We discuss further applications of this method towards the generation of deeper and more insightful recommendations.Comment: International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Method

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking through Mixing

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    We discuss a model, in which the negative mass square needed in the Higgs mechanism is generated by mixing with a heavy scalar. We have two scalar doublets in the standard model. Phenomenological properties of the heavy new scalar are discussed. The heavy scalar can be detected by the LHC.Comment: 4 page

    Property (T)(T) for noncommutative universal lattices

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    We establish a new spectral criterion for Kazhdan's property (T)(T) which is applicable to a large class of discrete groups defined by generators and relations. As the main application, we prove property (T)(T) for the groups ELn(R)EL_n(R), where n≥3n\geq 3 and RR is an arbitrary finitely generated associative ring. We also strengthen some of the results on property (T)(T) for Kac-Moody groups from a paper of Dymara and Januszkiewicz (Invent. Math 150 (2002)).Comment: 47 pages; final versio

    Online regenerator placement.

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    Connections between nodes in optical networks are realized by lightpaths. Due to the decay of the signal, a regenerator has to be placed on every lightpath after at most d hops, for some given positive integer d. A regenerator can serve only one lightpath. The placement of regenerators has become an active area of research during recent years, and various optimization problems have been studied. The first such problem is the Regeneration Location Problem (Rlp), where the goal is to place the regenerators so as to minimize the total number of nodes containing them. We consider two extreme cases of online Rlp regarding the value of d and the number k of regenerators that can be used in any single node. (1) d is arbitrary and k unbounded. In this case a feasible solution always exists. We show an O(log|X| ·logd)-competitive randomized algorithm for any network topology, where X is the set of paths of length d. The algorithm can be made deterministic in some cases. We show a deterministic lower bound of W([(log(|E|/d) ·logd)/(log(log(|E|/d) ·logd))])log(Ed)logdlog(log(Ed)logd) , where E is the edge set. (2) d = 2 and k = 1. In this case there is not necessarily a solution for a given input. We distinguish between feasible inputs (for which there is a solution) and infeasible ones. In the latter case, the objective is to satisfy the maximum number of lightpaths. For a path topology we show a lower bound of Öl/2l2 for the competitive ratio (where l is the number of internal nodes of the longest lightpath) on infeasible inputs, and a tight bound of 3 for the competitive ratio on feasible inputs

    New scalar resonances from sneutrino-Higgs mixing in supersymmetry with small lepton number (R-parity) violation

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    We consider new s-channel scalar exchanges in top quark and massive gauge-bosons pair production in e+e- collisions, in supersymmetry with a small lepton number violation. We show that a soft bilinear lepton number violating term in the scalar potential which mixes the Higgs and the slepton fields can give rise to a significant scalar resonance enhancement in e+e- -> ZZ, W+W- and in e+e- -> t t(bar). The sneutrino-Higgs mixed state couples to the incoming light leptons through its sneutrino component and to either the top quark or the massive gauge bosons through its Higgs component. Such a scalar resonance in these specific production channels cannot result from trilinear Yukawa-like R-parity violation alone, and may, therefore, stand as strong evidence for the existence of R-parity violating bilinears in the supersymmetric scalar potential. We use the LEP2 measurements of the WW and ZZ cross-sections to place useful constrains on this scenario, and investigate the expectations for the sensitivity of a future linear collider to these signals. We find that signals of these scalar resonances, in particular in top-pair production, are well within the reach of linear colliders in the small lepton number violation scenario.Comment: 22 pages in revtex, 10 figures embadded in the text using epsfi
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