286 research outputs found

    Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Model and Simulation of Attractive and Repulsive Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We describe a model of dynamic Bose-Einstein condensates near a Feshbach resonance that is computationally feasible under assumptions of spherical or cylindrical symmetry. Simulations in spherical symmetry approximate the experimentally measured time to collapse of an unstably attractive condensate only when the molecular binding energy in the model is correct, demonstrating that the quantum fluctuations and atom-molecule pairing included in the model are the dominant mechanisms during collapse. Simulations of condensates with repulsive interactions find some quantitative disagreement, suggesting that pairing and quantum fluctuations are not the only significant factors for condensate loss or burst formation. Inclusion of three-body recombination was found to be inconsequential in all of our simulations, though we do not consider recent experiments [1] conducted at higher densities

    Intrahepatisches Sarkom der follikulär-dendritischen Zellen

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    Zusammenfassung: Wir berichten über ein primär intrahepatisches Sarkom der follikulär-dendritischen Zellen, das bei einer 76-jährigen Patientin auf dem Boden eines Morbus Castleman vom hyalin-vaskulären Typ auftrat. Wir diskutieren die klinisch-pathologischen Befunde, die Pathogenese und das differenzialdiagnostische Vorgehen bei diesem seltenen Tumorty

    Method of lines solution to the transient SBS equations for nanosecond Stokes pulses

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    The spectral and temporal evolution of distributed sensing based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fibers for severalnanosecondStokes pulses is demonstrated by using the method of lines (MOL) solution of the transient SBS equations. A superbee fluxlimiter is utilized to avoid numerical damping and dispersion that would otherwise be brought on by the approximation of spatial derivativesassociated with the partial differential equations (PDEs). In order to increase computational efficiency, an approach is adopted wherebythe sparse PDE Jacobian matrix integrator option of the ODE solver(s) is employed. Simulation examples of SBS-based sensing for fiberscontaining sections with different Brillouin frequencies are presented. To the best of our knowledge, this MOL solution is proposed for thefirst time for modeling of the transient SBS equations for nanosecond Stokes pulses with different waveforms in a SBS based fiber opticsensor

    The pancreas responds to remote damage and systemic stress by secretion of the pancreatic secretory proteins PSP/regI and PAP/regIII.

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    In patients with infection and sepsis serum levels of Pancreatic Stone protein/regenerating protein I (PSP) are highly elevated. The origin of PSP during these conditions is presumably the pancreas, however, an intestinal origin cannot be excluded. Similarly, pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP) was identified in the pancreas. These proteins were also localized in intestinal organs. Here we aim to elucidate the bio-distribution of PSP and PAP in animal models of sepsis and in healthy humans. PSP and PAP responded to remote lesions in rats although the pancreatic response was much more pronounced than the intestinal. Tissue distribution of PSP demonstrated a 100-fold higher content in the pancreas compared to any other organ while PAP was most abundant in the small intestine. Both proteins responded to CLP or sham operation in the pancreas. PSP also increased in the intestine during CLP. The distribution of PSP and PAP in human tissue mirrored the distribution in the murine models. Distribution of PSP and PAP was visualized by immunohistochemistry. Rats and mice underwent midline laparotomies followed by mobilization of tissue and incision of the pancreatic duct or duodenum. Standard cecum-ligation-puncture (CLP) procedures or sham laparotomies were performed. Human tissue extracts were analyzed for PSP and PAP. The pancreas reacts to remote lesions and septic insults in mice and rats with increased PSP synthesis, while PAP is selectively responsive to septic events. Furthermore, our results suggest that serum PSP in septic patients is predominantly derived through an acute phase response of the pancreas

    Metabolic Changes in Skin Caused by Scd1 Deficiency: A Focus on Retinol Metabolism

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    We previously reported that mice with skin-specific deletion of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (Scd1) recapitulated the skin phenotype and hypermetabolism observed in mice with a whole-body deletion of Scd1. In this study, we first performed a diet-induced obesity experiment at thermoneutral temperature (33°C) and found that skin-specific Scd1 knockout (SKO) mice still remain resistant to obesity. To elucidate the metabolic changes in the skin that contribute to the obesity resistance and skin phenotype, we performed microarray analysis of skin gene expression in male SKO and control mice fed a standard rodent diet. We identified an extraordinary number of differentially expressed genes that support the previously documented histological observations of sebaceous gland hypoplasia, inflammation and epidermal hyperplasia in SKO mice. Additionally, transcript levels were reduced in skin of SKO mice for genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, elongation and desaturation, which may be attributed to decreased abundance of key transcription factors including SREBP1c, ChREBP and LXRα. Conversely, genes involved in cholesterol synthesis were increased, suggesting an imbalance between skin fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis. Unexpectedly, we observed a robust elevation in skin retinol, retinoic acid and retinoic acid-induced genes in SKO mice. Furthermore, SEB-1 sebocytes treated with retinol and SCD inhibitor also display an elevation in retinoic acid-induced genes. These results highlight the importance of monounsaturated fatty acid synthesis for maintaining retinol homeostasis and point to disturbed retinol metabolism as a novel contributor to the Scd1 deficiency-induced skin phenotype

    Distress, depression and coping in HLA-B27-associated anterior uveitis with focus on gender differences

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    Background/aims To evaluate depression, coping with disease and stress, and the subjective impression of distress and/or life events as triggers for recurrences in HLA-B27-associated anterior uveitis (B27-AU), with attention to gender-specific characteristics. Methods 171 patients with a history of B27-AU responded to a postal survey performed between January 2006 and April 2008 using standardised psychological questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory, Freiburg Questionnaire on Coping with Illness, and Stress Coping Inventory. Results Patients with B27-AU differed from healthy controls showing more depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory, 31.6%), applying characteristic disease coping as well as negative stress coping strategies. Female B27-AU patients tended to react with depression and male patients to use negative stress coping strategies. 57.9% of patients believed that psychological distress was a trigger for relapses, and 34.5% stated specific life events. Together, this group of patients achieved higher depression scores and used more negative disease and stress coping styles than patients without perception of distress. Conclusion Patients with B27-AU patients exhibited significant psychopathology concerning depression and disease coping. Distress and life events were subjectively suspected to be a trigger. By imparting knowledge to the patients on probable development of depressive moods and the role of stress/life events as trigger for relapses, as well as offering behaviour therapy to optimise coping, may help patients to cope better with B27-AU

    Intrahepatisches Sarkom der follikulär-dendritischen Zellen

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    Wir berichten über ein primär intrahepatisches Sarkom der follikulär-dendritischen Zellen, das bei einer 76-jährigen Patientin auf dem Boden eines Morbus Castleman vom hyalin-vaskulären Typ auftrat. Wir diskutieren die klinisch-pathologischen Befunde, die Pathogenese und das differenzialdiagnostische Vorgehen bei diesem seltenen Tumortyp = We report an intrahepatic sarcoma of the follicular dendritic cells in a 76-year-old woman with a medical history of a hyaline-vascular type of Castleman's disease. We discuss the clinico-pathological findings, the pathogenesis and the differential diagnosis of this rare tumour entity

    5-Formylcytosine can be a stable DNA modification in mammals.

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    5-Formylcytosine (5fC) is a rare base found in mammalian DNA and thought to be involved in active DNA demethylation. Here, we show that developmental dynamics of 5fC levels in mouse DNA differ from those of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), and using stable isotope labeling in vivo, we show that 5fC can be a stable DNA modification. These results suggest that 5fC has functional roles in DNA that go beyond being a demethylation intermediate.This work was supported by the Cancer Research UK (C14303/A17197, S.B.), The Wellcome Trust (WT099232, S.B.; WT095645/Z/11/Z, W.R.) and the BBSRC (BB/K010867/1, W.R.).This is the accepted manuscript. It is currently embargoed pending publication

    Caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in mice that constitutively overexpress Reg/PAP genes

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    BACKGROUND: The cystic fibrosis (CF) mouse pancreas has constitutively elevated expression of the Reg/PAP cell stress genes (60-fold greater Reg3α, and 10-fold greater PAP/Reg3β and Reg3γ). These genes are suggested to be involved in protection or recovery from pancreatic injury. METHODS: To test this idea the supramaximal caerulein model was used to induce acute pancreatitis in wild type and CF mice. Serum amylase, pancreatic water content (as a measure of edema), pancreatic myeloperoxidase activity, and Reg/PAP expression were quantified. RESULTS: In both wild type and CF mice caerulein induced similar elevations in serum amylase (maximal at 12 h), pancreatic edema (maximal at 7 h), and pancreatic myeloperoxidase activity (MPO, a marker of neutrophil infiltration; maximal at 7 h). By immunohistochemistry, Reg3α was strongly expressed in the untreated CF pancreas but not in wild type. During pancreatitis, Reg3α was intensely expressed in foci of inflamed tissue in both wild type and CF. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that the severity of caerulein-induced pancreatitis is not ameliorated in the CF mouse even though the Reg/PAP stress genes are already highly upregulated. While Reg/PAP may be protective they may also have a negative effect during pancreatitis due to their anti-apoptotic activity, which has been shown to increase the severity of pancreatitis