14 research outputs found

    Multivariate characterization of herbal drugs and rhizosphere soil samples according to their metallic content

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    Seven herbal drugs and corresponding rhizosphere soil samples from the plantation near Belgrade were analyzed for mineral content. Eleven metals (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd, Ca, K and Mg) were selected as chemical features/descriptors and analyzed by FAAS/FAES and ETAAS. In a chemometrics evaluation of investigated plants-soil system, univariate, as well as multivariate statistics methods were applied. Principal component analysis (PCA) allowed considerable reduction in a number of variables and the detection of structure in the relationships between metals that give complementary information about the relations and elemental patterns within plants-soil system. The power of chemometrics was also used in exploring the potential natural and/or anthropogenic sources responsible for metal content in both medicinal plants and soil samples. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to explore herbal drugs grouping according to corresponding soil samples as additional information to the output obtained by PCA. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.34th Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Sep 04-09, 2005, Univ Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgiu

    Il Comitato delle Regioni e la sua partecipazione alla definizione della politica di coesione dell'Unione Europea attraverso i fondi di sviluppo e investimento

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    Partendo da una ricostruzione storica riguardante il processo di integrazione regionale europea iniziato con il Trattato di Roma e culminato nel Trattato di Lisbona, questa disamina si propone di analizzare quali siano le sedi di compartecipazione regionale, in particolare il Comitato delle Regioni, e quali le loro competenze e il loro rilievo nella definizione delle politiche di coesione, con specifico riferimento agli strumenti di cooperazione e sviluppo regionale, tra cui i Fondi di Sviluppo. Alla luce dei recenti stravolgimenti che lā€™emergenza da Covid 19 ha causato sia allā€™economia che allā€™ordinario funzionamento delle istituzioni dellā€™Unione, inoltre, questo lavoro intende indagare in quale misura e con quali strumenti, gli enti regionali siano stati coinvolti nella definizione e allocazione dei fondi del Next Generation UE

    The influence of ethanol addition on excitation of aluminium in the argon stabilized d.c. arc

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    The effect of ethanol addition on the spectral line intensities of aluminium and excitation conditions in an argon stabilized d.c. are was investigated. In order to find optimal conditions for trace elements determination, some experimental parameters, important for analytical capabilities of this plasma source, such as current intensity, spectroscopic buffer concentration and concentration of ethanol in aqueous-ethanol mixtures, were determined. The influence of ethanol addition on the nebulization efficiency and physical properties of the mixtures analyzed was examined too. The increase in intensity of Al atomic line in the presence of ethanol in concentration up to 20 %, can be partly explained by higher nebulization efficiency. The other reason lies in the changes in the excitation and ionization processes, which was confirmed by the measurements of excitation temperature and electron number density.40th Hungarian Conference on Spectrochemistry, Jun 29-Jul 03, 1997, Lajos Kossuth Univ, Debrecen, Hungar

    Determination of metal traces in wine by argon stabilized d.c. arc

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    A spetroscopic method for the determination of metal traces (Mn, Cu, Fe) in wine has been developed based on argon stabilized d.c. are plasma at atmospheric pressure. The experimental conditions were optimized using lateral distributions of spectral line intensities of the trace elements in aqueous and ethanol-aqueous solutions. The method was applied to the analysis of 6 wines from 3 Serbian wine-growing regions. Direct and standard addition methods were tested. The precision of the method is characterized by a relative standard deviation of 0.50-3.00%. The accuracy of the method was assessed by flame AAS

    The influence of ethanol addition on the determination of trace elements in aqueous solutions by ICAP

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    The effect of the addition of ethanol to aqueous solutions of various trace elements (Ca, Cd, Mg, Cu and Ni) on their spectral line intensities in inductively coupled argon plasma (ICAP) was investigated. Using a relatively low ethanol content (up to 10%, v/v) an enhancement of both atomic and ionic lines was found but to a different extent. By optimization of experimental parameters, an improvement of the sensitivity of the multielemental analysis was obtained.XXIX Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale (CSI-XXIX), Aug 27-Sep 01, 1995, Leipzig, German