775 research outputs found

    Immobilization of proteases with a water soluble–insoluble reversible polymer for treatment of wool

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    A commercial protease, Esperase, was covalently linked to Eudragit S-100, a reversible soluble–insoluble polymer by carbodiimide coupling. When compared to the native enzyme, the immobilized form presented a lower specific activity towards high molecular weight substrates but a higher thermal stability at all temperatures tested. The optimum pH of the immobilized protease was shifted towards the alkaline side by about one pH unit while there was no change in optimum temperature between the free and immobilized protease. The immobilized protease exhibited a good storage stability and re-usability. Enzymatic treatment of wool using proteases has been investigated for wool shrink-resist finishing. It was found that using the immobilized protease in the enzymatic treatment of wool there was a reduction of weight and fibre tensile strength loss because the proteolytic attack is only limited to the cuticle surfaces of wool fibres. This novel approach is a promising alternative for wool shrink-resist finishing to replace the conventional chlorine treatments. This environmentally friendly bioprocess needs to be further characterized to a complete understanding and optimization

    Injectable PLGA based Colloidal Gels for Zero-order Dexamethasone Release in Cranial Defects

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    Bone fillers have emerged as an alternative to the invasive surgery often required to repair skeletal defects. Achieving controlled release from these materials is desired for accelerating healing. Here, oppositely-charged Poly (d,l-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles were used to create a cohesive colloidal gel as an injectable drug-loaded filler to promote healing in bone defects. The colloid self-assembled through electrostatic forces resulting in a stable 3-D network that may be extruded or molded to the desired shape. The colloidal gel demonstrated shear-thinning behavior due to the disruption of interparticle interactions as the applied shear force was increased. Once the external force was removed, the cohesive property of the colloidal gel was recovered. Similar reversibility and shear-thinning behavior were also observed in colloidal gels loaded with dexamethasone. Near zero-order dexamethasone release was observed over two months when the drug was encapsulated in PLGA nanoparticles and simply blending the drug with the colloidal gel showed similar kinetics for one month. Surgical placement was facilitated by the pseudoplastic material properties and in vivo observations demonstrated that the PLGA colloidal gels stimulated osteoconductive bone formation in rat cranial bone defects

    DynPeak : An algorithm for pulse detection and frequency analysis in hormonal time series

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    The endocrine control of the reproductive function is often studied from the analysis of luteinizing hormone (LH) pulsatile secretion by the pituitary gland. Whereas measurements in the cavernous sinus cumulate anatomical and technical difficulties, LH levels can be easily assessed from jugular blood. However, plasma levels result from a convolution process due to clearance effects when LH enters the general circulation. Simultaneous measurements comparing LH levels in the cavernous sinus and jugular blood have revealed clear differences in the pulse shape, the amplitude and the baseline. Besides, experimental sampling occurs at a relatively low frequency (typically every 10 min) with respect to LH highest frequency release (one pulse per hour) and the resulting LH measurements are noised by both experimental and assay errors. As a result, the pattern of plasma LH may be not so clearly pulsatile. Yet, reliable information on the InterPulse Intervals (IPI) is a prerequisite to study precisely the steroid feedback exerted on the pituitary level. Hence, there is a real need for robust IPI detection algorithms. In this article, we present an algorithm for the monitoring of LH pulse frequency, basing ourselves both on the available endocrinological knowledge on LH pulse (shape and duration with respect to the frequency regime) and synthetic LH data generated by a simple model. We make use of synthetic data to make clear some basic notions underlying our algorithmic choices. We focus on explaining how the process of sampling affects drastically the original pattern of secretion, and especially the amplitude of the detectable pulses. We then describe the algorithm in details and perform it on different sets of both synthetic and experimental LH time series. We further comment on how to diagnose possible outliers from the series of IPIs which is the main output of the algorithm.Comment: Nombre de pages : 35 ; Nombre de figures : 16 ; Nombre de tableaux :

    Excitation of nightside magnetosonic waves observedby Van Allen Probes

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    Abstract During the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storm on 30-31 March 2013, Van Allen Probe A detected enhanced magnetosonic (MS) waves in a broad range of L = 1.8-4.7 and magnetic local time (MLT) = 17-22 h, with a frequency range ∼10-100 Hz. In the meanwhile, distinct proton ring distributions with peaks at energies of ∼10 keV, were also observed in L = 3.2-4.6 and L = 5.0-5.6. Using a subtracted bi-Maxwellian distribution to model the observed proton ring distribution, we perform three-dimensional ray tracing to investigate the instability, propagation, and spatial distribution of MS waves. Numerical results show that nightside MS waves are produced by proton ring distribution and grow rapidly from the source location L = 5.6 to the location L = 5.0 but remain nearly stable at locations L \u3c 5.0. Moreover, waves launched toward lower L shells with different initial azimuthal angles propagate across different MLT regions with divergent paths at first, then gradually turn back toward higher L shells and propagate across different MLT regions with convergent paths. The current results further reveal that MS waves are generated by a ring distribution of ∼10 keV proton and proton ring in one region can contribute to the MS wave power in another region. Key Points: Correlated Van Allen Probe data of MS wave and proton ringGrowth rates are peaked at the harmonics of the proton gyrofrequencyMS waves propagate inward divergently and outward convergently

    Van Allen Probes observations linking radiation belt electrons to chorus waves during 2014 multiple storms

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    Abstract During 18 February to 2 March 2014, the Van Allen Probes encountered multiple geomagnetic storms and simultaneously observed intensified chorus and hiss waves. During this period, there were substantial enhancements in fluxes of energetic (53.8–108.3 keV) and relativistic (2–3.6 MeV) electrons. Chorus waves were excited at locations L = 4–6.2 after the fluxes of energetic were greatly enhanced, with a lower frequency band and wave amplitudes ∼20–100 pT. Strong hiss waves occurred primarily in the main phases or below the location L = 4 in the recovery phases. Relativistic electron fluxes decreased in the main phases due to the adiabatic (e.g., the magnetopause shadowing) or nonadiabatic (hiss-induced scattering) processes. In the recovery phases, relativistic electron fluxes either increased in the presence of enhanced chorus or remained unchanged in the absence of strong chorus or hiss. The observed relativistic electron phase space density peaked around L∗ = 4.5, characteristic of local acceleration. This multiple-storm period reveals a typical picture that chorus waves are excited by the energetic electrons at first and then produce efficient acceleration of relativistic electrons. This further demonstrates that the interplay between both competing mechanisms of chorus-driven acceleration and hiss-driven scattering often occurs in the outer radiation belts

    E2F1 Suppresses Oxidative Metabolism and Endothelial Differentiation of Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells

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    RATIONALE: The majority of current cardiovascular cell therapy trials use bone marrow progenitor cells (BM PCs) and achieve only modest efficacy; the limited potential of these cells to differentiate into endothelial-lineage cells is one of the major barriers to the success of this promising therapy. We have previously reported that the E2F transcription factor 1 (E2F1) is a repressor of revascularization after ischemic injury. OBJECTIVE: We sought to define the role of E2F1 in the regulation of BM PC function. METHODS AND RESULTS: Ablation of E2F1 (E2F1 deficient) in mouse BM PCs increases oxidative metabolism and reduces lactate production, resulting in enhanced endothelial differentiation. The metabolic switch in E2F1-deficient BM PCs is mediated by a reduction in the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2; overexpression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 reverses the enhancement of oxidative metabolism and endothelial differentiation. Deletion of E2F1 in the BM increases the amount of PC-derived endothelial cells in the ischemic myocardium, enhances vascular growth, reduces infarct size, and improves cardiac function after myocardial infarction. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a novel mechanism by which E2F1 mediates the metabolic control of BM PC differentiation, and strategies that inhibit E2F1 or enhance oxidative metabolism in BM PCs may improve the effectiveness of cell therapy

    Structures of heat shock factor trimers bound to DNA

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    Summary: Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) and 2 (HSF2) play distinct but overlapping regulatory roles in maintaining cellular proteostasis or mediating cell differentiation and development. Upon activation, both HSFs trimerize and bind to heat shock elements (HSEs) present in the promoter region of target genes. Despite structural insights gained from recent studies, structures reflecting the physiological architecture of this transcriptional machinery remains to be determined. Here, we present co-crystal structures of human HSF1 and HSF2 trimers bound to DNA, which reveal a triangular arrangement of the three DNA-binding domains (DBDs) with protein-protein interactions largely mediated by the wing domain. Two structural properties, different flexibility of the wing domain and local DNA conformational changes induced by HSF binding, seem likely to contribute to the subtle differential specificity between HSF1 and HSF2. Besides, two more structures showing DBDs bound to “two-site” head-to-head HSEs were determined as additions to the published tail-to-tail dimer-binding structures

    Exploring Spirituality in Teaching Within a Christian School Context Through Collaborative Action Research

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    This article reports on a collaborative action research project conducted in New Zealand, during 2012, exploring spirituality in teaching within a Christian school context. The experienced primary school teacher participant chose to take action around the issue of personal fear and insecurity which were believed to be hindering professional growth and relationships. Through self-directed inquiry, critical reflective journaling, Bible study, fellowship and prayer with trusted friends, the teacher experienced a renewed sense of peace and freedom in Christ. This personal transformation was believed to be influential on subsequent professional practice, assisting the teacher to become more relational, responsive and compassionate. The findings provide a rich description of the participant’s spirituality, the lived reality of a person’s spiritual life. This report will be of interest to teachers, teacher-leaders and teacher-educators who desire to explore Christian spirituality through practitioner-led inquiry