188 research outputs found

    Planetary Nebulae as a Probe of the Local Group Galaxies Evolution

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    We present the latest results from our study of PNe and HII regions in two Local Group dwarf irregular galaxies IC 10 and NGC 682

    [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 and X-ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Hard X-ray Selected AGNs in the Local Universe

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    We study the correlation between the [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 and X-ray luminosities of local Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), using a complete, hard X-ray (>10>10 keV) selected sample in the Swift/BAT 9-month catalog. From our optical spectroscopic observations at the South African Astronomical Observatory and the literature, a catalog of [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 line flux for all 103 AGNs at Galactic latitudes of b>15|b|>15^\circ is complied. Significant correlations with intrinsic X-ray luminosity (LXL_{\rm X}) are found both for observed (L[O III]L_{\rm [O~III]}) and extinction-corrected (L[O III]corL_{\rm [O~III]}^{\rm cor}) luminosities, separately for X-ray unabsorbed and absorbed AGNs. We obtain the regression form of L[O III]L_{\rm [O~III]} L210  keV1.18±0.07\propto L_{\rm 2-10\; keV}^{1.18\pm0.07} and L[O III]corL_{\rm [O~III]}^{\rm cor} L210  keV1.16±0.09\propto L_{\rm 2-10\; keV}^{1.16\pm0.09} from the whole sample. The absorbed AGNs with low (<<0.5\%) scattering fractions in soft X-rays show on average smaller L[O III]/LXL_{\rm [O~III]}/L_{\rm X} and L[O III]cor/LXL_{\rm [O~III]}^{\rm cor}/L_{\rm X} ratios than the other absorbed AGNs, while those in edge-on host galaxies do not. These results suggest that a significant fraction of this population are buried in tori with small opening angles. By using these L[O III]L_{\rm [O~III]} vs. LXL_{\rm X} correlations, the X-ray luminosity function of local AGNs (including Compton thick AGNs) in a standard population synthesis model gives much better agreement with the [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 luminosity function derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey than previously reported. This confirms that hard X-ray observations are a very powerful tool to find AGNs with high completeness.Comment: 14 pages including 11 figures and 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. In this manuscript, the observed 14-195 keV luminosities in Table 1 have been corrected to be exactly the same as in the original Swift/BAT 9-month catalog. Accordingly, Figures 2(a) and 3(a) and a part of Tables 2 and 3 have been updated. The changes from the previous version are small and do not affect the tex

    The metallicity extremes of the Sagittarius dSph using SALT spectroscopy of PNe

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    In this work we present the first spectroscopic results obtained with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) telescope during its perfomance-verification phase. We find that the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr) Sgr contains a youngest stellar population with [O/H] -0.2 and age t>1 Gyr, and an oldest population with [O/H]=-2.0. The values are based on spectra of two planetary nebulae (PNe), using empirical abundance determinations. We calculated abundances for O, N, Ne, Ar, S, Cl, Fe, C and He. We confirm the high abundances of PN StWr2-21 with 12+log(O/H) = 8.57+/-0.02 dex. The other PN studied, BoBn1, is an extraordinary object in that the neon abundance exceeds that of oxygen. The abundances of S, Ar and Cl in BoBn1 yield the original stellar metallicity, corresponding to 12+log(O/H) = 6.72+/-0.16 dex which is 1/110 of the solar value. The actual [O/H] is much higher: third dredge-up enriched the material by a factor of ~12 in oxygen, ~240 in nitrogen and ~70 in neon. Neon as well as nitrogen and oxygen content may have been produced in the intershell of low-mass AGB stars. Well defined broad WR lines are present in the spectrum of StWr2-21 and absent in the spectrum of BoBn1. This puts the fraction of [WR]-type central PNe stars to 67% for dSph galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRA

    HS 2134+0400 - new very metal-poor galaxy, a representative of void population?

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    We present the SAO 6m telescope spectroscopy of a blue compact galaxy (BCG) HS 2134+0400 discovered in frame of the dedicated Hamburg/SAO survey for Low Metallicity BCGs (HSS-LM). Its very low abundance of oxygen (12+log(O/H) = 7.44), as well as other heavy elements (S, N, Ne, Ar), assigns this dwarf galaxy to the group of BCGs with the lowest metal content. There are only eight that low metallicity among several thousand known BCGs in the nearby Universe. The abundance ratios for the heavy elements (S/O, Ne/O, N/O, and Ar/O) are well consistent with the typical values of other very metal-poor BCGs. The global environment of HS 2134+0400 is atypical of the majority of BCGs. The object falls within the Pegasus void, the large volume with the very low density of galaxies with the normal (M_B* = -19.6) or high luminosity. Since we found in voids a dozen more the very metal-poor galaxies, we discuss the hypothesis that such objects can be representative of a substantial fraction of the void dwarf galaxy population.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 tables and 2 postscript figures. Submitted to Astronomy Letter

    SBS 0335-052W - an Extremely Low Metallicity Dwarf Galaxy

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    We present Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) and Keck II telescope spectrophotometry and 3.5m Calar Alto telescope R, I photometry of the western component of the extremely low-metallicity blue compact galaxy SBS 0335-052. The components, separated by 22 kpc, appear to be members of a unique, physically connected system. It is shown that SBS 0335-052W consists of at least three stellar clusters and has the same redshift as SBS 0335-052. The oxygen abundance in its two brightest knots is extremely low, 12+log(O/H)= 7.22+/-0.03 and 7.13+/-0.08, respectively. These values are lower than in SBS 0335-052 and are nearly the same as those in I Zw 18. The (R-I) color profiles are very blue in both galaxies due to the combined effects of ionized gas and a young stellar population emission. We argue that SBS 0335-052W is likely to be a nearby, young dwarf galaxy.Comment: 18 pages, 4 EPS figures, to appear in ApJ, 1 July 199

    UVES observations of QSO 0000-2620: Argon and Phosphorus abundances in the dust-free damped Ly-alpha system at zabs = 3.3901

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    The UV resonance transitions of neutral argon ArI 1066 A, and of singly ionized phosphorus PII 963 A, originated in the damped Ly_alpha system (DLA) at zabs = 3.3901 towards QSO 0000--2620 have been detected by means of the UVES spectrograph at the 8.2m ESO KUEYEN telescope. So far, this is the first measurement of ArI, and the second of PII, ever performed in damped galaxies and in high redshift objects. This DLA is well known for having one of the lowest metal abundances and dust content, and the lowest fractional abundance of molecular hydrogen H_2. The measured Ar abundance is [Ar/H] = - 1.91 (+/- 0.09) which is equal to the abundances of the other alpha-chain elements (O, S and Si). The similarity of the Ar abundance with the other alpha-chain elements implies the absence of significant photoionization by either UV background or stellar sources along the sightline throughout the damped Ly_alpha system. Both log(Ar/O) and log(Ar/S) ratios are found close to those measured in the extragalactic HII regions and in blue compact galaxies where O is more abundant by at least one order of magnitude. This strengthens the universality of the Ar/O and Ar/S ratios and lends support to the existence of a universal IMF. The abundance of the non-refractory element phosphorus [P/H] = - 2.31 (+/- 0.10) confirms the low amount of chemical evolution in the DLA. This is the measurement of P in the most metal-poor material and shows a subsolar [P/Fe] = --0.27 value. The measured ratios [P/Si] = - 0.40 (+/- 0.13) and [P/S] = - 0.33 (+/- 0.13) provide evidence for a mild odd-even effect. Finally, a stringent upper limit to the population of the 3P_1 level in the ground state of OI is derived, which provides a lower limit to the physical dimensions of the zabs = 3.3901 system of L > 7 pc.Comment: Accepted Ap