2,843 research outputs found

    The contribution of the higher education institution for the qualified workforce

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    Covering the different employers sectors of the Northern region of Portugal, namely in the NUT III of Alto Tâmega, Tâmega e Sousa, Terras de Trás-os-Montes and Douro and focusing in particular on the higher education offered by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, the present research aimed to know the means and practices of recruitment and selection of graduates, and respective soft skills recognized by the enterprises for their body management. For this purpose, two surveys were run, one applied to entrepreneurs in the region under study, and another to the graduates. In total, 172 questionnaires were collected, 92 by enterprises and 80 by graduates. Regarding to the results obtained, it is generally accepted that they are favourable from the point of view of the employer and the graduate. The organizational practice of recruiting graduates; both monthly remuneration and professional training are shown to be consensual regarding flexibilisation and precariousness. It should also be noted that both companies and graduates have stated a shortage of soft skills. It was verified that although there is already some proximity between the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the market labour, it can adopt: measures to improve and adapt education to the labour market; such as establishing connection and/or cooperation with companies in the region; the promotion of internships during undergraduate courses; regularly assess the adequacy of graduations to the labour market and encourage and promote the entrepreneurship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of formulation effects in the dissolution of ibuprofen pellets

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    In this work the effects of citric acid and of two common fillers, lactose (soluble) and tricalcium phosphate (insoluble) are examined on the release profiles from pellets, using ibuprofen as a model drug with pH-dependent solubility. Also studied is the dependence of these profiles on the specific surface area, bulk density, apparent density, porosity and porosity parameters (pore size distribution, total pore surface area, mean pore diameter and pore shape), as determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry. Pellets with high porosity and total pore surface area but small median pore diameter (tricalcium phosphate pellets--IPM) are found to produce similar dissolution results to those of low porosity and low total pore surface area, but having a high median pore diameter (lactose pellets--ILM), irrespective of the solubility of excipients. Addition of citric acid causes a delay in the initial dissolution for both formulations. During dissolution, however, citric acid reduces the median pore diameter of lactose-based pellets. In contrast, in tricalcium phosphate/citric acid pellets (CIPM), this parameter increases considerably during dissolution, when compared to the IPM formulation. These findings may justify the contrasting dissolution behaviors of CIPM and CILM (lactose/citric acid) pellets, after their common behavior in the initial stages, and show that porosity and its related parameters, along with physical properties of excipients such as solubility, density and specific surface area, are helpful to predict pellet behavior in drug release profiles.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T7W-4B54142-4/1/d88c9200d18c56a3a1d6f0d0eb11578

    The electromagnetic effects in Ke4K_{e4} decay

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    The final state interaction of pions in Ke4K_{e4} decay allows one to obtain the value of the isospin and angular momentum zero ππ\pi\pi scattering length a00a_0^0.We take into account the electromagnetic interaction of pions and isospin symmetry breaking effects caused by different masses of neutral and charged pions and estimate the impact of these effects on the procedure of scattering length extraction from Ke4K_{e4} decay.Comment: 8 pages,1 figur

    UHPLC-DAD-MSn analysis of phenolic compounds bioavailability throughout in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion

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    Phenolic compounds, one of the most widely distributed and structural diverse plant secondary metabolites families, have been the focus of several studies due to their vast range of biological activities (such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and/or antiproliferative). Since they are commonly present in human diet, phenolic compounds could be responsible for human health beneficial effects, preventing some disorders. Notwithstanding, these health effects are strictly dependent on their bioavailability, which consists in the amount of each ingested compound that reaches the target tissue where it can have a promising biological effect. Therefore, compound’s structure, human enzymatic activity and gut microbiota are some of the numerous factors that influenced phenolic compounds bioavailability, and consequently their human health beneficial effects.In this vein, the bioavailability of phenolic compounds from different classes, particularly, flavonols (rutin), flavanones (naringenin and naringin), dihydrochalcones (phloretin) and tannin monomeric units (phloroglucinol), were evaluated in an in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion and further analyzed and quantified through ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection and coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-DAD-MSn). Most of them showed a bioavailability >70% in intestinal digestion phase and seemed to be absorbed, reaching the systemic circulation. Thus, these results could be a future remark to evaluate the human health effects of promising phenolic compounds combination, or of plant-based extracts with a similar composition or even extracts enriched with them.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O contributo do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança para a mão-de-obra qualificada

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    Abrangendo os diferentes sectores empregadores da região Norte de Portugal, nomeadamente na NUT III de Alto Tâmega, Tâmega e Sousa, Terras de Trás-os-Montes e Douro e centrando-se, em especial, na formação superior conferida pelo Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, a presente investigação pretendeu conhecer, os meios e práticas de recrutamento e seleção de diplomados, e respetivas competências transversais reconhecidos pelas empresas para os seus quadros superiores. Para tal, foram aplicados dois inquéritos por questionário; um aplicado aos empresários da região em estudo, e um outro aplicado aos diplomados. No total validaram-se 172 questionários, 92 por parte dos empresários e 80 por parte dos diplomados. Este trabalho de investigação foi realizado com referência ao período compreendido entre 2010 e 2015. Sendo o objetivo principal do estudo avaliar a resposta do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, na perspetiva do empregador, como formador de mão-de-obra qualificada nas necessidades das empresas da região, e atendendo aos resultados obtidos, pode concluir-se, de um modo geral, que os mesmos são favoráveis do ponto de vista do empregador e do diplomado. Relativamente à prática organizacional de contratação de diplomados, tanto para os indicadores da remuneração mensal, como da formação profissional se mostram consensuais no que diz respeito à flexibilização e precariedade, de notar ainda que tanto as empresas como os diplomados afirmaram escassez de competências transversais. Ainda, em resposta ao objetivo principal do estudo, verificou-se que apesar de já existir alguma proximidade entre o Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e o tecido empresarial, este poderá adotar medidas para melhorar e adequar o ensino ao mercado de trabalho, como por exemplo estabelecer uma ligação e/ou cooperação com empresas da região; a promoção de estágios ao longo das licenciaturas; avaliar regularmente a adequação das graduações ao mercado de trabalho e incentivar ao empreendedorismo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O contributo do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança para a mão-de-obra qualificada

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    Abrangendo os diferentes sectores empregadores da região Norte de Portugal, nomeadamente na NUT III de Alto Tâmega, Tâmega e Sousa, Terras de Trás-os-Montes e Douro e centrando-se, em especial, na formação superior conferida pelo Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, a presente investigação pretendeu conhecer, os meios e práticas de recrutamento e seleção de diplomados, e respetivas competências transversais reconhecidos pelas empresas para os seus quadros superiores. Para tal, foram aplicados dois inquéritos por questionário; um aplicado aos empresários da região em estudo, e um outro aplicado aos diplomados. No total validaram-se 172 questionários, 92 por parte dos empresários e 80 por parte dos diplomados. Este trabalho de investigação foi realizado com referência ao período compreendido entre 2010 e 2015. Sendo o objetivo principal do estudo avaliar a resposta do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, na perspetiva do empregador, como formador de mão-de-obra qualificada nas necessidades das empresas da região, e atendendo aos resultados obtidos, pode concluir-se, de um modo geral, que os mesmos são favoráveis do ponto de vista do empregador e do diplomado. Relativamente à prática organizacional de contratação de diplomados, tanto para os indicadores da remuneração mensal, como da formação profissional se mostram consensuais no que diz respeito à flexibilização e precariedade, de notar ainda que tanto as empresas como os diplomados afirmaram escassez de competências transversais. Ainda, em resposta ao objetivo principal do estudo, verificou-se que apesar de já existir alguma proximidade entre o Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e o tecido empresarial, este poderá adotar medidas para melhorar e adequar o ensino ao mercado de trabalho, como por exemplo estabelecer uma ligação e/ou cooperação com empresas da região; a promoção de estágios ao longo das licenciaturas; avaliar regularmente a adequação das graduações ao mercado de trabalho e incentivar ao empreendedorismo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Refining the scalar and tensor contributions in τπππντ\tau\to \pi\pi\pi\nu_\tau decays

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    In this article we analyze the contribution from intermediate spin-0 and spin-2 resonances to the τνπππ\tau\to\nu \pi\pi\pi decay by means of a chiral invariant Lagrangian incorporating these mesons. In particular, we study the corresponding axial-vector form-factors. The advantage of this procedure with respect to previous analyses is that it incorporates chiral (and isospin) invariance and, hence, the partial conservation of the axial-vector current. This ensures the recovery of the right low-energy limit, described by chiral perturbation theory, and the transversality of the current in the chiral limit at all energies. Furthermore, the meson form-factors are further improved by requiring appropriate QCD high-energy conditions. We end up with a brief discussion on its implementation in the Tauola Monte Carlo and the prospects for future analyses of Belle's data.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures. Extended discussion on the numerical importance of the tensor and scalar resonances and the parametrization of the scalar propagator. Version published in JHE

    The isospin symmetry breaking effects in Ke4K_{e4} decays

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    The Fermi-Watson theorem is generalized to the case of two coupled channels with different masses and applied to final state interaction in Ke4K_{e4} decays. The impact of considered effect on the phase of the ππ\pi\pi scattering is estimated and shown that it can be crucial for scattering lengths extraction from experimental data on Ke4K_{e4} decays