662 research outputs found

    Radial Velocity along the Voyager 1 Trajectory: The Effect of Solar Cycle

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    As Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are approaching the heliopause (HP)—the boundary between the solar wind (SW) and the local interstellar medium (LISM)—we expect new, unknown features of the heliospheric interface to be revealed. A seeming puzzle reported recently by Krimigis et al. concerns the unusually low, even negative, radial velocity components derived from the energetic ion distribution. Steady-state plasma models of the inner heliosheath (IHS) show that the radial velocity should not be equal to zero even at the surface of the HP. Here we demonstrate that the velocity distributions observed by Voyager 1 are consistent with time-dependent simulations of the SW-LISM interaction. In this Letter, we analyze the results from a numerical model of the large-scale heliosphere that includes solar cycle effects. Our simulations show that prolonged periods of low to negative radial velocity can exist in the IHS at substantial distances from the HP. It is also shown that Voyager 1 was more likely to observe such regions than Voyager 2

    Quantum Electrodynamics at Extremely Small Distances

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    The asymptotics of the Gell-Mann - Low function in QED can be determined exactly, \beta(g)= g at g\to\infty, where g=e^2 is the running fine structure constant. It solves the problem of pure QED at small distances L and gives the behavior g\sim L^{-2}.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, 1 figure include

    Quantum effects for ballistic transport in spintronic devices

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    Recent fabrication of atomic precision nanodevices for spintronics greatly boosted their performance and also revealed new interesting features, as oscillating magnetoresistance with number of atomic layers in a multilayered structure. This motivates the need to go beyond the usual theoretical approach of semi-classical continuous layers. Here the simple tight-binding dynamics is used to describe quantum conduction in a multicomponent system with spin-polarized electrodes separated by an ultrathin and atomically coherent non-magnetic spacer (either metallic or insulating). A possibility is indicated for obtaining a huge resonant enhancement of magnetoresistance in such device by a special choice of gate voltage on the spacer element.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Probing the Edge of the Solar System: Formation of an Unstable Jet-Sheet

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    The Voyager spacecraft is now approaching the edge of the solar system. Near the boundary between the solar system and the interstellar medium we find that an unstable ``jet-sheet'' forms. The jet-sheet oscillates up and down due to a velocity shear instability. This result is due to a novel application of a state-of-art 3D Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code with a highly refined grid. We assume as a first approximation that the solar magnetic and rotation axes are aligned. The effect of a tilt of the magnetic axis with respect to the rotation axis remains to be seen. We include in the model self-consistently magnetic field effects in the interaction between the solar and interstellar winds. Previous studies of this interaction had poorer spatial resolution and did not include the solar magnetic field. This instability can affect the entry of energetic particles into the solar system and the intermixing of solar and interstellar material. The same effect found here is predicted for the interaction of rotating magnetized stars possessing supersonic winds and moving with respect to the interstellar medium, such as O stars.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Specifics of impurity effects in ferropnictide superconductors

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    Effects of impurities and disorder on quasiparticle spectrum in superconducting iron pnictides are considered. Possibility for occurrence of localized energy levels due to impurities within the superconducting gap and the related modification of band structure and of superconducting order parameter are discussed. The evolution of superconducting state with impurity doping is traced.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Origin of four-fold anisotropy in square lattices of circular ferromagnetic dots

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    We discuss the four-fold anisotropy of in-plane ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) field HrH_r, found in a square lattice of circular Permalloy dots when the interdot distance aa gets comparable to the dot diameter dd. The minimum HrH_r, along the lattice axes,andthemaximum,alongthe axes, and the maximum, along the axes, differ by \sim 50 Oe at a/da/d = 1.1. This anisotropy, not expected in uniformly magnetized dots, is explained by a non-uniform magnetization \bm(\br) in a dot in response to dipolar forces in the patterned magnetic structure. It is well described by an iterative solution of a continuous variational procedure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex, details of analytic calculation and new references are adde

    Dark-Colored Forest Bee Apis mellifera in Siberia, Russia: Current State and Conservation of Populations

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    A comprehensive research of two dark-colored forest bee populations in Siberia, identified during a screening study, was conducted using morphometric and molecular genetic methods. The first population is an isolated Yenisei population located in the taiga zone in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on which bees have not been imported for a long time (50–60 years). The second population is located in the northern areas of the Tomsk region, where beekeeping is more developed. All studied bees had a variant PQQ of the COI–COII mtDNA locus. However, some morphometric parameters of some bee colonies deviated from the Apis mellifera mellifera standard, which is probably due to the features of population formation. As a result of the analysis of the variability of 18 microsatellite loci, possible potential DNA markers specific for determining the bee subspecies and/or ecotypes of the dark-colored forest bee have been identified. An algorithm for the search and a comprehensive study of the dark-colored forest bee are proposed