22 research outputs found

    Subarcsecond mid-infrared imaging of dust in the bipolar nebula Hen 3-401

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    We present high-resolution, nearly diffraction-limited narrow- and broadband mid-IR images of bipolar reflection nebula Hen 3-401. The deconvolved images yield a pixel-limited spatial resolution of 0″.09, demonstrating the superior imaging quality of the Gemini telescope. The infrared image of Hen 3-401 consists of a prominent core region of size 1″ and extended emissions along the walls of the bipolar lobes. We find that the distribution of aromatic infrared band (AIB) emission is different from that of the continuum emission and that the star has undergone multiple ejection of the AIB emission feature carrier at the end stages of its evolution. From the observed temperature gradient in the core, we suggest that the core has a flared disk geometry. © 2006. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.published_or_final_versio

    Breast cancer nutritional chemistry cachexia oncology – A clinical trials perspective

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    1369-1371Breast cancer is the second largest killer disease among women globally. Annually approximately 48,000 women die of breast cancer. Breast cancer patients are at high risk of developing malnutrition from the underlying disease as well as from various drug regimen, chemotherapy and or radiotherapy interventions. As we work for personalized medicine for breast cancer, a personalized nutrition for breast cancer patients is much needed for their wellbeing both physiologically and psychologically. Most rather than all, of the treatment regimens possesses a concourse of side effects. An effective personalized nutritional therapy during and after cancer treatment leads to better quality of life for the breast cancer patients. Clinical trials are pivotal for any recommendations to be used at the commercial level upon approval of Food & Drug Administration. Several clinical trials have been carried out and many are now undertaken to come up with a significant upshot conclusion based on primary and secondary outcomes to show the after effects of particular nutrient supplements by increasing the overall survival or any other physiological upregulated / downregulated manifestation leading for a disease free survival. Docosahexaenoic acid and glutamine nutritional supplement has been reported to have beneficial effect for breast cancer patients in different clinical trials

    Breast cancer nutritional chemistry cachexia oncology – A clinical trials perspective

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    Breast cancer is the second largest killer disease among women globally. Annually approximately 48,000 women die of breast cancer. Breast cancer patients are at high risk of developing malnutrition from the underlying disease as well as from various drug regimen, chemotherapy and or radiotherapy interventions. As we work for personalized medicine for breast cancer, a personalized nutrition for breast cancer patients is much needed for their wellbeing both physiologically and psychologically. Most rather than all, of the treatment regimens possesses a concourse of side effects. An effective personalized nutritional therapy during and after cancer treatment leads to better quality of life for the breast cancer patients. Clinical trials are pivotal for any recommendations to be used at the commercial level upon approval of Food & Drug Administration. Several clinical trials have been carried out and many are now undertaken to come up with a significant upshot conclusion based on primary and secondary outcomes to show the after effects of particular nutrient supplements by increasing the overall survival or any other physiological upregulated / downregulated manifestation leading for a disease free survival. Docosahexaenoic acid and glutamine nutritional supplement has been reported to have beneficial effect for breast cancer patients in different clinical trials

    Methyl Parathion Detection Using SnS2/N SCo-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite

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    Sub-arcsec mid-IR imaging of OH 231.8+4.2

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    We present 0.18″ resolution mid-infrared images of OH231.8+4.2 using the Gemini South telescope. The images show a, bright central core of ∼1″ in size, with extended emissions in the lobes. We find evidence for different chemical composition of the dust in the core and the lobes from the narrow-band images. © 2006 International Astronomical Union.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Molecular hydrogen jets, filaments, and haloes in planetary nebulae

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    We present deep H2 images of planetary nebulae obtained with the CHFTIR camera of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Molecular hydrogen emissions are seen in the equatorial torus, bipolar lobes, as well as in extended haloes. Radial equatorial jets are also detected in a number of bipolar nebulae. © 2006 International Astronomical Union.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    The molecular envelope of the red supergiant VY CMa

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    Millimeter and submillimeter interferometry allows to probe the environment around evolved massive stars, where optical and NIR studies might be severely limited by large extinctions due to dusty environments. We present here the morphology and kinematics of the molecular envelope around the red supergiant star VY CMa. We have used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to map the 12CO(J=2-1) line and 1.3 mm continuum emissions with an unprecedent resolution of < 2" or 3000 AU. While the line emission presents a roughly circular shape with a radius of ∼ 6000 AU, the velocity structure is markedly different from that of a simple spherically expanding shell. In particular, there is a significant velocity gradient in the East-West direction, confirming the presence of a bipolar outflow. © 2006 International Astronomical Union.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Breast cancer nutritional chemistry cachexia oncology - A clinical trials perspective

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    Breast cancer is the second largest killer disease among women globally. Annually approximately 48,000 women die of breast cancer. Breast cancer patients are at high risk of developing malnutrition from the underlying disease as well as from various drug regimen, chemotherapy and or radiotherapy interventions. As we work for personalized medicine for breast cancer, a personalized nutrition for breast cancer patients is much needed for their wellbeing both physiologically and psychologically. Most rather than all, of the treatment regimens possesses a concourse of side effects. An effective personalized nutritional therapy during and after cancer treatment leads to better quality of life for the breast cancer patients. Clinical trials are pivotal for any recommendations to be used at the commercial level upon approval of Food & Drug Administration. Several clinical trials have been carried out and many are now undertaken to come up with a significant upshot conclusion based on primary and secondary outcomes to show the after effects of particular nutrient supplements by increasing the overall survival or any other physiological upregulated / downregulated manifestation leading for a disease free survival. Docosahexaenoic acid and glutamine nutritional supplement has been reported to have beneficial effect for breast cancer patients in different clinical trials