211 research outputs found

    Magnetic structure of Yb2Pt2Pb: Ising moments on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice.

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    Neutron diffraction measurements were carried out on single crystals and powders of Yb2Pt2Pb, where Yb moments form two interpenetrating planar sublattices of orthogonal dimers, a geometry known as Shastry-Sutherland lattice, and are stacked along the c axis in a ladder geometry. Yb2Pt2Pb orders antiferromagnetically at TN=2.07K, and the magnetic structure determined from these measurements features the interleaving of two orthogonal sublattices into a 5×5×1 magnetic supercell that is based on stripes with moments perpendicular to the dimer bonds, which are along (110) and (−110). Magnetic fields applied along (110) or (−110) suppress the antiferromagnetic peaks from an individual sublattice, but leave the orthogonal sublattice unaffected, evidence for the Ising character of the Yb moments in Yb2Pt2Pb that is supported by point charge calculations. Specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity measurements concur with neutron elastic scattering results that the longitudinal critical fluctuations are gapped with ΔE≃0.07meV

    Approaching the knee -- balloon-borne observations of cosmic ray composition

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    Below the knee in the cosmic ray spectrum, balloon and spacecraft experiments offer the capability of direct composition and energy measurements on the primary particles. A major difficulty is obtaining enough exposure to extend the range of direct measurements sufficiently high in energy to permit overlap with ground-based observations. Presently, balloon and space measurements extend only up to ~100 TeV, well below the range of ground-based experiments. The prospect of Ultra-Long Duration Balloon missions offers the promise of multiple long flights that can build up exposure. The status of balloon measurements to measure the high energy proton and nuclear composition and spectrum is reviewed, and the statistical considerations involved in searching for a steepening in the spectrum are discussed. Given the very steeply falling spectrum, it appears unlikely that balloon experiments will be able to extend the range of direct measurements beyond 1000 TeV any time in the near future. Especially given the recent suggestions from KASCADE that the proton spectrum steepens only at 4000-5000 TeV, the chance of detecting the knee with direct measurements of protons to iron on balloons is not likely to occur without significant increases in the payload and flight duration capabilities of high altitude balloons.Comment: 10 pages, to be published, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. (Proc. Workshop on Physics at the End of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectrum, Aspen, April 2005

    Isospin Physics in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies

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    In nuclear collisions induced by stable or radioactive neutron-rich nuclei a transient state of nuclear matter with an appreciable isospin asymmetry as well as thermal and compressional excitation can be created. This offers the possibility to study the properties of nuclear matter in the region between symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter. In this review, we discuss recent theoretical studies of the equation of state of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter and its relations to the properties of neutron stars and radioactive nuclei. Chemical and mechanical instabilities as well as the liquid-gas phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter are investigated. The in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections at different isospin states are reviewed as they affect significantly the dynamics of heavy ion collisions induced by radioactive beams. We then discuss an isospin-dependent transport model, which includes different mean-field potentials and cross sections for the proton and neutron, and its application to these reactions. Furthermore, we review the comparisons between theoretical predictions and available experimental data. In particular, we discuss the study of nuclear stopping in terms of isospin equilibration, the dependence of nuclear collective flow and balance energy on the isospin-dependent nuclear equation of state and cross sections, the isospin dependence of total nuclear reaction cross sections, and the role of isospin in preequilibrium nucleon emissions and subthreshold pion production.Comment: 101 pages with embedded epsf figures, review article for "International Journal of Modern Physics E: Nuclear Physics". Send request for a hard copy to 1/author

    A co-condensation model for in-flight synthesis of metal-carbide nanoparticles in thermal plasma jet

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    We present a theoretical analysis of the formation, growth, and transport of two-component nanoparticles in thermal plasma jet. The approach of the aerosol science and the idea of multicomponent co-condensation are employed for the analysis. The processes of homogeneous nucleation, heterogeneous growth, and coagulations due to Brownian collisions are considered in combination with the convective and diffusive transport of particles and the reacting gases within an axisymmetric domain. As a particular example, the authors study multicomponent co-condensation of metal-carbide nanoparticles from various precursors in a DC plasma gun operating in an argon atmosphere

    Fünfiiber-Drone: A Modular Open-Platform 18-grams Autonomous Nano-Drone

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    Miniaturizing an autonomous robot is a challenging task - not only the mechanical but also the electrical components have to operate within limited space, payload, and power. Furthermore, the algorithms for autonomous navigation, such as state-of-the-art (SoA) visual navigation deep neural networks (DNNs), are becoming increasingly complex, striving for more flexibility and agility. In this work, we present a sensor-rich, modular, nano-sized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), almost as small as a five Swiss Franc coin - called Fünfliber - with a total weight of 18g and 7.2cm in diameter. We conceived our UAV as an open-source hardware robotic platform, controlled by a parallel ultra-low power (PULP) system-on-chip (SoC) with a wide set of onboard sensors, including three cameras (i.e., infrared, optical flow, and standard QVGA), multiple Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors, a barometer, and an inertial measurement unit. Our system runs the tasks necessary for a flight controller (sensor acquisition, state estimation, and low-level control), requiring only 10% of the computational resources available aboard, consuming only 9mW - 13x less than an equivalent Cortex M4-based system. Pushing our system at its limit, we can use the remaining onboard computational power for sophisticated autonomous navigation workloads, as we showcase with an SoA DNN running at up to 18Hz, with a total electronics' power consumption of 271mW

    Sillen-Aurivillius Intergrowth Phases as Templates for Naturally Layered Multiferroics

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    The ferroelectric Sillen-Aurivillius phase Bi5PbTi3O14Cl, a layered structure containing three-layer perovskite-type blocks, has been modified by substituting magnetic transition metal cations M3+ = Cr3+, Mn3+, or Fe3+ for 1/3 of the Ti4+ cations, accompanied by co-doping of Bi3+ for Pb2+. The aim of the modification was to produce naturally layered ferroelectromagnetic compounds. Rietveld refinements against high-temperature synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data show that the resulting new compounds Bi6Ti2MO14Cl undergo non-centrosymmetric (P2an) to centrosymmetric (P4/mmm) ferroelectric phase transitions for Bi6Ti2CrO14Cl at 974.6(2) K, Bi6Ti2MnO14Cl at 913.5(6) K, and Bi6Ti2FeO14Cl at 1044.8(1) K. Ferroelectric properties were measured on Bi6Ti2FeO14Cl using piezoresponse force microscopy which showed typical ferroelectric hysteresis behavior in the polarization with varying field strength as well as a piezoelectric strain. Combined Rietveld refinements against X-ray and neutron powder diffraction data indicate a statistical 1:2 distribution of M3+ and Ti4+ across all three perovskite layers, resulting in highly strained structures (enhancing the ferroelectricity compared to Bi5PbTi3O14Cl) and pronounced spin-glass (cluster glass-type) behavior below T-irr(0) = 4.46 K that we have characterized by detailed magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity measurements. © 2012, American Chemical Society