969 research outputs found

    WKB Approximation to the Power Wall

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    We present a semiclassical analysis of the quantum propagator of a particle confined on one side by a steeply, monotonically rising potential. The models studied in detail have potentials proportional to xαx^{\alpha} for x>0x>0; the limit α→∞\alpha\to\infty would reproduce a perfectly reflecting boundary, but at present we concentrate on the cases α=1\alpha =1 and 2, for which exact solutions in terms of well known functions are available for comparison. We classify the classical paths in this system by their qualitative nature and calculate the contributions of the various classes to the leading-order semiclassical approximation: For each classical path we find the action SS, the amplitude function AA and the Laplacian of AA. (The Laplacian is of interest because it gives an estimate of the error in the approximation and is needed for computing higher-order approximations.) The resulting semiclassical propagator can be used to rewrite the exact problem as a Volterra integral equation, whose formal solution by iteration (Neumann series) is a semiclassical, not perturbative, expansion. We thereby test, in the context of a concrete problem, the validity of the two technical hypotheses in a previous proof of the convergence of such a Neumann series in the more abstract setting of an arbitrary smooth potential. Not surprisingly, we find that the hypotheses are violated when caustics develop in the classical dynamics; this opens up the interesting future project of extending the methods to momentum space.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. Minor corrections in v.

    Hartree-Fock theory of a current-carrying electron gas

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    State-of-the-art simulation tools for nonequilibrium quantum transport systems typically take the current-carrier occupations to be described in terms of equilibrium distribution functions characterized by two different electrochemical potentials, while for the description of electronic exchange and correlation, the local density approximation (LDA) to density functional theory is generally used. However, this involves an inconsistency because the LDA is based on the homogeneous electron gas in equilibrium, while the system is not in equilibrium and may be far from it. In this paper, we analyze this inconsistency by studying the interplay between nonequilibrium occupancies obtained from a maximum entropy approach and the Hartree-Fock exchange energy, single-particle spectrum and exchange hole, for the case of a two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas. The current dependence of the local exchange potential is also discussed. It is found that the single-particle spectrum and exchange hole have a significant dependence on the current, which has not been taken into account in practical calculations since it is not captured by the commonly used functionals. The exchange energy and the local exchange potential, however, are shown to change very little with respect to their equilibrium counterparts. The weak dependence of these quantities on the current is explained in terms of the symmetries of the exchange hole
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