56 research outputs found
Development of comprehension of ironic utterances in 3-to 9-year-old Finnish-speaking children
Abstract This study explores the comprehension of simple ironic utterances in 210 Finnish children aged from 3 to 9 years. If the child answered the question correctly, he/she was asked to explain correct answers. The results indicated that there was large individual variation within age groups both in answers and explanations. In terms of correct answers there was a significant difference between 6-and 7-year-olds and in correct explanations between age groups of 3-4, 6-7 and 7-8. Analysis of incorrect answers showed that literal interpretation of an utterance was the most common incorrect answer type in all age groups. Totally irrelevant answers occurred only in children aged 3 and 4. In terms of incorrect explanations, "turntaking" and "incorrect focus" categories were the most common incorrect explanation types. Contrary to previous studies, in this study already some of the 3-and 4-year-olds showed an emerging ability to comprehend irony. This study explores the comprehension of simple ironic utterances in 210 Finnish children aged from 3 to 9 years. If the child answered the question correctly, he/she was asked to explain correct answers. The results indicated that there was large individual variation within age groups both in answers and explanations. In terms of correct answers there was a significant difference between 6-and 7-year-olds and in correct explanations between age groups of 3-4, 6-7 and 7-8. Analysis of incorrect answers showed that literal interpretation of an utterance was the most common incorrect answer type in all age groups. Totally irrelevant answers occurred only in children aged 3 and 4. In terms of incorrect explanations, "turntaking" and "incorrect focus" categories were the most common incorrect explanation types. Contrary to previous studies, in this study already some of the 3-and 4-year-olds showed an emerging ability to comprehend irony
Phonological development of Finnish speaking children at 3;6 and associations to previous and simultaneous lexical ability
Previous studies of Finnish children's phonological development focus mainly on children under 2;0. Earlier findings have suggested that phonological and lexical development are strongly associated at an early age. However, less is known about the longitudinal association. This study describes the phonological skills of Finnish-speaking children at 3;6 and compares them with early lexicon size at 2;0 and lexical ability at 3;6 (N = 67). The children's phonological development was measured using The Finnish Phonology Test. Lexical development was evaluated using the Finnish, long-form version of the Communicative Development Inventory at 2;0 and the Boston naming test at 3;6 At 3;6, all children mastered the vowels and diphthongs fully, and most of the children also mastered the consonants, with the exception of the phonemes/d/and/r/. Phonotactic skills had also been acquired well at this group level, although the word-medial and, especially, word-initial consonant clusters were still challenging. The percentage of phonemes correct was 95. Both paradigmatic and phonotactic skills at 3;6 were significantly associated with lexicon size at 2;0. In addition phonotactic skills correlated with naming ability at 3;6. Lexical development at 2;0 explained 21% of the variance in the phonological development at 3;6, whereas, the explaining value of simultaneous lexical skill was limited (9%). Present findings propose that associations between lexical and phonological skills weaken as phonological skills become more honed.Peer reviewe
Enhancing the Carbon Monoxide Oxidation Performance through Surface Defect Enrichment of Ceria-Based Supports for Platinum Catalyst
Effective synthesis and application of single-atom catalysts on supports lacking enough defects remain a significant challenge in environmental catalysis. Herein, we present a universal defect-enrichment strategy to increase the surface defects of CeO2-based supports through H2 reduction pretreatment. The Pt catalysts supported by defective CeO2-based supports, including CeO2, CeZrOx, and CeO2/Al2O3 (CA), exhibit much higher Pt dispersion and CO oxidation activity upon reduction activation compared to their counterpart catalysts without defect enrichment. Specifically, Pt is present as embedded single atoms on the CA support with enriched surface defects (CA-HD) based on which the highly active catalyst showing embedded Pt clusters (PtC) with the bottom layer of Pt atoms substituting the Ce cations in the CeO2 surface lattice can be obtained through reduction activation. Embedded PtC can better facilitate CO adsorption and promote O2 activation at PtCâCeO2 interfaces, thereby contributing to the superior low-temperature CO oxidation activity of the Pt/CA-HD catalyst after activation
The Initial Phase of the Argumentative Discussions Between Parents and Children
This chapter examines the initial phase of parent\u2013child argumentative discussions during mealtime. The conceptual tool adopted for the analysis is based on the pragma-dialectical ideal model of a critical discussion (van Eemeren & Grootendorst\u201a 2004). The types of issues leading parents and children to engage in argumentative discussions during mealtime as well as the contribution that parents and children provide to the inception of argumentation are described and discussed. The analysis of the initial phase of parent\u2013child argumentative discussions also considers the role played by the specificity of the parent\u2013child relationship and the distinctive features of the activity of family mealtime for the beginning of an argumentative discussion. Exemplary argumentative
sequences that bring to light the results obtained through the qualitative analysis of a larger corpus of argumentative discussions between parents and children are presented and discussed
The use of context in pragmatic language comprehension in normally developing children and children with Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism:an application of relevance theory
This research explored, within the framework of relevance theory, how normally developing 3- to 9-year-old children and two age groups (age 7â9 and age 10â12) of children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism (AS/HFA) and their 7- to 9-year-old control group used context when answering questions and giving explanations for their correct answers. The children were asked questions targeting the pragmatic processes of reference assignments, enrichments, routines, implicatures and feelings. They were also asked to explain their correct answers to routine, implicature and feeling questions to elicit understanding about their awareness of how they had derived the answers from the context.
In normally developing children the largest increase in correct answers occurred between the ages of 3 and 4 in all question types except feeling questions, where rapid development continued until age 5. After that development progressed more gradually until the age of 8 when the children performed near the ceiling level in all of these question types. Giving explanations for correct answers developed gradually between the ages of 3 and 9, indicating that becoming aware of the information used in inferencing has a longer developmental timeframe. Children's incorrect answers and explanations showed that, as children develop, their answering strategies become more sophisticated as they increasingly utilise context in different ways.
Children with AS/HFA were able to answer all the question types. However, compared to the control group, the younger AS/HFA group did less well when answering contextually demanding questions, and the performance of the older AS/HFA group fell in between the younger AS/HFA group and the control group. Both AS/HFA groups had difficulties when giving explanations for their correct answers, showing difficulty in articulating explicitly how they had used context in arriving at the correct answer. Incorrect answers and explanations indicated that, usually, all the children tried to utilise contextual information, although the attempt failed somehow. For children with AS/HFA it was more typical to continue with their answer after first giving a correct answer or explanation, which then led to an irrelevant answer, suggesting that these children had difficulties with stopping processing at the relevant point.TiivistelmÀ
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka normaalisti kehittyneet 3â9-vuotiaat lapset ja kaksi ikĂ€ryhmÀÀ lapsia (7â9-vuotiaat ja 10â12-vuotiaat), joilla on Aspergerin oireyhtymĂ€ tai hyvĂ€tasoinen autismi (AS/HFA) ja heidĂ€n 7â9-vuotiaista koostuva kontrolliryhmĂ€nsĂ€, kĂ€yttivĂ€t kontekstia vastatessaan kysymyksiin ja perustellessaan oikeita vastauksiaan. Tutkimus tehtiin relevanssiteorian viitekehyksessĂ€. Lapsilta kysyttiin pragmaattista prosessointia vaativia kysymyksiĂ€, jotka arvioivat viittausten, epĂ€tĂ€ydellisten lauseiden, rutiinien, implikatuurien ja tunnetilojen ymmĂ€rtĂ€mistĂ€. LisĂ€ksi heidĂ€n tuli perustella oikeat vastaukset rutiini-, implikatuuri- ja tunnekysymyksiin, jotta nĂ€htiin, olivatko lapset tietoisia, kuinka he olivat johtaneet vastauksensa kontekstista.
Normaalisti kehittyneillÀ lapsilla oikeiden vastausten mÀÀrÀ lisÀÀntyi nopeasti 3. ja 4. ikÀvuoden vÀlillÀ kaikissa kysymystyypeissÀ. Tunnekysymyksiin vastaamisessa tÀmÀ nopean kehityksen kausi jatkui 5. ikÀvuoteen saakka. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen kehitys jatkui hitaampana 8 vuoden ikÀÀn saakka, jolloin lapset suoriutuivat lÀhes kaikista kysymyksistÀ kaikissa eri kysymystyypeissÀ. Perustelujen antaminen oikeisiin vastauksiin kehittyi asteittain 3. ja 9. ikÀvuoden vÀlillÀ, mikÀ kertoi, ettÀ vastauksessa kÀytetyn informaation tiedostamisen kehittyminen tapahtui pitemmÀllÀ aikavÀlillÀ. Lasten virheelliset vastaukset ja perustelut osoittivat, ettÀ iÀn lisÀÀntyessÀ lasten vastausstrategiat muuttuivat kehittyneemmiksi ja he hyödynsivÀt kontekstia monin eri tavoin.
Lapset, joilla oli AS/HFA, osasivat vastata kaikkiin esitettyihin kysymystyyppeihin. Kuitenkin nuorempi AS/HFA-ryhmÀ suoriutui kontrolliryhmÀÀ heikommin ja vanhemman AS/HFA-ryhmÀn suoriutuminen sijoittui nuoremman ikÀryhmÀn ja kontrolliryhmÀn suoriutumisen puolivÀliin. Molemmilla AS/HFA-ryhmillÀ esiintyi vaikeuksia oikeiden vastausten perustelussa, mikÀ kertoi vaikeudesta ilmaista, kuinka he olivat kÀyttÀneet kontekstia oikeaan vastaukseen pÀÀsemiseksi. Virheelliset vastaukset ja perustelut osoittivat, ettÀ yleensÀ kaikki lapset pyrkivÀt kontekstin hyödyntÀmiseen vaikka epÀonnistuivatkin siinÀ. Lapsille, joilla oli AS/HFA, oli tyypillisempÀÀ jatkaa vastaamista vielÀ oikean vastauksen tai perustelun antamisen jÀlkeen, mikÀ lopulta johti aiheesta syrjÀhtÀmiseen. TÀmÀ kertoi vaikeudesta lopettaa prosessointi relevantissa kohdassa
Pragma-testi:menetelmĂ€ sosiaalisen ja pragmaattisen kielen ymmĂ€rtĂ€misen arviointiin 4â8-vuotiaille lapsille
Sosiaalisen ja pragmaattisen kielen ymmaÌrtaÌmisen taitoja tarvitaan, kun lapsen on tulkittava sanojen taakse kaÌtkeytyviaÌ merkityksiaÌ tai puhujan aikomuksia. Pragma-testillaÌ (Loukusa, 2019) voidaan arvioida tilannesidonnaisten ilmausten merkitysten ymmaÌrtaÌmistaÌ sekaÌ toisen henkiloÌn aikomusten, uskomusten ja tunnetilojen tulkinnan taitoja. Pragma-testi on tarkoitettu 4â8-vuotiaille lapsille, joilla epaÌillaÌaÌn olevan vaikeutta sosiaalisessa tai pragmaattisessa kielen ymmaÌrtaÌmisessaÌ. Testi sisaÌltaÌaÌ 39 kysymystaÌ, jotka jakautuvat eri osa-alueisiin prosessointivaatimustensa mukaisesti. LisaÌksi testissaÌ on varsinaisten kysymysten lisaÌksi 13 perustelukysymystaÌ, jotka esitetaÌaÌn lapselle, mikaÌli haÌn on vastannut oikein tiettyihin kysymyksiin. Lapsen testitulosta voidaan tulkita ikaÌryhmittaÌin laadittujen viitearvojen pohjalta sekaÌ analysoimalla laadullisesti lapsen antamia virheellisiaÌ vastauksia
Autismikirjo ja suomalainen kielen, kommunikaation ja vuorovaikutuksen tutkimus
Autismikirjo-teemanumeron esipuh
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