62 research outputs found

    Destruction of formic acid by soft X-rays in star-forming regions

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    Formic acid is much more abundant in the solid state, both in interstellar ices and cometary ices, than in the interstellar gas (ice/gas ~ 10^{4}) and this point remains a puzzle. The goal of this work is to experimentally study ionization and photodissociation processes of HCOOH (formic acid), a glycine precursor molecule. The measurements were taken at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), employing soft X-ray photons from toroidal grating monochromator TGM) beamline (200 - 310 eV). Mass spectra were obtained using photoelectron photoion coincidence (PEPICO) method. Kinetic energy distributions and abundances for each ionic fragment have been obtained from the analysis of the corresponding peak shapes in the mass spectra. Photoionization and photodissociation cross sections were also determined. Due to the large photodissociation cross section of HCOOH it is possible that in PDRs regions, just after molecules evaporation from the grain surface, formic acid molecules are almost totally destroyed by soft X-rays, justifying the observed low abundance of HCOOH in the gaseous phase. The preferential path for the glycine formation from formic acid may be through the ice phase reaction. Keywords: HCOOH; Photoionization; X-rays; Astrochemistry.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted to be printed in A&

    Differential Expression of Vegfr-2 and Its Soluble Form in Preeclampsia

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    Several studies have suggested that the main features of preeclampsia (PE) are consequences of endothelial dysfunction related to excess circulating anti-angiogenic factors, most notably, soluble sVEGFR-1 (also known as sFlt-1) and soluble endoglin (sEng), as well as to decreased PlGF. Recently, soluble VEGF type 2 receptor (sVEGFR-2) has emerged as a crucial regulator of lymphangiogenesis. To date, however, there is a paucity of information on the changes of VEGFR-2 that occur during the clinical onset of PE. Therefore, the aim of our study was to characterize the plasma levels of VEGFR-2 in PE patients and to perform VEGFR-2 immunolocalization in placenta.By ELISA, we observed that the VEGFR-2 plasma levels were reduced during PE compared with normal gestational age matched pregnancies, whereas the VEGFR-1 and Eng plasma levels were increased. The dramatic drop in the VEGFR-1 levels shortly after delivery confirmed its placental origin. In contrast, the plasma levels of Eng and VEGFR-2 decreased only moderately during the early postpartum period. An RT-PCR analysis showed that the relative levels of VEGFR-1, sVEGFR-1 and Eng mRNA were increased in the placentas of women with severe PE. The relative levels of VEGFR-2 mRNA as well as expressing cells, were similar in both groups. We also made the novel finding that a recently described alternatively spliced VEGFR-2 mRNA variant was present at lower relative levels in the preeclamptic placentas.Our results indicate that the plasma levels of anti-angiogenic factors, particularly VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2, behave in different ways after delivery. The rapid decrease in plasma VEGFR-1 levels appears to be a consequence of the delivery of the placenta. The persistent circulating levels of VEGFR-2 suggest a maternal endothelial origin of this peptide. The decreased VEGFR-2 plasma levels in preeclamptic women may serve as a marker of endothelial dysfunction

    Inflammatory markers in preeclamptic patients

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    Energy-transfer phenomena and dissociation processes in electronically excited molecules

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    This paper is an extension of previous work by Magee and Funabashi on the influence of electronic coupling on dissociation mechanisms. The same model (linear chain of diatomic molecules) has again been considered. The use of a dynamical version of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem allows the development of a unified treatment valid for any coupling. An application to an infinite linear chain of hydrogen moleculeions is made, and the following results are found: (1) In the weak-coupling case, immediate dissociation occurs. (2) In the intermediate case, the electronic excitation energy is converted into vibrational energy, mainly localized on the molecule initially excited. Redistribution of the vibrational energy then occurs. (3) In the strong-coupling case, dissociation does not occur. Many molecules vibrate with comparable amplitudes. Short chains, containing two, three, four, and seven molecules, are also considered. For these it is found that two or more dissociations usually occur regardless of the type of coupling and initial position of the excitation. Finally, an application to intramolecular energy transfer is attempted. The case of the radiation induced isomerization of cis-polybutadiene into its trans isomer, studied by Golub, is examined. With certain restrictions, our results can be considered as supporting Golub's views

    Adiabatic and diabatic invariants in ion-molecule reactions

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    A point charge interacting with a dipole (either induced or permanent) constitutes a completely integrable dynamical subsystem characterized by three first integrals of the motion (E, pφ, and either 2 or a Hamilton-Jacobi separation constant Β). An ion-molecule reaction (capture or fragmentation) can be seen as an interaction between such a subsystem and a bath of oscillators. This interaction is a perturbation that destroys some of the first integrals. However, the perturbation depends on the separation between the fragments and the destruction is gradual. The mathematical simplicity of the long-range electrostatic interaction potential leads to useful simplifications. A first-order perturbation treatment based on the structured and regular nature of the multipole expansion is presented. The separating integrals valid in the asymptotic limit are found to subsist at intermediate distances, although in a weaker form. As the reaction coordinate decreases, i.e., as the fragments approach, the asymptotic range is followed by an outer region where (i) the azimuthal momentum pφ remains a constant of the motion; (ii) the square angular momentum 2 or the separation constant Β transform into a diabatic invariant in regions of phase space characterized by a high value of the translational momentum pr; (iii) for low values of pr, it is advantageous to use the action integral pθ dθ, which is an adiabatic invariant. The conditions under which an effective potential obtained by adding centrifugal repulsion to an electrostatic attractive term can be validly constructed are specified. In short, the dynamics of ion-molecule interactions is still regular in parts of phase space corresponding to a range of the reaction coordinate where the interaction potential deviates from its asymptotic shape. © 2009 American Institute of Physics

    Adiabatic invariance along the reaction coordinate

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    In a two-dimensional space where a point particle interacts with a diatomic fragment, the action integral Φ pθ dθ (where θ is the angle between the fragment and the line of centers and pθ its conjugate momentum) is an adiabatic invariant. This invariance is thought to be a persistent dynamical constraint. Indeed, its classical Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian is found to vanish in particular regions of the potential energy surface: asymptotically, at equilibrium geometries, saddle points, and inner turning points, i.e., at remarkable situations where the topography of the potential energy surface is locally simple. Studied in this way, the adiabatic decoupling of the reaction coordinate is limited to disjoint regions. However, an alternative view is possible. The invariance properties of entropy (as defined in information theory) can be invoked to infer that dynamical constraints that are found to operate locally subsist everywhere, throughout the entire reactive process, although with a modified expression. © 2009 American Institute of Physics
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