50,851 research outputs found

    Infrared Behaviour and Running Couplings in Interpolating Gauges in QCD

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    We consider the class of gauges that interpolates between Landau- and Coulomb-gauge QCD, and show the non-renormalisation of the two independent ghost-gluon vertices. This implies the existence of two RG-invariant running couplings, one of which is interpreted as an RG-invariant gauge parameter. We also present the asymptotic infrared limit of solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equations in interpolating gauges. The infrared critical exponents of these solutions as well as the resulting infrared fixed point of one of the couplings are independent of the gauge parameter. This coupling also has a fixed point in the Coulomb gauge limit and constitutes a second invariant charge besides the well known colour-Coulomb potential.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes, version published in PR

    Robust Quantum Error Correction via Convex Optimization

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    We present a semidefinite program optimization approach to quantum error correction that yields codes and recovery procedures that are robust against significant variations in the noise channel. Our approach allows us to optimize the encoding, recovery, or both, and is amenable to approximations that significantly improve computational cost while retaining fidelity. We illustrate our theory numerically for optimized 5-qubit codes, using the standard [5,1,3] code as a benchmark. Our optimized encoding and recovery yields fidelities that are uniformly higher by 1-2 orders of magnitude against random unitary weight-2 errors compared to the [5,1,3] code with standard recovery. We observe similar improvement for a 4-qubit decoherence-free subspace code.Comment: 4 pages, including 3 figures. v2: new example

    Interferometric differentiation between resonant Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering and nonresonant four-wave-mixing processes

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    A major impediment of using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering to identify biological molecules is that the illumination levels required to produce a measurable signal often also produce significant nonresonant background from the medium, especially from water, that is not specific to the resonance being investigated. We present a method of using nonlinear interferometry to measure the temporal shape of the anti-Stokes signal to differentiate which components are resonant and nonresonant. This method is easily adaptable to most existing pulsed CARS illumination methods and should allow for distinguishing resonant CARS when using higher energy pulses. By examining the differences between signals produced by acetone and water, we show that the resonant and nonresonant signals can be clearly differentiated.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Order and Disorder in AKLT Antiferromagnets in Three Dimensions

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    The models constructed by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb, and Tasaki describe a family of quantum antiferromagnets on arbitrary lattices, where the local spin S is an integer multiple M of half the lattice coordination number. The equal time quantum correlations in their ground states may be computed as finite temperature correlations of a classical O(3) model on the same lattice, where the temperature is given by T=1/M. In dimensions d=1 and d=2 this mapping implies that all AKLT states are quantum disordered. We consider AKLT states in d=3 where the nature of the AKLT states is now a question of detail depending upon the choice of lattice and spin; for sufficiently large S some form of Neel order is almost inevitable. On the unfrustrated cubic lattice, we find that all AKLT states are ordered while for the unfrustrated diamond lattice the minimal S=2 state is disordered while all other states are ordered. On the frustrated pyrochlore lattice, we find (conservatively) that several states starting with the minimal S=3 state are disordered. The disordered AKLT models we report here are a significant addition to the catalog of magnetic Hamiltonians in d=3 with ground states known to lack order on account of strong quantum fluctuations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Composite Majorana Fermion Wavefunctions in Nanowires

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    We consider Majorana fermions (MFs) in quasi-one-dimensional nanowire systems containing normal and superconducting sections where the topological phase based on Rashba spin orbit interaction can be tuned by magnetic fields. We derive explicit analytic solutions of the MF wavefunction in the weak and strong spin orbit interaction regimes. We find that the wavefunction for one single MF is a composite object formed by superpositions of different MF wavefunctions which have nearly disjoint supports in momentum space. These contributions are coming from the extrema of the spectrum, one centered around zero momentum and the other around the two Fermi points. As a result, the various MF wavefunctions have different localization lengths in real space and interference among them leads to pronounced oscillations of the MF probability density. For a transparent normal-superconducting junction we find that in the topological phase the MF leaks out from the superconducting into the normal section of the wire and is delocalized over the entire normal section, in agreement with recent numerical results by Chevallier et al. (arXiv:1203.2643)

    Combined Error Correction Techniques for Quantum Computing Architectures

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    Proposals for quantum computing devices are many and varied. They each have unique noise processes that make none of them fully reliable at this time. There are several error correction/avoidance techniques which are valuable for reducing or eliminating errors, but not one, alone, will serve as a panacea. One must therefore take advantage of the strength of each of these techniques so that we may extend the coherence times of the quantum systems and create more reliable computing devices. To this end we give a general strategy for using dynamical decoupling operations on encoded subspaces. These encodings may be of any form; of particular importance are decoherence-free subspaces and quantum error correction codes. We then give means for empirically determining an appropriate set of dynamical decoupling operations for a given experiment. Using these techniques, we then propose a comprehensive encoding solution to many of the problems of quantum computing proposals which use exchange-type interactions. This uses a decoherence-free subspace and an efficient set of dynamical decoupling operations. It also addresses the problems of controllability in solid state quantum dot devices.Comment: Contribution to Proceedings of the 2002 Physics of Quantum Electronics Conference", to be published in J. Mod. Optics. This paper provides a summary and review of quant-ph/0205156 and quant-ph/0112054, and some new result

    Multipartite fully-nonlocal quantum states

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    We present a general method to characterize the quantum correlations obtained after local measurements on multipartite systems. Sufficient conditions for a quantum system to be fully-nonlocal according to a given partition, as well as being (genuinely) multipartite fully-nonlocal, are derived. These conditions allow us to identify all completely-connected graph states as multipartite fully-nonlocal quantum states. Moreover, we show that this feature can also be observed in mixed states: the tensor product of five copies of the Smolin state, a biseparable and bound entangled state, is multipartite fully-nonlocal.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Version published in PRA. Note that it does not contain all the results from the previous version; these will be included in a later, more general, pape

    The plasmonic eigenvalue problem

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    A plasmon of a bounded domain ΩRn\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n is a non-trivial bounded harmonic function on RnΩ\mathbb{R}^n\setminus\partial\Omega which is continuous at Ω\partial\Omega and whose exterior and interior normal derivatives at Ω\partial\Omega have a constant ratio. We call this ratio a plasmonic eigenvalue of Ω\Omega. Plasmons arise in the description of electromagnetic waves hitting a metallic particle Ω\Omega. We investigate these eigenvalues and prove that they form a sequence of numbers converging to one. Also, we prove regularity of plasmons, derive a variational characterization, and prove a second order perturbation formula. The problem can be reformulated in terms of Dirichlet-Neumann operators, and as a side result we derive a formula for the shape derivative of these operators.Comment: 22 pages; replacement 8-March-14: minor corrections; to appear in Review in Mathematical Physic

    Base pair opening and bubble transport in a DNA double helix induced by a protein molecule in a viscous medium

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    We study the nonlinear dynamics of a protein-DNA molecular system by treating DNA as a set of two coupled linear chains and protein in the form of a single linear chain sliding along the DNA at the physiological temperature in a viscous medium. The nonlinear dynamics of the above molecular system in general is governed by a perturbed nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In the non-viscous limit, the equation reduces to the completely integrable nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger (NLS) equation which admits N-soliton solutions. The soliton excitations of the DNA bases make localized base pair opening and travel along the DNA chain in the form of a bubble. This may represent the bubble generated during the transcription process when an RNA-polymerase binds to a promoter site in the DNA double helical chain. The perturbed NLS equation is solved using a perturbation theory by treating the viscous effect due to surrounding as a weak perturbation and the results show that the viscosity of the solvent in the surrounding damps out the amplitude of the soliton.Comment: 4. Submitted to Phys. Rev.