62 research outputs found

    Respiratory Syncytial Virus Grown in Vero Cells Contains a Truncated Attachment Protein That Alters Its Infectivity and Dependence on Glycosaminoglycans

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    Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) contains a heavily glycosylated 90-kDa attachment glycoprotein (G). Infection of HEp-2 and Vero cells in culture depends largely on virion G protein binding to cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). This GAG-dependent phenotype has been described for RSV grown in HEp-2 cells, but we have found that it is greatly reduced by a single passage in Vero cells. Virions produced from Vero cells primarily display a 55-kDa G glycoprotein. This smaller G protein represents a post-Golgi compartment form that is lacking its C terminus, indicating that the C terminus is required for GAG dependency. Vero cell-grown virus infected primary well-differentiated human airway epithelial (HAE) cell cultures 600-fold less efficiently than did HEp-2 cell-grown virus, indicating that the C terminus of the G protein is also required for virus attachment to this model of the in vivo target cells. This reduced infectivity for HAE cell cultures is not likely to be due to the loss of GAG attachment since heparan sulfate, the primary GAG used by RSV for attachment to HEp-2 cells, is not detectable at the apical surface of HAE cell cultures where RSV enters. Growing RSV stocks in Vero cells could dramatically reduce the initial infection of the respiratory tract in animal models or in volunteers receiving attenuated virus vaccines, thereby reducing the efficiency of infection or the efficacy of the vaccine

    Production of Potent Fully Human Polyclonal Antibodies against Ebola Zaire Virus in Transchromosomal Cattle

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    Polyclonal antibodies, derived from humans or hyperimmunized animals, have been used prophylactically or therapeutically as countermeasures for a variety of infectious diseases. SAB Biotherapeutics has successfully developed a transchromosomic (Tc) bovine platform technology that can produce fully human immunoglobulins rapidly, and in substantial quantities, against a variety of disease targets. In this study, two Tc bovines expressing high levels of fully human IgG were hyperimmunized with a recombinant glycoprotein (GP) vaccine consisting of the 2014 Ebola virus (EBOV) Makona isolate. Serum collected from these hyperimmunized Tc bovines contained high titers of human IgG against EBOV GP as determined by GP specific ELISA, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), and virus neutralization assays. Fully human polyclonal antibodies against EBOV were purified and evaluated in a mouse challenge model using mouse adapted Ebola virus (maEBOV). Intraperitoneal administration of the purified anti-EBOV IgG (100 mg/kg) to BALB/c mice one day after lethal challenge with maEBOV resulted in 90% protection; whereas 100% of the control animals succumbed. The results show that hyperimmunization of Tc bovines with EBOV GP can elicit protective and potent neutralizing fully human IgG antibodies rapidly and in commercially viable quantities

    Vaccine-Mediated Immunotherapy Directed against a Transcription Factor Driving the Metastatic Process

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    Interior, long gallery with coffered barrel vault and skylights leading to Greek and Roman Court; The main building, located on the eastern edge of Central Park along Manhattan's Museum Mile, is by area one of the world's largest art galleries. The building is on the National Register and Landmark designation. In 1872 a High Victorian Gothic building was completed by Vaux and Mould; it was not well received and within 20 years a new Beaux-Arts plan engulfed the Vaux building. The Beaux-Arts Fifth Avenue facade, Great Hall, and Grand Stairway were designed by architect and Met trustee Richard Morris Hunt, but completed by his son, Richard Howland Hunt in 1902 after his father's death. The wings that completed the Fifth Avenue facade in the 1910s were designed by the firm of McKim, Mead & White. The modernistic glass sides and rear of the museum are the work of Roche-Dinkeloo. Kevin Roche has been the architect for the master plan and expansion of the museum for the past 42 years. As of 2010, the Met measures almost 1⁄4-mile (400 m) long and is more than 20 times the size of the original 1880 building. Source: Wikipedia; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page (accessed 9/6/2015

    A Phase 2a Randomized, Double-Blind, Dose-Optimizing Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of a Bivalent DNA Vaccine for Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Delivered by Intramuscular Electroporation

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    Hantaan virus (HTNV) and Puumala virus (PUUV) are pathogenic hantaviruses found in Asia and Europe, respectively. DNA vaccines targeting the envelope glycoproteins of these viruses have been constructed and found to elicit neutralizing antibodies when delivered to humans by various technologies including intramuscular electroporation. Here, we report findings from a Phase 2a clinical trial of a combined HTNV/PUUV DNA vaccine delivered at varying doses and administration schedules using the Ichor Medical Systems TriGrid intramuscular electroporation delivery technology. The study was designed to characterize the effects of DNA vaccine dose and number of administrations on the frequency and magnitude of immunological response. Subjects (n = 120) were divided into four cohorts. Cohorts 1 and 2 received a dose of 2 mg of DNA (1 mg per plasmid), and cohorts 3 and 4 received a dose of 1 mg of DNA (0.5 mg per plasmid) each vaccination. Each of the four cohorts received a series of four administrations (days 0, 28, 56 and 168). For cohorts 1 and 3, the DNA vaccine candidate was delivered at each of the four administrations. For cohorts 2 and 4, in order to maintain blinding, subjects received the DNA vaccine on days 0, 56 and 168, but on day 28 received only the phosphate buffered saline vehicle rather the DNA vaccine. Sera were collected on days 0, 28, 56, 84, 140, 168, 196, 252 and 365 and evaluated for the presence of neutralizing antibodies by PUUV and HTNV pseudovirion neutralization assays (PsVNAs). Day 84 was also evaluated by a plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Overall the PsVNA50 geometric mean titers (GMTs) and seropositivity rates among cohorts were similar. Cohort 3 exhibited the highest frequency of subjects that became seropositive to both PUUV and HTNV after vaccination, the highest peak GMT against both viruses, and the highest median titers against both viruses

    Three asymptomatic animal infection models of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome caused by hantaviruses.

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    Hantaan virus (HTNV) and Puumala virus (PUUV) are rodent-borne hantaviruses that are the primary causes of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Europe and Asia. The development of well characterized animal models of HTNV and PUUV infection is critical for the evaluation and the potential licensure of HFRS vaccines and therapeutics. In this study we present three animal models of HTNV infection (hamster, ferret and marmoset), and two animal models of PUUV infection (hamster, ferret). Infection of hamsters with a ~3 times the infectious dose 99% (ID99) of HTNV by the intramuscular and ~1 ID99 of HTNV by the intranasal route leads to a persistent asymptomatic infection, characterized by sporadic viremia and high levels of viral genome in the lung, brain and kidney. In contrast, infection of hamsters with ~2 ID99 of PUUV by the intramuscular or ~1 ID99 of PUUV by the intranasal route leads to seroconversion with no detectable viremia, and a transient detection of viral genome. Infection of ferrets with a high dose of either HTNV or PUUV by the intramuscular route leads to seroconversion and gradual weight loss, though kidney function remained unimpaired and serum viremia and viral dissemination to organs was not detected. In marmosets a 1,000 PFU HTNV intramuscular challenge led to robust seroconversion and neutralizing antibody production. Similarly to the ferret model of HTNV infection, no renal impairment, serum viremia or viral dissemination to organs was detected in marmosets. This is the first report of hantavirus infection in ferrets and marmosets

    Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus utilizes a clathrin- and early endosome-dependent entry pathway

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    AbstractThe early events in Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) have not been completely characterized. Earlier work indicated that CCHFV likely enters cells by clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). Here we provide confirmatory evidence for CME entry by showing that CCHFV infection is inhibited in cells treated with Pitstop 2, a drug that specifically and reversibly interferes with the dynamics of clathrin-coated pits. Additionally, we show that CCHFV infection is inhibited by siRNA depletion of the clathrin pit associated protein AP-2. Following CME entry, we show that CCHFV has a pH-dependent entry step, with virus inactivation occurring at pH 6.0 and below. To more precisely define the endosomal trafficking of CCHFV, we show for the first time that overexpression of the dominant negative forms of Rab5 protein but not Rab7 protein inhibits CCHFV infection. These results indicate that CCHFV likely enters cells through the early endosomal compartment

    Human Polyclonal Antibodies Produced through DNA Vaccination of Transchromosomal Cattle Provide Mice with Post-Exposure Protection against Lethal Zaire and Sudan Ebolaviruses.

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    DNA vaccination of transchromosomal bovines (TcBs) with DNA vaccines expressing the codon-optimized (co) glycoprotein (GP) genes of Ebola virus (EBOV) and Sudan virus (SUDV) produce fully human polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) that recognize both viruses and demonstrate robust neutralizing activity. Each TcB was vaccinated by intramuscular electroporation (IM-EP) a total of four times and at each administration received 10 mg of the EBOV-GPco DNA vaccine and 10 mg of the SUDV-GPco DNA vaccine at two sites on the left and right sides, respectively. After two vaccinations, robust antibody responses (titers > 1000) were detected by ELISA against whole irradiated EBOV or SUDV and recombinant EBOV-GP or SUDV-GP (rGP) antigens, with higher titers observed for the rGP antigens. Strong, virus neutralizing antibody responses (titers >1000) were detected after three vaccinations when measured by vesicular stomatitis virus-based pseudovirion neutralization assay (PsVNA). Maximal neutralizing antibody responses were identified by traditional plaque reduction neutralization tests (PRNT) after four vaccinations. Neutralizing activity of human immunoglobulins (IgG) purified from TcB plasma collected after three vaccinations and injected intraperitoneally (IP) into mice at a 100 mg/kg dose was detected in the serum by PsVNA up to 14 days after administration. Passive transfer by IP injection of the purified IgG (100 mg/kg) to groups of BALB/c mice one day after IP challenge with mouse adapted (ma) EBOV resulted in 80% protection while all mice treated with non-specific pAbs succumbed. Similarly, interferon receptor 1 knockout (IFNAR(-/-)) mice receiving the purified IgG (100 mg/kg) by IP injection one day after IP challenge with wild type SUDV resulted in 89% survival. These results are the first to demonstrate that filovirus GP DNA vaccines administered to TcBs by IM-EP can elicit neutralizing antibodies that provide post-exposure protection. Additionally, these data describe production of fully human IgG in a large animal system, a system which is capable of producing large quantities of a clinical grade therapeutic product
