94 research outputs found

    Absenteeism among asbestos-textile workers

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    Analizirana je odsutnost sa posla u četvorogodiÅ”njem periodu 1980-1983. g. kod proizvodnih radnika pogona vlačare, predionice i pletionice azbestne-tekstilne fabrike. U ovim pogonima utvrđene su visoke koncentracije ukupne praÅ”ine, kao i veliki broj azbestnih vlakana, koje znatno prelaze dozvoljene norme. Svi parametri apsentizma među ispitivanim -radnicima pokazuju visoke vrednosti, znatno viÅ”e od onih u kontrolnoj grupi. Stopa bolovanja najveća je zbog oboljenja disajnog sistema i kreće se od 99,0 do 117,4 u analiziranim grupama radnika prema 22,9 u kontrolnoj grupi. U strukturi izgubljenih radnih dana takođe je najveće učeŔće oboljenja respiratornog sistema i kreće se od 22,5%, do 52,5%, prema 26,5% u kontrolnoj grupi. Osim medicinskih, razmatrani su i neki paramedicinski i faktori iz radne sredine koji utiču na odsutnost sa posla.Sick leaves were analysed over a period of four years (1980-1983) among the workers from the spinning, carding and knitting mills of an asbestos-textile factory. In these mills high concentrations (much over MAC values) of overall airborne dust and chrysotile particles were established. The highest absenteeism rates among the exposed workers referred to respiratory diseases -99.0-117.4 as compared to 22.9 in the control group. The prevalence of day-leave from work was also highest for respiratory diseases and ranged from 22.5 to 52.5% among the exposed workers compared to 26.5% among the controls

    Asbestos and cancer: An overview of current trends in Europe.

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    This review assesses the contribution of occupational asbestos exposure to the occurrence of mesothelioma and lung cancer in Europe. Available information on national asbestos consumption, proportions of the population exposed, and exposure levels is summarized. Population-based studies from various European regions on occupational asbestos exposure, mesothelioma, and lung cancer are reviewed. Asbestos consumption in 1994 ranged, per capita, between 0. 004 kg in northern Europe and 2.4 kg in the former Soviet Union. Population surveys from northern Europe indicate that 15 to 30% of the male (and a few percent of the female) population has ever had occupational exposure to asbestos, mainly in construction (75% in Finland) or in shipyards. Studies on mesothelioma combining occupational history with biologic exposure indices indicate occupational asbestos exposure in 62 to 85% of the cases. Population attributable risks for lung cancer among males range between 2 and 50% for definite asbestos exposure. After exclusion of the most extreme values because of methodologic aspects, most of the remaining estimates are within the range of 10 to 20%. Estimates of women are lower. Extrapolation of the results to national figures would decrease the estimates. Norwegian estimates indicate that one-third of expected asbestos-related lung cancers might be avoided if former asbestos workers quit smoking. The combination of a current high asbestos consumption per capita, high exposure levels, and high underlying lung cancer rates in Central Europe and the former Soviet Union suggests that the lung cancers will arise from the smoking-asbestos interaction should be a major concern

    Evaluation of health status among workers exposed to carbon disulphide

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    U fabrici viskoznog vlakna ispitivali smo 134 radnika, koji su izloženi prosečnim godiÅ”njim koncentracijama ugljen disulfida iznad MDK (xĢ„= 119,3 mg/m3), viÅ”e od 75% radnog vremena. Analizirali smo hronično oboljevanje radnika koje je povezana sa dejstvom ugljen disulfida u trogodiÅ”njem periodu a dobijene podatke poredili sa kontrolnom grupom koja se po godinama starosti slaže sa ispitivanom grupom, ali je sa kraćim radnim stažom. Procenat obolelih radnika kao i stopa oboljevanja slični su kao i u kontrolnoj grupi. Ipak, u odnosu na specifični morbiditet uslovljen ekspozicijom ugljen disulfidu, uočava se da se među izloženim radnicima javlja toksična polineuropatija koja u kontrolnoj grupi nije zabeležena a hipertenzija sa većom stopom prevalencije koja je statistički signifikantna, iako se u obe grupe radi o mlađim radnicima slične starosti. Ostala oboljenja javljaju se sa sličnom učestaloŔću, Å”to je možda posledica sistematske greÅ”ke zbog selekcije i ā€žefekta zdravog radnikaā€œ, zbog čega su radnici sa najizraženijim znacima oboljenja uklonjeni sa svojih radnih mesta, pa nisu ni bili uključeni u ispitivanje, te je doÅ”lo do potcenjene procene efekata ekspozicije.The investigation included 134 workers from a viscose rayon factory who were exposed to average concentrations of carbon disulphide exceeding MAC values (xĢ„= 119.3 mg/m3) for more than 75% of their working hours. Workers\u27 chronic morbidity from carbon disulphide exposure was analysed over a three-year period, and results were compared with those for a control group of the same age but with a shorter exposure duration. The percentage of ill workers and the prevalence rate were both similar to those of the control group. However, as concerns the specific morbidity caused by carbon disulphide exposure, toxic polyneuropathy was present only among the exposed workers. In that group hypertension too reached a higher prevalence rate, statistically significant, although both groups consisted of younger workers of similar age. The prevalence of other diseases was comparable, possibly because of the selection bias, and the ā€œhealthy worker effectsā€. Owing to that effect workers with the most distinct symptoms had been removed from their jobs and, consequently, excluded from examinations. That could have been a reason for underestimating exposure effects

    Donā€™t turn your back on the symptoms of psychosis : a proof-of-principle, quasi-experimental public health trial to reduce the duration of untreated psychosis in Birmingham, UK

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    Background: Reducing the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) is an aspiration of international guidelines for first episode psychosis; however, public health initiatives have met with mixed results. Systematic reviews suggest that greater focus on the sources of delay within care pathways, (which will vary between healthcare settings) is needed to achieve sustainable reductions in DUP (BJP 198: 256-263; 2011). Methods/Design: A quasi-experimental trial, comparing a targeted intervention area with a ā€˜detection as usualā€™ area in the same city. A proof-ofā€“principle trial, no a priori assumptions are made regarding effect size; key outcome will be an estimate of the potential effect size for a definitive trial. DUP and number of new cases will be collected over an 18-month period in target and control areas and compared; historical data on DUP collected in both areas over the previous three years, will serve as a benchmark. The intervention will focus on reducing two significant DUP component delays within the overall care pathway: delays within the mental health service and help-seeking delay. Discussion: This pragmatic trial will be the first to target known delays within the care pathway for those with a first episode of psychosis. If successful, this will provide a generalizable methodology that can be implemented in a variety of healthcare contexts with differing sources of delay. Trial registration: http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN45058713 Keywords: Public mental health campaign, First-episode psychosis, Early detection, Duration of untreated psychosis, Youth mental healt

    Occupational exposure to dusts and risk of renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: Occupational exposures to dusts have generally been examined in relation to cancers of the respiratory system and have rarely been examined in relation to other cancers, such as renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Although previous epidemiological studies, though few, have shown certain dusts, such as asbestos, to increase renal cancer risk, the potential for other occupational dust exposures to cause kidney damage and/or cancer may exist. We investigated whether asbestos, as well as 20 other occupational dust exposures, were associated with RCC risk in a large European, multi-center, hospital-based renal case-control study.Methods: General occupational histories and job-specific questionnaires were reviewed by occupational hygienists for subject-specific information. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) between RCC risk and exposures were calculated using unconditional logistic regression. Results: Among participants ever exposed to dusts, significant associations were observed for glass fibres (OR: 2.1; 95% CI: 1.1-3.9), mineral wool fibres (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.2-5.1), and brick dust (OR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.0-2.4). Significant trends were also observed with exposure duration and cumulative exposure. No association between RCC risk and asbestos exposure was observed. Conclusion: Results suggest that increased RCC risk may be associated with occupational exposure to specific types of dusts. Additional studies are needed to replicate and extend findings. Ā© 2011 Cancer Research UK All rights reserved

    Stomach cancer and occupational exposure to asbestos: a meta-analysis of occupational cohort studies

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    BACKGROUND: A recent Monographs Working Group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded that there is limited evidence for a causal association between exposure to asbestos and stomach cancer. METHODS: We performed a meta-analysis to quantitatively evaluate this association. Random effects models were used to summarise the relative risks across studies. Sources of heterogeneity were explored through subgroup analyses and meta-regression. RESULTS: We identified 40 mortality cohort studies from 37 separate papers, and cancer incidence data were extracted for 15 separate cohorts from 14 papers. The overall meta-SMR for stomach cancer for total cohort was 1.15 (95% confidence interval 1.03ā€“1.27), with heterogeneous results across studies. Statistically significant excesses were observed in North America and Australia but not in Europe, and for generic asbestos workers and insulators. Meta-SMRs were larger for cohorts reporting a SMR for lung cancer above 2 and cohort sizes below 1000. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the conclusion by IARC that exposure to asbestos is associated with a moderate increased risk of stomach cancer

    The European language technology landscape in 2020 : language-centric and human-centric AI for cross-cultural communication in multilingual Europe

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    Multilingualism is a cultural cornerstone of Europe and firmly anchored in the European treaties including full language equality. However, language barriers impacting business, cross-lingual and cross-cultural communication are still omnipresent. Language Technologies (LTs) are a powerful means to break down these barriers. While the last decade has seen various initiatives that created a multitude of approaches and technologies tailored to Europeā€™s specific needs, there is still an immense level of fragmentation. At the same time, AI has become an increasingly important concept in the European Information and Communication Technology area. For a few years now, AI ā€“ including many opportunities, synergies but also misconceptions ā€“ has been overshadowing every other topic. We present an overview of the European LT landscape, describing funding programmes, activities, actions and challenges in the different countries with regard to LT, including the current state of play in industry and the LT market. We present a brief overview of the main LT-related activities on the EU level in the last ten years and develop strategic guidance with regard to four key dimensions

    A new and a future generation of flotation machines

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    New innovations in mineral processing industry and principles of using the flotation machines
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