194 research outputs found

    Forensic psychiatric evaluations of defendants: Italy and the Netherlands compared

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    Background: Forensic psychiatric practices and provisions vary considerably across jurisdictions. The diversity provides the possibility to compare forensic psychiatric practices, as we will do in this paper regarding Italy and the Netherlands. Aim: We aim to perform a theoretical analysis of legislations dealing with the forensic psychiatric evaluation of defendants, including legal insanity and the management of mentally ill offenders deemed insane. This research is carried out not only to identify similarities and differences regarding the assessment of mentally ill offenders in Italy and the Netherlands, but, in addition, to identify strengths and weaknesses of the legislation and procedures used for the evaluation of the mentally ill offenders in the two countries. Results: Italy and the Netherlands share some basic characteristics of their criminal law systems. Yet, forensic psychiatric practices differ significantly, even if we consider only evaluations of defendants. A strong point of Italy concerns its test for legal insanity which defines the legal norm and enables a straightforward communication between the experts and the judges on this crucial matter. A strong point of the Netherlands concerns more standardized practices including guidelines and the use of risk assessment tools, which enable better comparisons and scientific research in this area. Conclusions: We argue that there appears to be room for improvement on both sides with regards to the evaluation of mentally ill offenders. More generally, a transnational approach to these issues, as applied in this paper, could help to advance forensic psychiatric services in different legal systems

    Sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide inferred from tower and mobile atmospheric observations in the Netherlands

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    Carbonyl sulfide (COS) is a promising tracer for the estimation of terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production (GPP). However, understanding its non-GPP-related sources and sinks, e.g., anthropogenic sources and soil sources and sinks, is also critical to the success of the approach. Here we infer the regional sources and sinks of COS using continuous in situ mole fraction profile measurements of COS along the 60 m tall Lutjewad tower (1 m a.s.l.; 53∘24′ N, 6∘21′ E) in the Netherlands. To identify potential sources that caused the observed enhancements of COS mole fractions at Lutjewad, both discrete flask samples and in situ measurements in the province of Groningen were made from a mobile van using a quantum cascade laser spectrometer (QCLS). We also simulated the COS mole fractions at Lutjewad using the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (STILT) model combined with emission inventories and plant uptake fluxes. We determined the nighttime COS fluxes to be -3.0±2.6 pmol m−2 s−1 using the radon-tracer correlation approach and Lutjewad observations. Furthermore, we identified and quantified several COS sources, including biodigesters, sugar production facilities and silicon carbide production facilities in the province of Groningen. Moreover, the simulation results show that the observed COS enhancements can be partially explained by known industrial sources of COS and CS2, in particular from the Ruhr Valley (51.5∘ N, 7.2∘ E) and Antwerp (51.2∘ N, 4.4∘ E) areas. The contribution of likely missing anthropogenic sources of COS and CS2 in the inventory may be significant. The impact of the identified sources in the province of Groningen is estimated to be negligible in terms of the observed COS enhancements. However, in specific conditions, these sources may influence the measurements in Lutjewad. These results are valuable for improving our understanding of the sources and sinks of COS, contributing to the use of COS as a tracer for GPP.</p

    Which executive functioning deficits are associated with AD/HD, ODD/CD and comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD?

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis study investigated (1) whether attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is associated with executive functioning (EF) deficits while controlling for oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder (ODD/CD), (2) whether ODD/CD is associated with EF deficits while controlling for AD/HD, and (3)~whether a combination of AD/HD and ODD/CD is associated with EF deficits (and the possibility that there is no association between EF deficits and AD/HD or ODD/CD in isolation). Subjects were 99~children ages 6–12 years. Three putative domains of EF were investigated using well-validated tests: verbal fluency, working memory, and planning. Independent of ODD/CD, AD/HD was associated with deficits in planning and working memory, but not in verbal fluency. Only teacher rated AD/HD, but not parent rated AD/HD, significantly contributed to the prediction of EF task performance. No EF deficits were associated with ODD/CD. The presence of comorbid AD/HD accounts for the EF deficits in children with comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD. These results suggest that EF deficits are unique to AD/HD and support the model proposed by R. A. Barkley (1997).17 p

    Combined assimilation of NOAA surface and MIPAS satellite observations to constrain the global budget of carbonyl sulfide

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    Carbonyl sulfide (COS), a trace gas in our atmosphere that leads to the formation of aerosols in the stratosphere, is largely taken up by terrestrial ecosystems. Quantifying the biosphere uptake of COS could provide a useful quantity to estimate gross primary productivity (GPP). Some COS sources and sinks still contain large uncertainties, and several top-down estimates of the COS budget point to an underestimation of sources, especially in the tropics. We extended the inverse model TM5-4DVAR to assimilate Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) satellite data, in addition to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) surface data as used in a previous study. To resolve possible discrepancies among the two observational data sets, a bias correction scheme is necessary and implemented. A set of inversions is presented that explores the influence of the different measurement streams and the settings of the prior fluxes. To evaluate the performance of the inverse system, the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) aircraft observations and NOAA airborne profiles are used. All inversions reduce the COS biosphere uptake from a prior value of 1053 GgS a−1 to much smaller values, depending on the inversion settings. These large adjustments of the biosphere uptake often turn parts of Amazonia into a COS source. Only inversions that exclusively use MIPAS observations, or strongly reduce the prior errors on the biosphere flux, maintain the Amazon as a COS sink. Inclusion of MIPAS data in the inversion leads to a better separation of land and ocean fluxes. Over the Amazon, these inversions reduce the biosphere uptake from roughly 300 to 100 GgS a−1, indicating a strongly overestimated prior uptake in this region. Although a recent study also reported reduced COS uptake over the Amazon, we emphasise that a careful construction of prior fluxes and their associated errors remains important. For instance, an inversion that gives large freedom to adjust the anthropogenic and ocean fluxes of CS2, an important COS precursor, also closes the budget satisfactorily with much smaller adjustments to the biosphere. We achieved better characterisation of biosphere prior and uncertainty, better characterisation of combined ocean and land fluxes, and better constraint of both by combining surface and satellite observations. We recommend more COS observations to characterise biosphere and ocean fluxes, especially over the data-poor tropics.</p

    EV-Elute: a universal platform for enrichment of functional surface marker-defined extracellular vesicle subpopulations

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    Intercellular communication via extracellular vesicles (EVs) has been identified as a vital component of a steadily expanding number of physiological and pathological processes. To accommodate these roles, EVs are equipped with specific proteins, lipids, and RNA molecules by EV-secreting cells. Consequently, EVs have highly heterogeneous molecular compositions. Given that surface molecules on EVs determine their interactions with their environment, it is conceivable that EV functionality differs between subpopulations with varying surface compositions. However, it has been technically challenging to examine such functional heterogeneity due to a lack of non-destructive methods to separate EV subpopulations based on their surface markers. Here, we used Design-of-Experiments methodology to rapidly optimize a protocol, which we name ‘EV-Elute’, to elute intact EVs from commercially available Protein G-coated magnetic beads. We captured EVs from various cell types on these beads using antibodies against CD9, CD63, CD81 and a custom-made protein binding phosphatidylserine (PS). When applying EV-Elute, over 70% of bound EVs could be recovered from the beads in a pH– and incubation time-dependent fashion. EV subpopulations were found to be devoid of co-isolated protein contaminants observed in whole EV isolates and showed intact morphology by electron microscopy. Proteinase K protection assays showed a mild and reversible decrease of EV membrane integrity during elution. Depending on the type of capturing antibody used, some antibodies remained EV-associated after elution. EV subpopulations showed uptake patterns similar to whole EV isolates in co-cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and endothelial cells. However, in Cas9/sgRNA delivery assays, CD63+ EVs showed a lower capacity to functionally deliver cargo as compared to CD9+, CD81+ and PS+ EVs. Taken together, we developed a novel, easy-to-use platform to isolate and functionally compare surface marker-defined EV subpopulations. Importantly, this platform does not require specialized equipment or reagents and is universally applicable to any capturing antibody and EV source. Hence, EV-Elute can open new opportunities to study EV functionality at the subpopulation level

    Near-real-time CO2_2 fluxes from CarbonTracker Europe for high-resolution atmospheric modeling

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    We present the CarbonTracker Europe High-Resolution (CTE-HR) system that estimates carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange over Europe at high resolution (0.1 × 0.2∘) and in near real time (about 2 months' latency). It includes a dynamic anthropogenic emission model, which uses easily available statistics on economic activity, energy use, and weather to generate anthropogenic emissions with dynamic time profiles at high spatial and temporal resolution (0.1×0.2∘, hourly). Hourly net ecosystem productivity (NEP) calculated by the Simple Biosphere model Version 4 (SiB4) is driven by meteorology from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis 5th Generation (ERA5) dataset. This NEP is downscaled to 0.1×0.2∘ using the high-resolution Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) land-cover map and combined with the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) fire emissions to create terrestrial carbon fluxes. Ocean CO2 fluxes are included in our product, based on Jena CarboScope ocean CO2 fluxes, which are downscaled using wind speed and temperature. Jointly, these flux estimates enable modeling of atmospheric CO2 mole fractions over Europe. We assess the skill of the CTE-HR CO2 fluxes (a) to reproduce observed anomalies in biospheric fluxes and atmospheric CO2 mole fractions during the 2018 European drought, (b) to capture the reduction of anthropogenic emissions due to COVID-19 lockdowns, (c) to match mole fraction observations at Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) sites across Europe after atmospheric transport with the Transport Model, version 5 (TM5) and the Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (STILT), driven by ECMWF-IFS, and (d) to capture the magnitude and variability of measured CO2 fluxes in the city center of Amsterdam (the Netherlands). We show that CTE-HR fluxes reproduce large-scale flux anomalies reported in previous studies for both biospheric fluxes (drought of 2018) and anthropogenic emissions (COVID-19 pandemic in 2020). After applying transport of emitted CO2, the CTE-HR fluxes have lower median root mean square errors (RMSEs) relative to mole fraction observations than fluxes from a non-informed flux estimate, in which biosphere fluxes are scaled to match the global growth rate of CO2 (poor person's inversion). RMSEs are close to those of the reanalysis with the CTE data assimilation system. This is encouraging given that CTE-HR fluxes did not profit from the weekly assimilation of CO2 observations as in CTE. We furthermore compare CO2 concentration observations at the Dutch Lutjewad coastal tower with high-resolution STILT transport to show that the high-resolution fluxes manifest variability due to different emission sectors in summer and winter. Interestingly, in periods where synoptic-scale transport variability dominates CO2 concentration variations, the CTE-HR fluxes perform similarly to low-resolution fluxes (5–10× coarsened). The remaining 10 % of the simulated CO2 mole fraction differs by >2 ppm between the low-resolution and high-resolution flux representation and is clearly associated with coherent structures (“plumes”) originating from emission hotspots such as power plants. We therefore note that the added resolution of our product will matter most for very specific locations and times when used for atmospheric CO2 modeling. Finally, in a densely populated region like the Amsterdam city center, our modeled fluxes underestimate the magnitude of measured eddy covariance fluxes but capture their substantial diurnal variations in summertime and wintertime well. We conclude that our product is a promising tool for modeling the European carbon budget at a high resolution in near real time. The fluxes are freely available from the ICOS Carbon Portal (CC-BY-4.0) to be used for near-real-time monitoring and modeling, for example, as an a priori flux product in a CO2 data assimilation system. The data are available at https://doi.org/10.18160/20Z1-AYJ2 (van der Woude, 2022a)