984 research outputs found

    Non-commutative Solitons in Finite Quantum Mechanics

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    We construct the unitary evolution operators that realize the quantization of linear maps of SL(2,R) over phase spaces of arbitrary integer discretization N and show the non-trivial dependence on the arithmetic nature of N. We discuss the corresponding uncertainty principle and construct the corresponding coherent states, that may be interpreted as non-commutative solitons.Comment: 3 pages LaTeX. Uses espcrc2.sty and amssymb.sty. Contribution to Lattice 2002(theoretical

    Entropy Distance: New Quantum Phenomena

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    We study a curve of Gibbsian families of complex 3x3-matrices and point out new features, absent in commutative finite-dimensional algebras: a discontinuous maximum-entropy inference, a discontinuous entropy distance and non-exposed faces of the mean value set. We analyze these problems from various aspects including convex geometry, topology and information geometry. This research is motivated by a theory of info-max principles, where we contribute by computing first order optimality conditions of the entropy distance.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Symbolic dynamics for the NN-centre problem at negative energies

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    We consider the planar NN-centre problem, with homogeneous potentials of degree -\a<0, \a \in [1,2). We prove the existence of infinitely many collisions-free periodic solutions with negative and small energy, for any distribution of the centres inside a compact set. The proof is based upon topological, variational and geometric arguments. The existence result allows to characterize the associated dynamical system with a symbolic dynamics, where the symbols are the partitions of the NN centres in two non-empty sets

    Cluster Approximation for the Farey Fraction Spin Chain

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    We consider the Farey fraction spin chain in an external field hh. Utilising ideas from dynamical systems, the free energy of the model is derived by means of an effective cluster energy approximation. This approximation is valid for divergent cluster sizes, and hence appropriate for the discussion of the magnetizing transition. We calculate the phase boundaries and the scaling of the free energy. At h=0h=0 we reproduce the rigorously known asymptotic temperature dependence of the free energy. For h≠0h \ne 0, our results are largely consistent with those found previously using mean field theory and renormalization group arguments.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Chaotic quasi-collision trajectories in the 3-centre problem

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    We study a particular kind of chaotic dynamics for the planar 3-centre problem on small negative energy level sets. We know that chaotic motions exist, if we make the assumption that one of the centres is far away from the other two (see Bolotin and Negrini, J. Diff. Eq. 190 (2003), 539--558): this result has been obtained by the use of the Poincar\'e-Melnikov theory. Here we change the assumption on the third centre: we do not make any hypothesis on its position, and we obtain a perturbation of the 2-centre problem by assuming its intensity to be very small. Then, for a dense subset of possible positions of the perturbing centre on the real plane, we prove the existence of uniformly hyperbolic invariant sets of periodic and chaotic almost collision orbits by the use of a general result of Bolotin and MacKay (see Cel. Mech. & Dyn. Astr. 77 (2000), 49--75). To apply it, we must preliminarily construct chains of collision arcs in a proper way. We succeed in doing that by the classical regularisation of the 2-centre problem and the use of the periodic orbits of the regularised problem passing through the third centre.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Widespread Treponema pallidum Infection in Nonhuman Primates, Tanzania

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    We investigated Treponema pallidum infection in 8 nonhuman primate species (289 animals) in Tanzania during 2015–2017. We used a serologic treponemal test to detect antibodies against the bacterium. Infection was further confirmed from tissue samples of skin-ulcerated animals by 3 independent PCRs (polA, tp47, and TP_0619). Our findings indicate that T. pallidum infection is geographically widespread in Tanzania and occurs in several species (olive baboons, yellow baboons, vervet monkeys, and blue monkeys). We found the bacterium at 11 of 14 investigated geographic locations. Anogenital ulceration was the most common clinical manifestation; orofacial lesions also were observed. Molecular data show that nonhuman primates in Tanzania are most likely infected with T. pallidum subsp. pertenue–like strains, which could have implications for human yaws eradication

    On the Form Factor for the Unitary Group

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    We study the combinatorics of the contributions to the form factor of the group U(N) in the large NN limit. This relates to questions about semiclassical contributions to the form factor of quantum systems described by the unitary ensemble.Comment: 35 page

    The Non-Trapping Degree of Scattering

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    We consider classical potential scattering. If no orbit is trapped at energy E, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree. This can be calculated explicitly and be used for symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. If the potential is bounded, then in the non-trapping case the boundary of Hill's Region is empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. We consider classical potential scattering. If at energy E no orbit is trapped, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree deg(E) < 2. This is calculated explicitly for all potentials, and exactly the integers < 2 are shown to occur for suitable potentials. The non-trapping condition is restrictive in the sense that for a bounded potential it is shown to imply that the boundary of Hill's Region in configuration space is either empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. However, in many situations one can decompose a potential into a sum of non-trapping potentials with non-trivial degree and embed symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. This comprises a large number of earlier results, obtained by different authors on multi-obstacle scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure Revised and enlarged version, containing more detailed proofs and remark
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