2,844 research outputs found

    Inflation and the quantum measurement problem

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    We propose a solution to the quantum measurement problem in inflation. Our model treats Fourier modes of cosmological perturbations as analogous to particles in a weakly interacting Bose gas. We generalize the idea of a macroscopic wave function to cosmological fields, and construct a self-interaction Hamiltonian that focuses that wave function. By appropriately setting the coupling between modes, we obtain the standard adiabatic, scale-invariant power spectrum. Because of central limit theorem, we recover a Gaussian random field, consistent with observations

    Impact of Gd doping on morphology and superconductivity of NbN sputtered thin films

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    We report effect of Gd inclusion in the NbN superconductor thin films. The films are deposited on single crystalline Silicon (100) by DC reactive sputtering technique i.e., deposition of Nb and Gd in presence of reactive N2 gas. The fabricated relatively thick films (400 nm) are crystallized in cubic structure. These films are characterized for their morphology, elemental analysis and roughness by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) respectively. The optimized film (maximum Tc) is achieved with gas ratio of Ar:N2 (80:20) for both pristine and Gd doped films. The optimized NbN film possesses Tc (R=0) in zero and 140kOe fields are at 14.8K and 8.8K respectively. The Gd doped NbN film showed Tc (R=0) in zero and 130kOe fields at 11.2K and 6.8 K respectively. The upper critical field Hc2(0) of the studied superconducting films is calculated from the magneto-transport [R(T)H] measurements using GL equations. It is found that Gd doping deteriorated the superconducting performance of NbN.Comment: 14 pages Text+Figs: comments/suggestions ([email protected])/www.freewebs.com/vpsawana

    A complete description of the magnetic ground state in spinel vanadates

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    Capturing the non-collinear magnetic ground state of the spinel vanadates AV2_2O4_4 (A= Mn, Fe and Co) remains an outstanding challenge for state-of-the-art ab-initio methods. We demonstrate that both the non-collinear spin texture, as well as the magnitude of local moments, are captured by a single value of the on-site Hubbard UU of 2.7~eV in conjunction with the local spin density approximation (LSDA+UU), provided the source term (i.e., magnetic monopole term) is removed from the exchange-correlation magnetic field BXC{\bf B}_{XC}. We further demonstrate that the magnetic monopole structure in BXC{\bf B}_{XC} is highly sensitive to the value of UU, to the extent that the interplay between on-site localization and local moment magnitude is qualitatively different depending on whether the source term is removed or not. This suggests that in treating strongly correlated magnetic materials within the LSDA+UU formalism, subtraction of the unphysical magnetic monopole term from the exchange-correlation magnetic field is essential to correctly treat the magnetic ground state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Digital herbarium database of some rainy season weeds of Khadar area of Hastinapur District, Meerut (U.P.), India

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    Digital herbarium database includes virtual images of plant specimens in digital format. This form of digital database herbarium is quite different from the traditional herbarium. In this form, the herbarium data is stored and made available to the taxonomists electronically.The modern database includes the actual herbarium specimens as digital images with all relevant informations available on the herbarium sheet label.The study of digital herbarium database reduces the time and efforts required for collection, identification and study of plants. This form of Floweringoral study reduces the cost of large herbarium maintenance. Very large information of plants can be stored in a small space. Digitization replaces the loan methods of herbarium from one institute to another for researches.Digital herbarium database is helpful in maintaining the wealth of plants. Digitized Floweringora can be represented in a compact form, this is very useful for use of forest department, ecological workers and for institutions carrying plant researches in all disciplines. The digital form of Floweringora is very useful as corrections and modifications can be made from time to time as Floweringora is never constant and undergoes changes over a period of time. The stretches of the Upper Ganges Canal is called Khadar. The present paper deals with some rainy season weeds of Khadar area of Hastinapur , district – Meerut (UP), India

    Improved Sketch-to-Photo Generation Using Filter Aided Generative Adversarial Network

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    Generating a photographic face image from given input sketch is most challenging task in computer vision. Mainly the sketches drawn by sketch artist used in human identification. Sketch to photo synthesis is very important applications in law enforcement as well as character design, educational training. In recent years Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) shows excellent performance on sketch to photo synthesis problem.  Quality of hand drawn sketches affects the quality generated photo. It might be possible that while handling the hand drawn sketches, accidently by touching the user hand on pencil sketch or similar activities causes noise in given sketch. Likewise different styles like shading, darkness of pencil used by sketch artist may cause unnecessary noise in sketches. In recent year many sketches to photo synthesis methods are proposed, but they are mainly focused on network architecture to get better performance. In this paper we proposed Filter-aided GAN framework to remove such noise while synthesizing photo images from hand drawn sketches. Here we implement and compare different filtering methods with GAN.  Quantitative and qualitative result shows that proposed Filter-aided GAN generate the photo images which are visually pleasant and closer to ground truth image

    Utility of prophylactic cervical cerclage in intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection twins: a prospective study

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    Background: Several interventions have been used to reduce the rate of preterm birth and prolonging gestation in a twin pregnancy and routine usage of cervical cerclage in twin pregnancy conceived after intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure has found to be beneficial.Methods: Prospective case series studies, series of expectant mothers with twin pregnancy conceived by ICSI were studied under tertiary care hospital setting. A total of 108 cases with twin pregnancy were included during a period of 2016 to 2019. Obstetric profile of all the cases was taken; cervical cerclage procedure was done at 14-16 weeks of gestation (McDonald method) after a normal nuchal translucency scan and a double marker test. Pregnancy outcome parameters like abortion, preterm labour/delivery, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), and mode of delivery, gestational age at delivery, birth weight and neonatal complications were assessed.Results: Mean age of the mothers was 30.61±4.45 years, rates of the pregnancy outcome parameters were abortion 0%, preterm labour 11.1%, premature rupture of membranes (PROM) 9.3%, mean gestational age at delivery was at 34.56±1.71 weeks. Neonatal outcome parameters were mean birth weight was at 2279±470 grams, 77.8% of the neonates had normal APGAR scores. The rates of NICU admission was 28%, RDS– 24.1%, 3.7% had sepsis and 92.6% of neonates survived and 7.4% died.Conclusions: In ICSI twin pregnancies with normal cervical measurements, prophylactic cervical cerclage is effective in prolonging pregnancy and preventing preterm delivery and thereby minimizing neonatal morbidity and mortality

    Bioefficacy of some insecticides against shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee on brinjal under Hisar agro-climatic conditions during kharif season

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    A field experiment was conducted to study the bioefficacy of some insecticides against Leucinodes orbonalis during kharif season of 2014 on brinjal var. BR-112 at Entomology Research Area of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Five foliar sprays of insecticides viz., cypermethrin 25EC @ 43.75 g a.i/ ha, fenvalerate 20EC @40 g a.i/ ha, deltamethrin 2.8EC @ 14 g a.i/ ha, chlorpyriphos 20EC @ 200 g a.i/ ha, Prempt 20EC @ 150 g a.i/ ha, malathion 50EC @ 250 g a.i/ ha and Nimbecidine 0.03% @ 3 ml/l were evaluated and it was found that all the insecticides proved significantly superior (at 5% level) to control (untreated) in reducing the damage of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal. Among all, deltamethrin proved most effective in reducing shoot damage (60.40%) and fruit damage, on number basis (88.87%) and weight basis (88.89%) over control. Deltamethrin recorded the highest marketable fruit yield of 132.27q/ha and lowest was found in case of Nimbecidine (33.53 q/ha). Highest (1:8.7) cost to benefit ratio was recorded in deltamethrin followed by fenvalerate (1:8.5), cypermethrin (1:6.5), chlorpyriphos (1:4.5), Prempt (1:1.9), malathion (1:0.6) and Nimbecidine (1: -0.3). From these findings, it was revealed that synthetic pyretheroids being the most effective and economic over other insecticides, may be incorporated in IPM practices followed against brinjal shoot and fruit borer