819 research outputs found

    Preaching with all you\u27ve got: embodying the word

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    Title: Preaching with all you\u27ve got: embodying the word. Author: Day, David Preaching with all you\u27ve got 186 p. Publisher: Peabody, Mass : Hendrickson, 2006

    Meeting our multifaith neighbors

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    Title: Meeting our multifaith neighbors. Author: Balmer, Brice Meeting our multifaith neighbors 195 p. Publisher: Scottdale, Pa : Herald Pr, 2006

    Individualism-Collectivism (IC) as an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in an Accounting Environtment Setting

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    The purpose of this research is to examine whether individualism-collectivism dimension (beliefs, values and norms) positively related with organizational citizenship behavior dimension (interpersonal helping, individual initiative and loyal boosterism) in an accounting environment setting. Structural Equation Model (SEM) are used to analyze data. The sample consists of 365 accounting college students. The results showed that individualism-collectivism‟s dimension positively related with organizational citizenship behavior dimension. This result supported the previous research conducted by Moorman and Blakely (1995)

    Penanganan Pascapanen Untuk Peningkatan Mutu Dan Daya Saing Komoditas Kakao

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    ABSTRACTDetermination of cocoa production growth rate of 3.9% per year must be complemented by increasing competitiveness of cocoa in order to assure that cocoa production could provide added value and prosperity for farmers. The weakness of Indonesian cocoa in market competition mainly occurs due to the low quality of cocoa beans, caused by high levels of nonfermented beans (>3%) and impurity content (>2%). Meanwhile, the market also implemented food safety requirements as well as taste preferences that need to be anticipated by implementing fermentation process. Technology for fermentation of cocoa beans has already been available, but innovation on policy still seems to need improvement. Fermentation institution needs to be built, including through revitalization of processing unit by making it as business entities, which are well managed to obtain  economical, social and environmental benefit optimally. Farmers and traders also need to implement good agricultural and good handling practices. Therefore, guidance of implementation and intensive assistanceneed to be prepared. Consequently, agricultural activities are needed to be revitalized.Keywords: Cocoa, postharvest handling, quality, competitivenessabstrakPenetapan laju pertumbuhan produksi kakao sebesar 3,9% per tahun harus diimbangi dengan peningkatan daya saing agar produksi kakao mampu memberikan nilai tambah dan kesejahteraan bagi petani. Kelemahan kakao Indonesia dalam persaingan di pasar global terutama adalah mutu biji rendah karena tingginya kadar biji tidak difermentasi (> 3%) serta kadar kotoran (> 2%). Selain itu, pasar juga menerapkan persyaratan keamanan pangan yang ketat dan preferensi cita rasa konsumen yang perlu diantisipasi antara lain dengan menerapkan proses fermentasi. Inovasi teknologi fermentasi biji kakao telah tersedia, namun inovasi kebijakan masih perlu penyempurnaan. Kelembagaan fermentasi perlu dibangun, di antaranya melalui revitalisasi unit pengolahan hasil (UPH) dengan menjadikan UPH sebagai unit bisnis yang dikelola secara terorganisir untuk mendapat manfaat ekonomis, sosial, dan lingkungan secara optimal. Penerapan kaidah praktik pertanian dan penanganan yang baik juga perlu dilakukan oleh petani maupun pedagang pengumpul. Untuk itu panduan pelaksanaan dan pendampingan secara intensif perlu disiapkan. Penerapan praktik pertanian dan pengolahan yang baik perlu didukung dengan revitalisasi penyuluhan

    Bangunan sosial tongkonan (sebuah kajian terhadap organisasi sosial tradisional di Tana Toraja)

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    Buku ini berisi deskripsi mengenai organisasi sosial suku bangsa Toraja, dalam tulisan ini ditunjukkan bahwa sebuah pranata sosial yang mengace pada nilai budaya inti, dan yang bcrisi tcntang pandangan hidup serta keyakinan kepercayaan yang ada dan tumbuh dan berkembang di suatu masyarakat, dapat bertahan dan tetap dapat menjadi acuan dalam mcmahami dan menginterpretasi lingkungan yang berubah. Pranata sosial ini bersifat menyeluruh yang intinya ada pada semua pranata sosial yang berlaku pada masyarakat sebagai perwujudan kebudayaan yang dianut sebagai pedoman dalam bertindak

    Clostridium difficile--a moving target

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    Clostridium difficile has been recognized as a pathogen in humans for over 40 years, but in the past decade the incidence has increased and, more importantly, the clinical presentation and consequences have become more serious, with increased morbidity and mortality. The emergence of a new, more pathogenic strain, BI/NAP1/027, has driven these shifts. Treatment of this disease has been with two antibiotics, metronidazole and vancomycin, but increasing recurrence, not uncommon with C. difficile infections, has prompted research into several alternative therapies. These include a new class of antibiotic (fidaxomicin), a monoclonal antibody, a vaccine, and most recently a biotherapeutic (which, in this case, is a nontoxin-producing strain of C. difficile). The future management of C. difficile infection will probably require a combination of these approaches once we have the data from ongoing studies

    Household Specialization and the Male Marriage Wage Premium

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    Empirical research has consistently shown that married men have substantially higher wages, on average, than otherwise similar unmarried men. One commonly cited hypothesis to explain this pattern is that marriage allows one spouse to specialize in market production and the other to specialize in home production, enabling the former - usually the husband - to acquire more market-specific human capital and, ultimately, earn higher wages. The authors test this hypothesis using panel data from the National Survey of Families and Households. The data reveal that married men spent virtually the same amount of time on home production as did single men, albeit on different types of housework. Estimates from a fixed effects wage equation indicate that the male marriage wage premium is not substantially affected by controls for home production activities. Household specialization, the authors conclude, does not appear to have been responsible for the marriage premium in this sample

    Pengaruh Birokrasi, Intervensi Dan Dukungan Terhadap Kinerja Saluran Distribusi Studi Kasus Pada PT. Osram Indonesia Cabang Semarang

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    Distribution activities (place) are one main problem that a company has to face, beside of price, promotion and product (4p), so the market (society) can accept the product. Company must place its product on the right place, and it means: The nearer the product to the market, the easier the consumer to find and consume it. For that reason, the company must keep a good relationship with the distribution channels because of their role as an intermediary between companies to its customers in all area. We cannot imagine, how difficult a company would be if the company must distribute its product directly by itself in all places. The major concentration of the company to produce good product will be disturbed because its interest was divided between production and distribution. To keep this relationship, the company must aware to see its distributor as a partner (mutual advantage) so that they will find it convenience to distribute the company product. This research adopted result of previous research which have done by Boyle et al., (1995) where he found out that Bureaucracy and Support from company are convenience factors, it means: it has influence in increasing distributors performance. On the other hand, Intervention from company is an inconvenience factor and has negatif impact to distributor performance. The technique of the analysis is using Structural Equation Model (SEM) that is used to examine 3 (three) hypothesis that has been developed. The numbers of sample taken in this research are 100 respondents. The result of the examination shows the positif impact between Bureaucracy and Support toward Distribution Performance and the negatif impact of Intervention toward Distribution Performance

    Membangun Masyarakat Sadar Wisata dan Sadar Bencana di Kawasan Danau Lut Tawar Takengon

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    Kawasan wisata Danau Lut Tawar Takengon merupakan Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) unggulan yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Sebagai kawasan wisata unggulan yang selalu dikunjungi baik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, maka pengelolaan kawasan wisata yang ada di sekitar danau juga harus ditingkatkan. Adanya pelibatan masyarakat dalam membangun kawasan wisata sangat diperlukan. Hal ini agar tercipta keterpaduan dan kerjasama antara masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah dalam membangun dan mengembangkan kawasan wisata yang ada di sekitar Danau Lut Tawar. Sebagai daerah yang memiliki lanscape perbukitan dan dikelilingi oleh hutan, maka pembangunan kawasan wisata yang ada juga harus memperhatikan potensi bencana yang setiap saat selalu mengancam. Untuk itu diperlukan pembangunan masyarakat yang sadar wisata dan sadar bencana dalam meningkatkan pengelolaan wisata di Danau Lut Tawar Takengon
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