16 research outputs found

    The Impact of Shame, Self-Criticism and Social Rank on Eating Behaviours in Overweight and Obese Women Participating in a Weight Management Programme

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    Recent research has suggested that obesity is a stigmatised condition. Concerns with personal inferiority (social rank), shame and self-criticism may impact on weight management behaviours. The current study examined associations between social comparison (shame, self-criticism), negative affect and eating behaviours in women attending a community based weight management programme focused on behaviour change. 2,236 participants of the programme completed an online survey using measures of shame, self-criticism, social comparison, and weight-related affect, which were adapted to specifically address eating behaviour, weight and body shape perceptions. Correlation analyses showed that shame, self-criticism and social comparison were associated with negative affect. All of these variables were related to eating regulation and weight control (p < 0.001). Path analysis revealed that the association of shame, hated-self, and low self-reassurance on disinhibition and susceptibility to hunger was fully mediated by weight-related negative affect, even when controlling for the effect of depressive symptoms (p < 0.050 to p < 0.010). In addition, feelings of inadequacy and unfavourable social comparisons were associated with higher disinhibition and susceptibility to hunger, partially mediated through weight-related negative affect (p = 0.001). These variables were negatively associated with extent of weight loss during programme attendance prior to the survey, while self-reassurance and positive social comparisons were positively associated with the extent of weight loss prior to the survey (p < .050). Shame, self-criticism, and perceptions of inferiority may play a significant role in self-regulation of eating behaviour in overweight people trying to manage their weight

    Análise de dados de reclamações em empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social: estudo no Programa de Arrendamento Residencial

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    O gerenciamento de reclamações é uma prática difundida em muitas emmpresas do setor de manufatura, a fim de proporcionar a melhoria da ualidade de produtos e serviços. No que tange à construção civil, bservam-se poucos estudos sobre a utilização desse tipo de gestão de empreendimentos, sendo poucas as empresas que percebem a utilidade das informações sobre reclamações. O presente trabalho apresenta uma análise de dados de reclamações de usuários de uma amostra de empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social, com o objetivo de investigar sua utilidade para a retroalimentação do processo de desenvolvimento do produto nesse segmento. Foram analisadas 6.956 reclamações de usuários de 42 empreendimentos habitacionais de interesse social do Programa de Arrendamento Residencial, localizados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho envolveu um tratamento inicial dos dados de reclamações para a montagem de um banco de dados, seguido da aplicação de diversos testes estatísticos. As principais contribuições estão relacionadas com a utilidade dos dados de reclamações, incluindo a geração de indicadores que podem apoiar a tomada de decisão por parte de diferentes agentes envolvidos na produção habitacional, tais como projetistas, construtoras, agentes financiadores e empresas envolvidas na gestão da operação e manutenção. Os indicadores, se bem utilizados, podem contribuir para a melhoria de produtos e serviços que compreendem os empreendimentos habitacionais, possibilitando um aumento na satisfação dos usuários finais

    Classification scheme for lean manufacturing tools

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    Classification scheme for lean manufacturing system was developed. The scheme reduces the misuse of tools and metrics or the misapplication of tools at improper locations. The scheme also enables to link manufacturing problems to the appropriate lean manufacturing tools that would solve the problem

    In vitro suppression of inflammatory cytokine response by methionine sulfoximine

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    Abstract Background The glutamine synthetase inhibitor methionine sulfoximine (MSO), shown previously to prevent death caused by an inflammatory liver response in mice, was tested on in vitro production of cytokines by mouse peritoneal macrophages triggered with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Results MSO significantly reduced the production of Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNFα) at 4 and 6 h after LPS-treatment. This reduction did not result from decreased transcription of IL-6 and TNFα genes, and therefore appeared to result from post-transcriptional inhibition of synthesis of these cytokines. MSO treatment did not inhibit total protein synthesis and did not reduce the production of a third LPS-triggered cytokine CXCL1, so the effect was not a toxic or global downregulation of the LPS response. The anti-inflammatory effects of a glutamine synthetase inhibitor were seen even though the medium contained abundant (2 mM) glutamine, suggesting that the target for this activity was not glutamine synthetase. In agreement with this hypothesis, the L,R isomer of MSO, which does not inhibit glutamine synthetase and was previously thought to be inert, both significantly reduced IL-6 secretion in isolated macrophages and increased survival in a mouse model for inflammatory liver failure. Conclusions Our findings provide evidence for a novel target of MSO. Future attempts to identify the additional target would therefore also provide a target for therapies to treat diseases involving damaging cytokine responses