864 research outputs found

    Regular 3-charge 4D black holes and their microscopic description

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    The perturbative α\alpha^{\prime} corrections to Type-IIA String Theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold allow the construction of regular three-charge supersymmetric black holes in four dimensions, whose entropy scales with the charges as S(p1p2p3)23S \sim \left( p^1 p^2 p^3\right)^{\frac{2}{3}} . We construct an M-theory uplift of these quantum black holes and show that they can be interpreted as arising from three stacks of M2 branes on a conical singularity. This in turns allow us relate them via a series of dualities to a system of D3 branes carrying momentum and thus to give a microscopic interpretation of their entropy.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Interface properties of the NiMnSb/InP and NiMnSb/GaAs contacts

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    We study the electronic and magnetic properties of the interfaces between the half-metallic Heusler alloy NiMnSb and the binary semiconductors InP and GaAs using two different state-of-the-art full-potential \textit{ab-initio} electronic structure methods. Although in the case of most NiMnSb/InP(001) contacts the half-metallicity is lost, it is possible to keep a high degree of spin-polarization when the interface is made up by Ni and P layers. In the case of the GaAs semiconductor the larger hybridization between the Ni-dd and As-pp orbitals with respect to the hybridization between the Ni-dd and P-pp orbitals destroys this polarization. The (111) interfaces present strong interface states but also in this case there are few interfaces presenting a high spin-polarization at the Fermi level which can reach values up to 74%.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Propagators for p-forms in AdS_{2p+1} and correlation functions in the AdS_7/(2,0) CFT correspondence

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    In AdS_{2p+1} we construct propagators for p-forms whose lagrangians contain terms of the form A / d A. In particular we explore the case of forms satisfying ``self duality in odd dimensions'', and the case of forms with a topological mass term. We point out that the ``complete'' set of maximally symmetric bitensors previously used in all the other propagator papers is incomplete - there exists another bitensor which can and does appear in the formulas for the propagators in this particular case. Nevertheless, its presence does not affect the other propagators computed so far. On the AdS side of the correspondence we compute the 2 and 3 point functions involving the self-dual tensor of the maximal 7d gauged supergravity (sugra), S_{\mu\nu\rho}. Since the 7 dimensional antisymmetric self-dual tensor obeys first order field equations (S + * d S=0), to get a nonvanishing 2 point function we add a certain boundary term (to satisfy the variational principle on a manifold with boundary) to the 7d action. The 3 point functions we compute are of the type SSB and SBB, describing vertex interactions with the gauge fields B_{\mu}.Comment: 21 pages, Latex file, one reference adde

    Exotic polarizations of D2 branes and oblique vacua of (S)YM2+1_{2+1}

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    We investigate the oblique vacua in the perturbed 2+1 dimensional gauge theory living on D2 branes. The string theory dual of these vacua is expected to correspond to polarizations of the D2 branes into NS5 branes with D4 brane charge. We perturb the gauge theory by adding fermions masses. In the nonsupersymmetric case, we also consider the effect of slight variations of the masses of the scalars. For certain ranges of scalar masses we find oblique vacua. We show that D4 charge is an essential ingredient in understanding D2 -> NS5 polarizations. We find that some of the polarization states which appear as metastable vacua when D4 charge is not considered are in fact unstable. They decay by acquiring D4 charge, tilting and shrinking to zero size.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    Important differences in nitric oxide synthase activity and predominant isoform in reproductive tissues from human and rat

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    For the extrapolation of data obtained from experimental animals to the human situation, it is important to know the similarities and differences between human and animal species. Some important characteristics of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in myometrium and vagina from human and rat were compared. NOS-activity was measured by the formation of (14)C-citrulline from (14)C-arginine and the expression of NOS isoforms was examined by Western blotting. NOS activity in human uterus and vagina was significantly lower than in the tissues from rat. In contrast to the rat where NOS activity was predominantly found in the cytosolic fractions, NOS activity in particulate and cytosolic fractions from both human myometrium and vagina was similar. Data from Western blots confirmed that eNOS and nNOS isoforms were concentrated in the particulate and cytosolic fractions, respectively. Estrogen treatment of rats resulted in a down regulation of uterine cytosolic NOS activity. A down regulation of NOS in the cytosolic fraction was also seen in the human pregnant myometrium as compared with the nonpregnant myometrium. The vaginal NOS activity was considerably higher than the uterus in both species. In spite of some clear-cut qualitative and other differences between human and rat tissues, there are some interesting similarities. Downregulation in pregnancy of human uterine NOS is probably due to, at least in part, the influence of estrogen and progesterone

    Isospectral domains with mixed boundary conditions

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    We construct a series of examples of planar isospectral domains with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. This is a modification of a classical problem proposed by M. Kac.Comment: 9 figures. Statement of Theorem 5.1 correcte

    Career Management in the Artistic Field

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    Career management is a concept of interest at present for organizations that aim to maintain staff employment in the long term, with the expected performance. This study looks at aspects of artistic career management within a musical theatre. The empirical research approach includes an analysis of how the artistic career is managed, starting with the studies followed by the activities that employees carry out today and projections for the future. The results of the study show that the studies completed by respondents are compatible with the current job, and the general perception of career is related to the exercise of passion

    Extreme plasma states in laser-governed vacuum breakdown

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    Triggering vacuum breakdown at the upcoming laser facilities can provide rapid electron-positron pair production for studies in laboratory astrophysics and fundamental physics. However, the density of the emerging plasma should seemingly stop rising at the relativistic critical density, when the plasma becomes opaque. Here we identify the opportunity of breaking this limit using optimal beam configuration of petawatt-class lasers. Tightly focused laser fields allow plasma generation in a small focal volume much less than λ3{\lambda}^3, and creating extreme plasma states in terms of density and produced currents. These states can be regarded as a new object of nonlinear plasma physics. Using 3D QED-PIC simulations we demonstrate the possibility of reaching densities of more than 102510^{25} cm3^{-3}, which is an order of magnitude higher than previously expected. Controlling the process via the initial target parameters gives the opportunity to reach the discovered plasma states at the upcoming laser facilities

    A Note on (Meta)stable Brane Configurations in MQCD

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    We examine the M-theory version of SQCD which is known as MQCD. In the IIA limit, this theory appears to have a supersymmetry-breaking brane configuration which corresponds to the meta-stable state of N=1 SU(Nc) SQCD. However, the behavior at infinity of this non-supersymmetric brane construction differs from that of the supersymmetric ground state of MQCD. We interpret this to mean that it is not a meta-stable state in MQCD, but rather a state in another theory. This provides a concrete example of the fact that, while MQCD accurately describes the supersymmetric features of SCQD, it fails to reproduce its non-supersymmetric features (such as meta-stable states) not only quantitatively but also qualitatively.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, harvmac. v2 typo correcte