595 research outputs found

    Pseudo Goldstone Bosons Phenomenology in Minimal Walking Technicolor

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    We construct the non-linear realized Lagrangian for the Goldstone Bosons associated to the breaking pattern of SU(4) to SO(4). This pattern is expected to occur in any Technicolor extension of the standard model featuring two Dirac fermions transforming according to real representations of the underlying gauge group. We concentrate on the Minimal Walking Technicolor quantum number assignments with respect to the standard model symmetries. We demonstrate that for, any choice of the quantum numbers, consistent with gauge and Witten anomalies the spectrum of the pseudo Goldstone Bosons contains electrically doubly charged states which can be discovered at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Predictions for Triple Stars with and without a Pulsar in Star Clusters

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    Though about 80 pulsar binaries have been detected in globular clusters so far, no pulsar has been found in a triple system in which all three objects are of comparable mass. Here we present predictions for the abundance of such triple systems, and for the most likely characteristics of these systems. Our predictions are based on an extensive set of more than 500 direct simulations of star clusters with primordial binaries, and a number of additional runs containing primordial triples. Our simulations employ a number N_{tot} of equal mass stars from N_{tot}=512 to N_{tot}=19661 and a primordial binary fraction from 0-50%. In addition, we validate our results against simulations with N=19661 that include a mass spectrum with a turn-off mass at 0.8 M_{sun}, appropriate to describe the old stellar populations of galactic globular clusters. Based on our simulations, we expect that typical triple abundances in the core of a dense cluster are two orders of magnitude lower than the binary abundances, which in itself already suggests that we don't have to wait too long for the first comparable-mass triple with a pulsar to be detected.Comment: 11 pages, minor changes to match MNRAS accepted versio

    Basic N-Body Modelling of the Evolution of Globular Clusters. I. Time Scaling

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    We consider the use of N-body simulations for studying the evolution of rich star clusters (i.e. globular clusters). The dynamical processes included in this study are restricted to gravitational (point-mass) interactions, the steady tidal field of a galaxy, and instantaneous mass loss resulting from stellar evolution. With evolution driven by these mechanisms, it is known that clusters fall roughly into two broad classes: those that dissipate promptly in the tidal field, as a result of mass loss, and those that survive long enough for their evolution to become dominated by two-body relaxation. The time scales of the processes we consider scale in different ways with the number of stars in the simulation, and the main aim of the paper is to suggest how the scaling of a simulation should be done so that the results are representative of the evolution of a `real' cluster. We investigate three different ways of scaling time. One of these is appropriate to the first type of cluster, i.e. those that dissipate rapidly, and similarly a second scaling is appropriate only to the second (relaxation-dominated) type. We also develop a hybrid scaling which is a satisfactory compromise for both types of cluster. Finally we present evidence that the widely used Fokker-Planck method produces models which are in good agreement with N-body models of those clusters which are relaxation dominated, at least for N-body models with several thousand particles, but that the Fokker-Planck models evolve too fast for clusters which dissipate promptly.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    The Promiscuous Nature of Stars in Clusters

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    The recent availability of special purpose computers designed for calculating gravitational interactions of N-bodies at extremely high speed has provided the means to model globular clusters on a star-by-star basis for the first time. By endeavouring to make the N-body codes that operate on these machines as realistic as possible, the addition of stellar evolution being one example, much is being learnt about the interaction between the star cluster itself and the stars it contains. A fascinating aspect of this research is the ability to follow the orbits of individual stars in detail and to document the formation of observed exotic systems. This has revealed that many stars within a star cluster lead wildly promiscuous lives, interacting, often intimately and in rapid succession, with a variety of neighbours.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    The M/L ratio of massive young clusters

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    We point out a strong time-evolution of the mass-to-light conversion factor \eta commonly used to estimate masses of dense star clusters from observed cluster radii and stellar velocity dispersions. We use a gas-dynamical model coupled with the Cambridge stellar evolution tracks to compute line-of-sight velocity dispersions and half-light radii weighted by the luminosity. Stars at birth are assumed to follow the Salpeter mass function in the range [0.15--17 M_\sun]. We find that η\eta, and hence the estimated cluster mass, increases by factors as large as 3 over time-scales of 20 million years. Increasing the upper mass limit to 50 M_\sun leads to a sharp rise of similar amplitude but in as little as 10 million years. Fitting truncated isothermal (Michie-King) models to the projected light profile leads to over-estimates of the concentration par ameter c of δc0.3\delta c\approx 0.3 compared to the same functional fit applied to the proj ected mass density.Comment: Draft version of an ApJ lette

    Distant Companions and Planets around Millisecond Pulsars

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    We present a general method for determining the masses and orbital parameters of binary millisecond pulsars with long orbital periods (P_orb >> 1 yr), using timing data in the form of pulse frequency derivatives. We apply our method to analyze the properties of the second companion in the PSR B1620-26 triple system. We use the latest timing data for this system to constrain the mass and orbital parameters of the second companion. We find that all possible solutions have a mass m_2 in the range 2.4 10^-4 M_sun <= m_2 sin i_2 <= 1.2 10^-2 M_sun, i.e., almost certainly excluding a second companion of stellar mass and suggesting instead that the system contains a planet or a brown dwarf. Using Monte-Carlo realizations of the triple configuration in three dimensions we find the most probable value of m_2 to be 0.010(5) M_sun, corresponding to a distance of 38(6) AU from the center of mass of the inner binary (the errors indicate 80% confidence intervals). We also apply our method to analyze the planetary system around PSR B1257+12, where a distant, giant planet may be present in addition to the three well-established Earth-mass planets. We find that the simplest interpretation of the frequency derivatives implies the presence of a fourth planet with a mass of ~100 M_earth in a circular orbit of radius ~40 AU.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, 10 Postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty. ApJ submitted. Also available at http://ensor.mit.edu/~rasi

    Models of core reconstruction for the 90-degree partial dislocation in semiconductors

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    We compare the models that have been proposed in the literature for the atomic structure of the 90-degree partial dislocation in the homopolar semiconductors, silicon, diamond, and germanium. In particular, we examine the traditional single-period and our recently proposed double-period core structures. Ab-initio and tight-binding results on the core energies are discussed, and the geometries are compared in light of the available experimental information about dislocations in these systems. The double-period geometry is found to be the ground-state structure in all three materials. We address boundary-conditions issues that have been recently raised about these results. The structures of point excitations (kinks, solitons, and kink-soliton complexes) in the two geometries are also reviewed.Comment: 9 pages, with 3 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/rn_eds/index.htm

    Monte Carlo Simulations of Globular Cluster Evolution. III. Primordial Binary Interactions

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    We study the dynamical evolution of globular clusters using our 2D Monte Carlo code with the inclusion of primordial binary interactions for equal-mass stars. We use approximate analytical cross sections for energy generation from binary-binary and binary-single interactions. After a brief period of slight contraction or expansion of the core over the first few relaxation times, all clusters enter a much longer phase of stable "binary burning" lasting many tens of relaxation times. The structural parameters of our models during this phase match well those of most observed globular clusters. At the end of this phase, clusters that have survived tidal disruption undergo deep core collapse, followed by gravothermal oscillations. Our results clearly show that the presence of even a small fraction of binaries in a cluster is sufficient to support the core against collapse significantly beyond the normal core collapse time predicted without the presence of binaries. For tidally truncated systems, collapse is easily delayed sufficiently that the cluster will undergo complete tidal disruption before core collapse. As a first step toward the eventual goal of computing all interactions exactly using dynamical three- and four-body integration, we have incorporated an exact treatment of binary-single interactions in our code. We show that results using analytical cross sections are in good agreement with those using exact three-body integration, even for small binary fractions where binary-single interactions are energetically most important.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor changes to reflect accepted version. 28 pages, 17 figures; some figures low resolution. Full resolution paper available at http://www.mit.edu/~fregeau/paper3.pd

    High Orbital Eccentricities of Extrasolar Planets Induced by the Kozai Mechanism

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    One of the most remarkable properties of extrasolar planets is their high orbital eccentricities. Observations have shown that at least 20% of these planets, including some with particularly high eccentricities, are orbiting a component of a wide binary star system. The presence of a distant binary companion can cause significant secular perturbations to the orbit of a planet. In particular, at high relative inclinations, a planet can undergo a large-amplitude eccentricity oscillation. This so-called "Kozai mechanism" is effective at a very long range, and its amplitude is purely dependent on the relative orbital inclination. In this paper, we address the following simple question: assuming that every host star with a detected giant planet also has a (possibly unseen, e.g., substellar) distant companion, with reasonable distributions of orbital parameters and masses, how well could secular perturbations reproduce the observed eccentricity distribution of planets? Our calculations show that the Kozai mechanism consistently produces an excess of planets with very high (e >0.6) and very low (e < 0.1) eccentricities. The paucity of near-circular orbits in the observed sample cannot be explained solely by the Kozai mechanism, because, even with high enough inclinations, the Kozai mechanism often fails to produce significant eccentricity perturbations when there are other competing sources of orbital perturbations on secular timescales, such as general relativity. On the other hand, the Kozai mechanism can produce many highly eccentric orbits. Indeed the overproduction of high eccentricities observed in our models could be combined with plausible circularizing mechanisms (e.g., friction from residual gas) to create more intermediate eccentricities (e=0.1-0.6).Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, ApJ, in press, minor changes to reflect the accepted versio