257 research outputs found

    Illness Self-Schema in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a relatively rare autoimmune disease with no known aetiology or cure. In addition to numerous physical symptoms, those living with SLE have also been shown to experience significant emotional and psychosocial difficulties. There has been little psychological research into SLE despite the rapidly increasing interest in health psychology and quality of life issues over the last two decades. One such issue that has commanded particular attention is that of cognitive bias in individuals with chronic pain and/or chronic illness. Cognitive bias toward illness-related information is theorised to indicate the presence of an illness self-schema, and is a valuable tool of investigation as it permits access to a level of cognitive structure that is inaccessible via self-report instruments. The primary focus of the present study is to investigate recall bias for pain- and illness-related words in SLE patients. This bias is explored relative to the recall of neutral words and depression-related words, and also relative to the responses of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and healthy controls. Two hypotheses are proposed: firstly, that bias is related to disease activity; and secondly, that bias is related to the combination of illness and depression. The findings provide support for the second hypothesis, with the additional caveat that the nature of the pain/illness stimuli used is important in determining the presence of cognitive bias. No recall bias for illness-related words as a whole was found in any of the groups, nor was there evidence of a recall bias in the SLE and RA patients when they were divided according to depression status. However, when the illness words were examined separately according to �sensory pain� and �disability-related� words, a clear bias for disability words was found in the depressed patient group. It is concluded that there is a relationship between depression in chronically ill individuals, and the way in which such individuals process disability-related words. In accordance with the schema-enmeshment model (Pincus & Morley, 2001), it is suggested that both a pain-schema and an illness-schema exist, and it is when these two schemas become enmeshed with the self-schema that depression occurs in chronic pain/chronically ill patients. The cognitive bias assessment paradigm adopted in this study-one that is typically used in similar investigations-is lengthy, requires sophisticated equipment and can be difficult to interpret on an individual level. The present study investigates the relationship between cognitive biases in SLE patients and a recently-developed task, PRISM, which appears to symbolise the enmeshment of illness-, pain- and self-schemas. Analyses confirmed that recall of negative illness words was the only independent predictor of PRISM scores. This suggests that PRISM, a quick and easy task to administer, may have considerable usefulness as a clinical tool to assess information relevant to the enmeshment of illness- and self-schema. A greater understanding of schema and the processing styles of chronically ill patients will allow for more effective psychological treatment such that quality of life can be improved

    Morphological changes after cranial fractionated photon radiotherapy: Localized loss of white matter and grey matter volume with increasing dose

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    Purpose: Numerous brain MR imaging studies have been performed to understand radiation-induced cognitive decline. However, many of them focus on a single region of interest, e.g. cerebral cortex or hippocampus. In this study, we use deformation-based morphometry (DBM) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to measure the morphological changes in patients receiving fractionated photon RT, and relate these to the dose. Additionally, we study tissue specific volume changes in white matter (WM), grey matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid and total intracranial volume (TIV). Methods and materials: From our database, we selected 28 patients with MRI of high quality available at baseline and 1 year after RT. Scans were rigidly registered to each other, and to the planning CT and dose file. We used DBM to study non-tissue-specific volumetric changes, and VBM to study volume loss in grey matter. Observed changes were then related to the applied radiation dose (in EQD2). Additionally, brain tissue was segmented into WM, GM and cerebrospinal fluid, and changes in these volumes and TIV were tested. Results: Performing DBM resulted in clusters of dose-dependent volume loss 1 year after RT seen throughout the brain. Both WM and GM were affected; within the latter both cerebral cortex and subcortical nuclei show volume loss. Volume loss rates ranging from 5.3 to 15.3%/30 Gy were seen in the cerebral cortical regions in which more than 40% of voxels were affected. In VBM, similar loss rates were seen in the cortex and nuclei. The total volume of WM and GM significantly decreased with rates of 5.8% and 2.1%, while TIV remained unchanged as expected. Conclusions: Radiotherapy is associated with dose-dependent intracranial morphological changes throughout the entire brain. Therefore, we will consider to revise sparing of organs at risk based on future cognitive and neurofunctional data

    Development of a Flexible MIP-Based Biosensor Platform for the Thermal Detection of Neurotransmitters

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    We have developed high affinity Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) for neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline and caffeine. These polymer particles are mixed within the bulk of screen-printed ink allowing masss-producible bulk modified MIP Screen-Printed Electrodes (MIP-SPEs) to be realised. We have explored different SPE supporting surfaces, such as polyester, tracing paper and household-printing paper. The performance of those MIP-SPEs is studied using the Heat-Transfer Method (HTM), a patented thermal method. With the combination of screen-printing techniques and thermal detection, it is possible to develop a portable sensor platform that is capable of low-cost and straightforward detection of biomolecules on-site. In the future, this unique sensor architecture holds great promise for the use in biomedical devices

    Development of a novel flexible polymer-based biosensor platform for the thermal detection of noradrenaline in aqueous solutions

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    Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) are synthesized for the neurotransmitter noradrenaline with the optimal composition and binding conditions being determined via optical batch rebinding experiments. Next, the obtained MIP polymer particles are mixed within screen-printed inks to produce mass-producible bulk modified MIPs screen-printed electrodes (MIP-SPEs). In this contribution, the supporting surface which the MIP-SPEs are screen-printed upon are explored to deviate from conventional polyester, to polyvinylchloride, tracing paper and household-printing paper. The performance of the MIP-SPEs are measured using the Heat-Transfer Method (HTM), a straightforward and low-cost detection technique based on thermal resistance. At first, the noise on the signal is minimized by adjusting the settings of the temperature feedback loop. Second, the response of the MIP-SPEs to noradrenaline is measured and compared for the different substrate materials. Sensors printed onto paper are considered in further experiments as their response to noradrenaline is the highest and advantageous material properties, including sustainability and flexibility of the material. Subsequently, dose-response curves are determined by simultaneously measuring HTM and Thermal Wave Transport Analysis (TWTA). The latter is a new thermal detection method that relies on the use of thermal waves and has the advantage of a short measurement time (2 min). With these thermal methods, it is possible to specifically detect noradrenaline in aqueous solutions and quantify it at relevant concentrations. In summary, by combining synthetic receptors with thermal measurement techniques it is possible to develop a portable sensor platform that is capable of low-cost and straightforward detection of biomolecules. Through exploring novel SPE substrates, a system is designed that is flexible and holds potential for the use in commercial biomedical devices and complex sensor architectures

    Management, regulation and environmental impacts of nitrogen fertilization in northwestern Europe under the Nitrates Directive; a benchmark study

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    Implementation of the Nitrates Directive (NiD) and its environmental impacts were compared for member states in the northwest of the European Union (Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France and Germany). The main sources of data were national reports for the third reporting period for the NiD (2004–2007) and results of the MITERRA-EUROPE model. Implementation of the NiD in the considered member states is fairly comparable regarding restrictions for where and when to apply fertilizer and manure, but very different regarding application limits for N fertilization. Issues of concern and improvement of the implementation of the NiD are accounting for the fertilizer value of nitrogen in manure, and relating application limits for total nitrogen (N) to potential crop yield and N removal. The most significant environmental effect of the implementation of the NiD since 1995 is a major contribution to the decrease of the soil N balance (N surplus), particularly in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. This decrease is accompanied by a modest decrease of nitrate concentrations since 2000 in fresh surface waters in most countries. This decrease is less prominent for groundwater in view of delayed response of nitrate in deep aquifers. In spite of improved fertilization practices, the southeast of the Netherlands, the Flemish Region and Brittany remain to be regions of major concern in view of a combination of a high nitrogen surplus, high leaching fractions to groundwater and tenacious exceedance of the water quality standards. On average the gross N balance in 2008 for the seven member states in EUROSTAT and in national reports was about 20 kg N ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup> lower than by MITERRA. The major cause is higher estimates of N removal in national reports which can amount to more than 50 kg N ha<sup>−1</sup> yr<sup>−1</sup>. Differences between procedures in member states to assess nitrogen balances and water quality and a lack of cross-boundary policy evaluations are handicaps when benchmarking the effectiveness of the NiD. This provides a challenge for the European Commission and its member states, as the NiD remains an important piece of legislation for protecting drinking water quality in regions with many private or small public production facilities and controlling aquatic eutrophication from agricultural sources

    Label-Free Detection of Escherichia coli Based on Thermal Transport through Surface Imprinted Polymers

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    This work focuses on the development of a label-free biomimetic sensor for the specific and selective detection of bacteria. The platform relies on the rebinding of bacteria to synthetic cell receptors, made by surface imprinting of polyurethane-coated aluminum chips. The heat-transfer resistance (Rth) of these so-called surface imprinted polymers (SIPs) was analyzed in time using the heat-transfer method (HTM). Rebinding of target bacteria to the synthetic receptor led to a measurable increase in thermal resistance at the solid–liquid interface. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were used as model organisms for several proof-of-principle experiments, demonstrating the potential of the proposed platform for point-of-care bacterial testing. The results of these experiments indicate that the sensor is able to selectively detect bacterial rebinding to the SIP surface, distinguishing between dead and living E. coli cells on one hand and between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria on the other hand (E. coli and S. aureus). In addition, the sensor was capable of quantifying the number of bacteria in a given sample, enabling detection at relatively low concentrations (104 CFU mL–1 range). As a first proof-of-application, the sensor was exposed to a mixed bacterial solution containing only a small amount (1%) of the target bacteria. The sample was able to detect this trace amount by using a simple gradual enrichment strategy

    Biomimetic Bacterial Identification Platform Based on Thermal Wave Transport Analysis (TWTA) through Surface-Imprinted Polymers

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    This paper introduces a novel bacterial identification assay based on thermal wave analysis through surfaceimprinted polymers (SIPs). Aluminum chips are coated with SIPs, serving as synthetic cell receptors that have been combined previously with the heat-transfer method (HTM) for the selective detection of bacteria. In this work, the concept of bacterial identification is extended toward the detection of nine different bacterial species. In addition, a novel sensing approach, thermal wave transport analysis (TWTA), is introduced, which analyzes the propagation of a thermal wave through a functional interface. The results presented here demonstrate that bacterial rebinding to the SIP layer resulted in a measurable phase shift in the propagated wave, which is most pronounced at a frequency of 0.03 Hz. In this way, the sensor is able to selectively distinguish between the different bacterial species used in this study. Furthermore, a dose−response curve was constructed to determine a limit of detection of 1 × 104 CFU mL−1 , indicating that TWTA is advantageous over HTM in terms of sensitivity and response time. Additionally, the limit of selectivity of the sensor was tested in a mixed bacterial solution, containing the target species in the presence of a 99-fold excess of competitor species. Finally, a first application for the sensor in terms of infection diagnosis is presented, revealing that the platform is able to detect bacteria in clinically relevant concentrations as low as 3 × 104 CFU mL−1 in spiked urine samples

    Real-time analysis of microbial growth by means of the Heat-Transfer Method (HTM) using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organism

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    In this manuscript, we explore the use of the Heat-Transfer Method (HTM) for the real-time analysis of microbial growth using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. The thermal responses of gold electrodes upon exposure to suspensions of S. cerevisiae (wild type strain DLY640) concentrations were monitored, demonstrating an increase in thermal resistance at the solid-liquid interface with higher concentrations of the microorganism. Flow cells were manufactured using 3D-printing to facilitate longitudinal experiments. We can clearly discriminate between the growth of S. cerevisiae under optimal conditions and under the influence of factors that inhibit the replication process, such as the use of nutrient depleted growth medium, elevated temperature, and the presence of toxic compounds. In addition, it is possible to determine the kinetics of the growth process and quantify yeast replication which was demonstrated by measuring a mutant temperature sensitive strain. This is the first time HTM has been used for the real-time determination of factors that impact microbial growth. Thermal sensing is low-cost, offers straightforward analysis and measurements can be performed on-site. Due to the versatility of this method, this platform can be extended to monitor other microorganisms and in particular to study the response of bacteria to selected antibiotics