2,768 research outputs found

    Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Comparisons in Matched Observational Studies through Quadratically Constrained Linear Programming

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    A sensitivity analysis in an observational study assesses the robustness of significant findings to unmeasured confounding. While sensitivity analyses in matched observational studies have been well addressed when there is a single outcome variable, accounting for multiple comparisons through the existing methods yields overly conservative results when there are multiple outcome variables of interest. This stems from the fact that unmeasured confounding cannot affect the probability of assignment to treatment differently depending on the outcome being analyzed. Existing methods allow this to occur by combining the results of individual sensitivity analyses to assess whether at least one hypothesis is significant, which in turn results in an overly pessimistic assessment of a study's sensitivity to unobserved biases. By solving a quadratically constrained linear program, we are able to perform a sensitivity analysis while enforcing that unmeasured confounding must have the same impact on the treatment assignment probabilities across outcomes for each individual in the study. We show that this allows for uniform improvements in the power of a sensitivity analysis not only for testing the overall null of no effect, but also for null hypotheses on \textit{specific} outcome variables while strongly controlling the familywise error rate. We illustrate our method through an observational study on the effect of smoking on naphthalene exposure

    The Meaning of Patent Citations: Report on the NBER/Case-Western Reserve Survey of Patentees

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    A survey of recent patentees was conducted to elicit their perceptions regarding the importance of their inventions, the extent of their communication with other inventors, and the relationship of both importance and communication to observed patent citations. A cohort of 1993 patentees were asked specifically about 2 patents that they had cited, and a third placebo' patent that was similar but which they did not cite. One of the two cited inventors was also surveyed. We find that inventors report significant communication, at least some of which is in forms that suggests spillovers from the cited inventor to the citing inventor. The perception of such communication was substantively and statistically significantly greater for the cited patents than for the placebos. There is, however, a large amount of noise in citations data; it appears that something like one-half of all citations do not correspond to any perceived communication, or even necessarily to a perceptible technological relationship between the inventions. We also find a significant correlation between the number of citations a patent received and its importance (both economic and technological) as perceived by the inventor.

    #GreatWarInAfrica: La France, l’Afrique et la première guerre mondiale, 100 ans déjà.

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    La France se distingue comme le seul pays européen à avoir inclus des soldats africains noirs dans ses armées qui ont combattu en Europe. Richard S Fogarty de l’Université d’Albany, Université d’état de New York explore les questions identitaires qui en résultent pour les africains et les français

    #GreatWarInAfrica: France, Africa, and the First World War, 100 Years On

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    France stands out as the only European country to include black African soldiers in their armies that fought in Europe. Richard S Fogarty of the University at Albany, State University of New York explores the resulting issues of identity for Africans and French people

    ERP Markers of Auditory Go/NoGo Processing

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    The Sequential Processing Schema is a data-driven model that uses event-related potential (ERP) components to chart the important psychophysiological processes activated when completing auditory equiprobable Go/NoGo tasks. This model is useful for measuring experimental effects on basic cognitive processes and provides a valuable framework to synthesise and test ERP component theories. Determining the cognitive and behavioural correlates of ERP components is critical for understanding their functional significance and utility in psychology. Additional research is also needed to refine the conceptualisation of the ERP components and cognitive processing requirements in equiprobable Go/NoGo tasks, which are commonly used in psychophysiological research. To do that, robust data-driven methods such as temporal Principal Components Analysis (PCA) are needed for effective ERP component quantification and analyses of the Go/NoGo ERP component ‘processing’ series. This doctoral thesis aimed to clarify ERP component functionality and refine our understanding of equiprobable Go/NoGo tasks by developing the Sequential Processing Schema and exploring how ERP/PCA components relate to cognitive and behavioural processing under different Go/NoGo task conditions. Study 1 compared the ERP component processing series associated with auditory equiprobable and oddball variants of the Go/NoGo task. The manipulation of probability and the relevant modulation of the ERP component series reflected a shift in particular cognitive demands or task requirements, which promoted the conceptual development of component functionality and the generalisability of the Schema. The results of Study 1 questioned the identity of a core ERP component (i.e., Processing Negativity) previously linked to auditory Go/NoGo processing; this was pursued in detail in Study 2, which aimed to clarify the ERP components associated with early information processing in auditory equiprobable and ‘frequent Go’ variants of the Go/NoGo task. Stimulus probability differences (this time the inverse of Study 1) were again used to elucidate component functionality and provide insight into the cognitive task demands. Study 3 and 4 explored ERP component functionality by examining Go stimulus- and response-locked ERP averaging effects, and the link between the equiprobable NoGo P3a and motor response inhibition. Studies 1–4 provided insight into the sequential processing requirements in auditory equiprobable Go/NoGo tasks, and the associated ERP/PCA components, promoting the development of common ERP components as indices of cognitive processes. These outcomes clarified the utility of the equiprobable Go/NoGo task, and highlight important similarities and differences between Go/NoGo and oddball processing, encouraging ERP theory development and integration between those common research paradigms. An update to the Schema was proposed to accommodate the ERP findings and reflect the refined interpretation of equiprobable Go/NoGo processing developed in this thesis, including a shift in the conceptualisation of the sensory processing and inhibitory requirements in the equiprobable task. This was considered to improve the conceptual framework of the Schema and its utility for charting the cognitive and behavioural processing in different task conditions. The outcomes also provide novel insight into how healthy young adults process information and encourage further studies of sequential processing to help delineate abnormalities in cognitive processing related to different psychopathologie

    Library Services and Construction Act: Testimonies (1994): Speech 19

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    Library Services and Construction Act: Testimonies (1994): Report 03

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    Evidence from Patents and Patent Citations on the Impact of NASA and Other Federal Labs on Commercial Innovation

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    We explore the commercialization of government-generated technology by analyzing patents awarded to the U.S. government and the citations to those patents from subsequent patents. We use information on citations to federal patents in two ways: (1) to compare the average technological impact of NASA patents, other Federal' patents, and a random sample of all patents using measures of importance' and generality;' and (2) to trace the geographic location of commercial development by focusing on the location of inventors who cite NASA and other federal patents. We find, first, that the evidence is consistent with increased effort to commercialize federal lab technology generally and NASA specifically. The data reveal a striking NASA golden age' during the second half of the 1970s which remains a puzzle. Second, spillovers are concentrated within a federal lab complex of states representing agglomerations of labs and companies. The technology complex links five NASA states through patent citations: California, Texas, Ohio, DC/Virginia-Maryland, and Alabama. Third, qualitative evidence provides some support for the use of patent citations as proxies for both technological impact and knowledge spillovers.

    X-ray production in low energy proton stopping

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    The X-ray yields of stopping protons in an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy are calculated for use in predicting radiation damage in encased electronic devices