178 research outputs found

    Social Injustice From the Presence of the Bauxite Mining Companies

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    This study aims to examine the forms of social injustice by the presence of mining companies and local residents in the Tayan Hilir, Sanggau. This study used a qualitative approach accomplished through a descriptive method, and which was then analyzed using qualitative analysis to describe the form of social injustice for society by the presence of mining companies. Results of the study explained that point on begins the social injustice originated from government policies that tend to favor the mining entrepreneurs. With the capital and support of the state, these persons are in superior position to act half “forceful” against the society\u27s land concessions. On the other hand, society who does not possess the knowledge and power become the injured party. It is based on the reality that occurs when land concessions in Embaloh and Semerah Hamlet (Dusun) which were not in accordance with the contractual agreement. Relocation offered by the company was far off and there are no public facilities

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Sains Anak Melalui Eksplorasi Alam (Sawah) Di Taman Kanak-kanak Harapan Bunda Kabupaten Solok Selatan

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    Kemampuan sains anak di TK Harapan Bunda Kabupaten Solok Selatan masih rendah ini terlihat dari kurangnya kemampuan anak dalam bereksperimen tentang ekplorasi alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sains anak melalui eksplorasi alam (sawah). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan oleh guru di dalam kelasnya untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran yang lebih baik, dan menggunakan metode campuran antara kualitatif dan kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan subjek penelitian anak TK Harapan Bunda kabupaten Solok Selatan khususnya kelompok B1 dengan jumlah 16 orang anak

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Petugas Laboratorium Patologi Klinik terhadap Penerapan Standard Operating Procedure (Sop) Penanganan Bahan Infeksius di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau

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    Each laboratory officers who handle blood or human body fluids potentially infected, the risk of exposure or getting injury. Therefore, in the implementation of laboratory services are always required SOP as a handle for the officer to reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases. Standard operating procedure is a method written as fundamental guidance to prevent the risks of infection for laboratory officers. This research aimed to determine correlation between knowledges and attitudes of RSUD Arifin Achmad Riau Province clinical pathology laboratory officers toward Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) implementation of Infectious material management. This is an analityc survey study with cross-sectional method. Samples obatained by total sampling method based on inclusion criteria as many as 34 laboratory officers.This research showed 17 people (50%) have sufficient knowledge, 18 people (52.9%) have a negative attitude and 25 people (73.5%) implements SOP. Data processed by using Chi-Square test has been found that there was no significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes on clinical pathology laboratory officers toward Standard operating procedure (SOP) implementation of infectious material management in RSUD Arifin Achmad Riau Province

    Korelasi antara Usia,indeks Massa Tubuh (Imt), Kadar Gula Darah Puasapada Komunitas Vegetarian Dewasa di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Vegetarian diet has many benefits, especially in the field of health, suchas, lowering the risk for diabetes mellitus and obesity. Research has also shownthat vegetarians have a body mass index lower than non-vegetarians. However,high carbohydrate consumption, and several types of vegetarians who stillconsume milk in excessive amounts, can contribute to blood glucose levels. Thisdiet can affect nutritional status too. In addition, age can also affect nutritionalstatus, by increasing of age, the body composition will be changed and metabolicrate will be decreased. This study was aimed to determine the correlation betweenage, BMI , and fasting blood glucose levels in adult vegetarian community inPekanbaru . This is a correlative study with cross sectional design. The dataincluded the age, type and duration of being a vegetarian, BMI, and fasting bloodglucoselevels . The samples were taken by purposive sampling technique with 32people who met the inclusions criteria. The results of this study indicate that therewere no different of BMI (p= 0.734), and fasting blood glucose levels ( p = 0.804)between vegans and non - vegans .This study also showed that there was nosignificant correlation between age and fasting blood glucose levels in adultvegetarian community (r= 0,075; p=0,682). In addition , the results showed thatthere was no significant correlation between BMI and fasting blood glucose levels(p=0.414; r=0.149 ) in the adult vegetarian community. There was no significantcorrelation between BMI and fasting blood sugar levels in the vegan group(p=0.793; r= -0.207 ) and the non- vegan (p=0.394; r=0.184) in adult vegetariancommunity in Pekanbaru

    Pemerolehan Bahasa Pertama Anak Menurut Tinjauan Psikolinguistik

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    Language Acquisition of children is a long procces started from zero ability to complete fluency in a language. Mastering a language for a child is begun by acquiring his/her first language usually known as mother language. Language acquisition is a natural procces performed by a child as he/she learns the language of his/her mother. Psycholinguistic is an interdisciplinary study that aims at explaining psychological prccesses that happens when a child recites sentences that he/she has heard and how that language skill is acquired when a child communicates with people around him/her

    Deteksi Parasit Malaria pada Darah Donor di Palang Merah Indonesia Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Malaria is one of the diseases caused by parasites and can cause death in humans. Malaria transmission can occur through blood transfusions. Incident of malaria transmission by transfussion increased especially in an endemic area. Rokan Hilir regency is an endemic area in Riau province so it has a high risk for transmission malaria by blood transfusions. This study is aimed to detection of malaria parasites in blood donors in Rokan Hilir regency. This is a descriptive study with cross sectional approached. The samples were 45 blood donors at Indonesian Red Cross Society Rokan Hilir regency and choiced by simple random sampling technique. The blood of donors are taken on scheduled blood donation those visited Indonesia Red Cross Society everyday. Detection of malaria parasites used RDT Inostics test kit and Giemsa stained thick and thin blood smear for microscopic examination. The frequency of malaria positive and frequency of malaria based on species of malaria parasites in blood donors at Indonesia Red Society Rokan Hilir regency was 0 (0%). It was conclude that there is no malaria parasite present in blood donors of Indonesian Red Society Rokan Hilir regency
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