43,656 research outputs found

    Quantum simulation of partially distinguishable boson sampling

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    Boson Sampling is the problem of sampling from the same output probability distribution as a collection of indistinguishable single photons input into a linear interferometer. It has been shown that, subject to certain computational complexity conjectures, in general the problem is difficult to solve classically, motivating optical experiments aimed at demonstrating quantum computational "supremacy". There are a number of challenges faced by such experiments, including the generation of indistinguishable single photons. We provide a quantum circuit that simulates bosonic sampling with arbitrarily distinguishable particles. This makes clear how distinguishabililty leads to decoherence in the standard quantum circuit model, allowing insight to be gained. At the heart of the circuit is the quantum Schur transform, which follows from a representation theoretic approach to the physics of distinguishable particles in first quantisation. The techniques are quite general and have application beyond boson sampling.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 2 algorithms, comments welcom

    Tissue engineering: construction of a multicellular 3D scaffold for the delivery of layered cell sheets.

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    Many tissues, such as the adult human hearts, are unable to adequately regenerate after damage.(2,3) Strategies in tissue engineering propose innovations to assist the body in recovery and repair. For example, TE approaches may be able to attenuate heart remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI) and possibly increase total heart function to a near normal pre-MI level.(4) As with any functional tissue, successful regeneration of cardiac tissue involves the proper delivery of multiple cell types with environmental cues favoring integration and survival of the implanted cell/tissue graft. Engineered tissues should address multiple parameters including: soluble signals, cell-to-cell interactions, and matrix materials evaluated as delivery vehicles, their effects on cell survival, material strength, and facilitation of cell-to-tissue organization. Studies employing the direct injection of graft cells only ignore these essential elements.(2,5,6) A tissue design combining these ingredients has yet to be developed. Here, we present an example of integrated designs using layering of patterned cell sheets with two distinct types of biological-derived materials containing the target organ cell type and endothelial cells for enhancing new vessels formation in the "tissue". Although these studies focus on the generation of heart-like tissue, this tissue design can be applied to many organs other than heart with minimal design and material changes, and is meant to be an off-the-shelf product for regenerative therapies. The protocol contains five detailed steps. A temperature sensitive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAAM) is used to coat tissue culture dishes. Then, tissue specific cells are cultured on the surface of the coated plates/micropattern surfaces to form cell sheets with strong lateral adhesions. Thirdly, a base matrix is created for the tissue by combining porous matrix with neovascular permissive hydrogels and endothelial cells. Finally, the cell sheets are lifted from the pNIPAAM coated dishes and transferred to the base element, making the complete construct

    Atmospheric observations for STS-1 landing

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    A summary of synoptic weather conditions existing over the western United States is given for the time of shuttle descent into Edwards Air Force Base, California. The techniques and methods used to furnish synoptic atmospheric data at the surface and aloft for flight verification of the STS-1 orbiter during its descent into Edwards Air Force Base are specified. Examples of the upper level data set are given

    A measurement of the transverse velocity of Q2237+0305

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    Determination of microlensing parameters in the gravitationally lensed quasar Q2237+0305 from the statistics of high magnification events will require monitoring for more than 100 years (Wambsganss, Paczynski & Schneider 1990). However we show that the effective transverse velocity of the lensing galaxy can be determined on a more realistic time-scale through consideration of the distribution of light-curve derivatives. The 10 years of existing monitoring data for Q2237+0305 are analysed. These data display strong evidence for microlensing that is not associated with a high magnification event. An upper limit of v < 500 km/sec is obtained for the galactic transverse velocity which is smaller than previously assumed values. The analysis suggests that the observed microlensing variation may be predominantly due to stellar proper motions. The statistical significance of the results obtained from our method will be increased by the addition of data points from current and future monitoring campaigns. However reduced photometric errors will be more valuable than an increased sampling rate.Comment: 16 pages, including 17 figures. Accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.

    Predicting caustic crossing high magnification events in Q2237+0305

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    The central regions of the gravitationally lensed quasar Q2237+0305 can be indirectly resolved on nano-arcsecond scales if viewed spectrophotometricly during a microlensing high magnification event (HME). Q2237+0305 is currently being monitored from the ground (eg. OGLE collaboration, Apache Point Observatory), with the goal, among others, of triggering ground and spacecraft based target of opportunity (TOO) observations of an HME. In this work we investigate the rate of change (trigger) in image brightness that signals an imminent HME and importantly, the separation between the trigger and the event peak. In addition, we produce colour dependent model light-curves by combining high-resolution microlensing simulations with a realistic model for a thermal accretion disc source. We make hypothetical target of opportunity spectroscopic observations using our determination of the appropriate trigger as a guide. We find that if the source spectrum varies with source radius, a 3 observation TOO program should be able to observe a microlensing change in the continuum slope following a light-curve trigger with a success rate of >80%.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.

    The Two-Screen Measurement Setup to Indirectly Measure Proton Beam Self-Modulation in AWAKE

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    The goal of the first phase of the AWAKE \cite{AWAKE1,AWAKE2} experiment at CERN is to measure the self-modulation \cite{SMI} of the σz=12cm\sigma_z = 12\,\rm{cm} long SPS proton bunch into microbunches after traversing 10m10\,\rm{m} of plasma with a plasma density of npe=7×1014electrons/cm3n_{pe}=7\times10^{14}\,\rm{electrons/cm}^3. The two screen measurement setup \cite{Turner2016} is a proton beam diagnostic that can indirectly prove the successful development of the self-modulation of the proton beam by imaging protons that got defocused by the transverse plasma wakefields after passing through the plasma, at two locations downstream the end of the plasma. This article describes the design and realization of the two screen measurement setup integrated in the AWAKE experiment. We discuss the performance and background response of the system based on measurements performed with an unmodulated Gaussian SPS proton bunch during the AWAKE beam commissioning in September and October 2016. We show that the system is fully commissioned and adapted to eventually image the full profile of a self-modulated SPS proton bunch in a single shot measurement during the first phase of the AWAKE experiment.Comment: 5 pages 8 figure

    Interpretation of the OGLE Q2237+0305 microlensing light-curve

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    The four bright images of the gravitationally lensed quasar Q2237+0305 are being monitored from the ground (eg. OGLE collaboration, Apache Point Observatory) in the hope of observing a high magnification event (HME). Over the past three seasons (1997-1999) the OGLE collaboration has produced microlensing light-curves with unprecedented coverage. These demonstrate smooth, independent (therefore microlensing) variability between the images (Wozniak et al. 2000a,b; OGLE web page). We have retrospectively compared probability functions for high-magnification event parameters with several observed light-curve features. We conclude that the 1999 image C peak was due to the source having passed outside of a cusp rather than to a caustic crossing. In addition, we find that the image C light-curve shows evidence for a caustic crossing between the 1997 and 1998 observing seasons involving the appearance of new critical images. Our models predict that the next image C event is most likely to arrive 500 days following the 1999 peak, but with a large uncertainty (100-2000 days). Finally, given the image A light-curve derivative at the end of the 1999 observing season, our modelling suggests that a caustic crossing will occur between the 1999 and 2000 observing seasons, implying a minimum for the image A light-curve ~1-1.5 magnitudes fainter than the November 1999 level.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in M.N.R.A.