2,893 research outputs found

    Proposal for an experiment to search for Randall-Sundrum type corrections to Newton's law of gravitation

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    String theory, as well as the string inspired brane-world models such as the Randall-Sundrum (RS) one, suggest a modification of Newton's law of gravitation at small distance scales. Search for modifications of standard gravity is an active field of research in this context. It is well known that short range corrections to gravity would violate the Newton-Birkhoff theorem. Based on calculations of RS type non-Newtonian forces for finite size spherical bodies, we propose a torsion balance based experiment to search for the effects of violation of this celebrated theorem valid in Newtonian gravity as well as the general theory of relativity. We explain the main principle behind the experiment and provide detailed calculations suggesting optimum values of the parameters of the experiment. The projected sensitivity is sufficient to probe the Randall-Sundrum parameter up to 10 microns.Comment: 4 pages and 5 figures, figures improved, minor clarifications and few references added, final version to appear in PRD (rapid communications

    Reproductive tract infections among married women in peri-urban areas of Karachi, Pakistan: A population-based study

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    Background: Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) is a major public health problem. In Pakistan, there is dearth of information about the prevalence of RTIs among women and their health seeking behavior. A study was conducted to determine the prevalence, number and types of RTIs among women residing in squatter settlements in Karachi and their health seeking behavior.Methods: The respondents were married non-pregnant women aged 15–49 years residing in peri-urban areas of Karachi, Pakistan. The interviews with women were followed by their physical and pelvic examinations. Samples swabs collected from vagina and endocervix were tested in laboratory.Results: Overall, 23.8% of the women had laboratory-diagnosed RTIs. Nearly 2.6% had trichomoniasis and 1.7% were positive for syphilis. Bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed in 8.8% and vaginal candidiasis in 13.2 %.Conclusion: The study indicates a high prevalence of RTIs among women with Bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis to be the most prevalent endogenous infection and STI respectively. The women considered many symptoms as normal and did not seek treatment. These are the cases that have a potential to remain infected for a long time

    A symmetry for vanishing cosmological constant

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    Two different realizations of a symmetry principle that impose a zero cosmological constant in an extra-dimensional set-up are studied. The symmetry is identified by multiplication of the metric by minus one. In the first realization of the symmetry this is provided by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the coordinates by the imaginary number i. In the second realization this is accomplished by a symmetry transformation that multiplies the metric tensor by minus one. In both realizations of the symmetry the requirement of the invariance of the gravitational action under the symmetry selects out the dimensions given by D = 2(2n+1), n=0,1,2,... and forbids a bulk cosmological constant. Another attractive aspect of the symmetry is that it seems to be more promising for quantization when compared to the usual scale symmetry. The second realization of the symmetry is more attractive in that it is posible to make a possible brane cosmological constant zero in a simple way by using the same symmetry, and the symmetry may be identified by reflection symmetry in extra dimensions.Comment: Talk in the conference IRGAC 2006, 2nd International Conference on Quantum Theories and Renormalization Group in Gravity and Cosmology, Barcelon

    Robustness of One-Dimensional Photonic Bandgaps Under Random Variations of Geometrical Parameters

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    The supercell method is used to study the variation of the photonic bandgaps in one-dimensional photonic crystals under random perturbations to thicknesses of the layers. The results of both plane wave and analytical band structure and density of states calculations are presented along with the transmission cofficient as the level of randomness and the supercell size is increased. It is found that higher bandgaps disappear first as the randomness is gradually increased. The lowest bandgap is found to persist up to a randomness level of 55 percent.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on April 8 200

    Aspects of Scalar Field Dynamics in Gauss-Bonnet Brane Worlds

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    The Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations projected from the bulk to brane lead to a complicated Friedmann equation which simplifies to H2ρqH^2 \sim \rho^q in the asymptotic regimes. The Randall-Sundrum (RS) scenario corresponds to q=2q=2 whereas q=2/3q=2/3 & q=1q=1 give rise to high energy Gauss-Bonnet (GB) regime and the standard GR respectively. Amazingly, while evolving from RS regime to high energy GB limit, one passes through a GR like region which has important implications for brane world inflation. For tachyon GB inflation with potentials V(ϕ)ϕpV(\phi) \sim \phi^p investigated in this paper, the scalar to tensor ratio of perturbations RR is maximum around the RS region and is generally suppressed in the high energy regime for the positive values of pp. The ratio is very low for p>0p>0 at all energy scales relative to GB inflation with ordinary scalar field. The models based upon tachyon inflation with polynomial type of potentials with generic positive values of pp turn out to be in the 1σ1 \sigma observational contour bound at all energy scales varying from GR to high energy GB limit. The spectral index nSn_S improves for the lower values of pp and approaches its scale invariant limit for p=2p=-2 in the high energy GB regime. The ratio RR also remains small for large negative values of pp, however, difference arises for models close to scale invariance limit. In this case, the tensor to scale ratio is large in the GB regime whereas it is suppressed in the intermediate region between RS and GB. Within the frame work of patch cosmologies governed by H2ρqH^2 \sim \rho^q, the behavior of ordinary scalar field near cosmological singularity and the nature of scaling solutions are distinguished for the values of q1q 1.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figures; appendix on various scales in GB brane world included and references updated; final version to appear in PR

    Oscillation threshold of a clarinet model: a numerical continuation approach

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    This paper focuses on the oscillation threshold of single reed instruments. Several characteristics such as blowing pressure at threshold, regime selection, and playing frequency are known to change radically when taking into account the reed dynamics and the flow induced by the reed motion. Previous works have shown interesting tendencies, using analytical expressions with simplified models. In the present study, a more elaborated physical model is considered. The influence of several parameters, depending on the reed properties, the design of the instrument or the control operated by the player, are studied. Previous results on the influence of the reed resonance frequency are confirmed. New results concerning the simultaneous influence of two model parameters on oscillation threshold, regime selection and playing frequency are presented and discussed. The authors use a numerical continuation approach. Numerical continuation consists in following a given solution of a set of equations when a parameter varies. Considering the instrument as a dynamical system, the oscillation threshold problem is formulated as a path following of Hopf bifurcations, generalizing the usual approach of the characteristic equation, as used in previous works. The proposed numerical approach proves to be useful for the study of musical instruments. It is complementary to analytical analysis and direct time-domain or frequency-domain simulations since it allows to derive information that is hardly reachable through simulation, without the approximations needed for analytical approach

    Quintessential Inflation on the Brane and the Relic Gravity Wave Background

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    Quintessential inflation describes a scenario in which both inflation and dark energy (quintessence) are described by the same scalar field. In conventional braneworld models of quintessential inflation gravitational particle production is used to reheat the universe. This reheating mechanism is very inefficient and results in an excessive production of gravity waves which violate nucleosynthesis constraints and invalidate the model. We describe a new method of realizing quintessential inflation on the brane in which inflation is followed by `instant preheating' (Felder, Kofman & Linde 1999). The larger reheating temperature in this model results in a smaller amplitude of relic gravity waves which is consistent with nucleosynthesis bounds. The relic gravity wave background has a `blue' spectrum at high frequencies and is a generic byproduct of successful quintessential inflation on the brane.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps figures. Discussion and one eps figure summarizing the GB correction to steep brane world inflation added, typos corrected and references added; final version to appear in PR