45 research outputs found

    Comparative Characterization at Slaughter of Five Experimental Hybrids of Free Range Chickens with Different Maternal Genotype

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    Se evaluaron la proporción de pechuga, pata muslo y grasa abdominal y el rendimiento a la faena de machos pertenecientes a cinco grupos genéticos experimentales de pollos camperos. Los grupos provenían del cruzamiento entre gallos de la población sintética paterna AH’, mejorada por tasa de crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia y gallinas de cinco poblaciones sintéticas maternas. Como grupo testigo se utilizaron machos contemporáneos de la versión tradicional de Campero INTA. Las aves producto de estos cruzamientos experimentales presentaron valores promedio, tanto en lo que se refiere al desarrollo de la pechuga como al rendimiento de la canal a la faena, compatibles con su producción comercial, si bien la proporción de grasa abdominal supera a la registrada en el grupo de referencia y a los valores habitualmente informados en la bibliografía referida a pollos camperos. Las diferentes poblaciones sintéticas maternas evaluadas pueden considerarse equivalentes en la medida en que los valores promedio de los caracteres a la faena no permiten una discriminación neta entre ellas.The proportion of breast, thigh and abdominal fat and carcase yield at slaughter were evaluated in males from five experimental genetic groups of free range chickens derived from crossing roosters of the paternal synthetic population AH‘, selected for growth rate and feed efficiency, with hens from five maternal synthetic populations. Contemporary males belonging to the traditional version of Campero INTA birds were used as control. Birds of the five experimental crosses exhibited average values regarding breast weight and also in their yield at slaughter, both compatible with commercial production, although the proportion of abdominal fat was greater than that recorded in the reference group and also greater than values normally reported in the literature. In terms of these traits registered in the progeny resulting from the above mentioned crossing, the five maternal synthetic populations may be considered equivalent, as a clear discrimination among them was difficult to carry on.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Comparative Characterization at Slaughter of Five Experimental Hybrids of Free Range Chickens with Different Maternal Genotype

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    Se evaluaron la proporción de pechuga, pata muslo y grasa abdominal y el rendimiento a la faena de machos pertenecientes a cinco grupos genéticos experimentales de pollos camperos. Los grupos provenían del cruzamiento entre gallos de la población sintética paterna AH’, mejorada por tasa de crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia y gallinas de cinco poblaciones sintéticas maternas. Como grupo testigo se utilizaron machos contemporáneos de la versión tradicional de Campero INTA. Las aves producto de estos cruzamientos experimentales presentaron valores promedio, tanto en lo que se refiere al desarrollo de la pechuga como al rendimiento de la canal a la faena, compatibles con su producción comercial, si bien la proporción de grasa abdominal supera a la registrada en el grupo de referencia y a los valores habitualmente informados en la bibliografía referida a pollos camperos. Las diferentes poblaciones sintéticas maternas evaluadas pueden considerarse equivalentes en la medida en que los valores promedio de los caracteres a la faena no permiten una discriminación neta entre ellas.The proportion of breast, thigh and abdominal fat and carcase yield at slaughter were evaluated in males from five experimental genetic groups of free range chickens derived from crossing roosters of the paternal synthetic population AH‘, selected for growth rate and feed efficiency, with hens from five maternal synthetic populations. Contemporary males belonging to the traditional version of Campero INTA birds were used as control. Birds of the five experimental crosses exhibited average values regarding breast weight and also in their yield at slaughter, both compatible with commercial production, although the proportion of abdominal fat was greater than that recorded in the reference group and also greater than values normally reported in the literature. In terms of these traits registered in the progeny resulting from the above mentioned crossing, the five maternal synthetic populations may be considered equivalent, as a clear discrimination among them was difficult to carry on.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Comparative Characterization at Slaughter of Five Experimental Hybrids of Free Range Chickens with Different Maternal Genotype

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    Se evaluaron la proporción de pechuga, pata muslo y grasa abdominal y el rendimiento a la faena de machos pertenecientes a cinco grupos genéticos experimentales de pollos camperos. Los grupos provenían del cruzamiento entre gallos de la población sintética paterna AH’, mejorada por tasa de crecimiento y eficiencia alimenticia y gallinas de cinco poblaciones sintéticas maternas. Como grupo testigo se utilizaron machos contemporáneos de la versión tradicional de Campero INTA. Las aves producto de estos cruzamientos experimentales presentaron valores promedio, tanto en lo que se refiere al desarrollo de la pechuga como al rendimiento de la canal a la faena, compatibles con su producción comercial, si bien la proporción de grasa abdominal supera a la registrada en el grupo de referencia y a los valores habitualmente informados en la bibliografía referida a pollos camperos. Las diferentes poblaciones sintéticas maternas evaluadas pueden considerarse equivalentes en la medida en que los valores promedio de los caracteres a la faena no permiten una discriminación neta entre ellas.The proportion of breast, thigh and abdominal fat and carcase yield at slaughter were evaluated in males from five experimental genetic groups of free range chickens derived from crossing roosters of the paternal synthetic population AH‘, selected for growth rate and feed efficiency, with hens from five maternal synthetic populations. Contemporary males belonging to the traditional version of Campero INTA birds were used as control. Birds of the five experimental crosses exhibited average values regarding breast weight and also in their yield at slaughter, both compatible with commercial production, although the proportion of abdominal fat was greater than that recorded in the reference group and also greater than values normally reported in the literature. In terms of these traits registered in the progeny resulting from the above mentioned crossing, the five maternal synthetic populations may be considered equivalent, as a clear discrimination among them was difficult to carry on.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    New insight in the uranium valence state determination in Uy_yNd1y_{1−y}O2±x_{2 \pm x}

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    International audienceThe charge compensation mechanisms in Uy_yNd1y_{1−y}O2±x_{2 \pm x} and its consequence on the overall O stoichi-ometry (or O/M ratio where M = Nd + U) have been studied through the uranium valence state mixture evolution as a function of Nd content up to y = 0.62 by means of high energy resolution fluorescence detection X-ray absorption spectroscopy (HERFD-XAS) at the U M4_4-edge. Our results clearly demonstrate the formation of U5+^{5+} at low Nd content (y < 0.15). Upon increasing the Nd content, oxygen vacancies and the formation of U6+^{6+} appear as competing mechanisms for intermediate Nd concentrations, leading to the coexistence of U4+^{4+}/U5+^{5+}/U6+^{6+} mixed valence and an overall hypostoichiometry (O/M < 2.00). Finally, the formation of U 6þ associated with strongly distorted U local environment is observed for high Nd concentrations (y = 0.62), leading to an overall hyperstoichiometry (O/M < 2.00)

    Conformación corporal y caracteres a la faena en machos y hembras de dos híbridos experimentales de tres vías de pollos camperos / Body conformation and slaughter traits in males and females of two three way experimental hybrids of free range chickens

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    Univariate and multivariate character­ization of male and female chickens belonging to two three-way experimental hybrids developed for producing free range chickens, in comparison with Campero INTA as the reference genotype, both in terms of a set of linear measurements recorded before slaughter as well as with four zoometric indices, revealed an at least partially independent genetic basis for shape and body size. The principal component multivariate analy­sis of carcass yield at slaughter plus breast, leg-thigh and abdominal fat proportions evinced the presence of sources of variation for breast and leg-thigh independent of body fat content as well as two sources of variation for breast percent­age, one independent and the other negatively associated with leg-thigh proportion. Although the multivariate analysis allowed characterizing the birds of each sex in terms of some particu­larities of potential selective significance not ap­parent when using a univariate approach, dif­ferences among genetic groups within sex were not remarkable from a productive point of view. Slow-growing type birds evaluated in this study showed a good breast muscle development -un­like the old-fashioned field chickens- maintain the typical sexual dimorphism of the species and exhibit their characteristic “pheasant type” phe­notype together with a variable plumage pigmen­tation different from pure white which identifies and distinguishes them from those hybrids usu­ally exploited by the commercial poultry indus­try. Regarding slaughter traits both experimental three-way crosses can be considered similar not only between them but also when compare with the reference genetic groupLa evaluación uni y multivariada de la conformación corporal de machos y hembras de dos híbridos experimentales de tres vías destinados a la producción de pollos camperos, en comparación con Campero INTA como genotipo de referencia, tanto en términos de un conjunto de medidas lineales registradas antes de la faena como de cuatro índices zoométricos, puso en evidencia una base genética al menos parcialmente independiente para forma y tamaño corporal. El estudio de componentes principales de la proporción de pechuga, pata-muslo y grasa abdominal y del rendimiento a la faena mostró la existencia de fuentes de variación para pechuga y pata-muslo independientes de la grasa corporal así como dos fuentes de variación para pechuga, una de ellas independiente y la otra negativamente asociada con la proporción de pata-muslo. Si bien el análisis multivariado permitió caracterizar a las aves de uno y otro sexo en base a particularidades de potencial trascendencia selectiva no evidentes a partir de los respectivos análisis univariados, las diferencias entre grupos genéticos dentro de sexo no fueron productivamente trascendentes. Las aves de crecimiento lento evaluadas en este trabajo presentan un buen desarrollo muscular, a diferencia de los antiguos pollos de campo, mantienen el dimorfismo sexual propio de la especie y exhiben un fenotipo "tipo faisán" que les es característico y que, junto con una pigmentación variable de su plumaje diferente del blanco puro, los identifica y distingue de los híbridos comerciales propios de la avicultura industrial. En lo referente a los cortes de valor carnicero, pechuga y pata-muslo, los dos cruzamientos experimentales de tres vías evaluados pueden considerarse similares entre sí y similares también al grupo de referencia DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.19137/cienvet2014161

    Wired to Be Social: The Ontogeny of Human Interaction

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    Background: Newborns come into the world wired to socially interact. Is a propensity to socially oriented action already present before birth? Twin pregnancies provide a unique opportunity to investigate the social pre-wiring hypothesis. Although various types of inter-twins contact have been demonstrated starting from the 11th week of gestation, no study has so far investigated the critical question whether intra-pair contact is the result of motor planning rather then the accidental outcome of spatial proximity. Methodology/Principal Findings: Kinematic profiles of movements in five pairs of twin foetuses were studied by using four-dimensional ultrasonography during two separate recording sessions carried out at the 14th and 18th week of gestation. We demonstrate that by the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses do not only display movements directed towards the uterine wall and self-directed movements, but also movements specifically aimed at the co-twin, the proportion of which increases between the 14th and 18th gestational week. Kinematic analysis revealed that movement duration was longer and deceleration time was prolonged for other-directed movements compared to movements directed towards the uterine wall. Similar kinematic profiles were observed for movements directed towards the co-twin and selfdirected movements aimed at the eye-region, i.e. the most delicate region of the body. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that performance of movements towards the co-twin is not accidental: already starting from the 14th week of gestation twin foetuses execute movements specifically aimed at the co-twin

    Logistical Optimization of Nuclear Waste Flows during Decommissioning

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    An important number of technological equipment and high-skilled workers over long periods of time have to be mobilized during nuclear decommissioning processes. The related operations generate complex flows of waste and high inventory levels, associated to information flows of heterogeneous types. Taking into account that more than 10 decommissioning operations are on-going in France and about 50 are expected toward 2025: A big challenge is addressed today. The management of decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear installations represents an important part of the nuclear-based energy lifecycle, since it has an environmental impact as well as an important influence on the electricity cost and therefore the price for end-users. Bringing new technologies and new solutions into decommissioning methodologies is thus mandatory to improve the quality, cost and delay efficiency of these operations. The purpose of our project is to improve decommissioning management efficiency by developing a decision-support framework dedicated to plan nuclear facility decommissioning operations and to optimize waste evacuation by means of a logistic approach. The target is to create an easy-to-handle tool capable of i) predicting waste flows and proposing the best decommissioning logistics scenario and ii) managing information during all the steps of the process and following the progress: planning, resources, delays, authorizations, saturation zones, waste volume, etc. In this article we present our results from waste nuclear flows simulation during decommissioning process, including discrete-event simulation supported by FLEXSIM 3-D software. This approach was successfully tested and our works confirms its ability to improve this type of industrial process by identifying the critical points of the chain and optimizing it by identifying improvement actions. This type of simulation, executed before the start of the process operations on the basis of a first conception, allow ‘what-if’ process evaluation and help to ensure quality of the process in an uncertain context. The simulation of nuclear waste flows before evacuation from the site will help reducing the cost and duration of the decommissioning process by optimizing the planning and the use of resources, transitional storage and expensive radioactive waste containers. Additional benefits are expected for the governance system of the waste evacuation since it will enable a shared responsibility of the waste flows