5,530 research outputs found

    Deformation of generic submanifolds in a complex manifold

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    This paper shows that an arbitrary generic submanifold in a complex manifold can be deformed into a 1-parameter family of generic submanifolds satisfying strong nondegeneracy conditions. The proofs use a careful analysis of the jet spaces of embeddings satisfying certain nondegeneracy properties, and also make use of the Thom transversality theorem, as well as the stratification of real-algebraic sets. Optimal results on the order of nondegeneracy are given.Comment: 24 page

    High intermodulation gain in a micromechanical Duffing resonator

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    In this work we use a micromechanical resonator to experimentally study small signal amplification near the onset of Duffing bistability. The device consists of a PdAu beam serving as a micromechanical resonator excited by an adjacent gate electrode. A large pump signal drives the resonator near the onset of bistability, enabling amplification of small signals in a narrow bandwidth. To first order, the amplification is inversely proportional to the frequency difference between the pump and signal. We estimate the gain to be about 15dB for our device

    Quantitative Simulation of the Superconducting Proximity Effect

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    A numerical method is developed to calculate the transition temperature of double or multi-layers consisting of films of super- and normal conductors. The approach is based on a dynamic interpretation of Gorkov's linear gap equation and is very flexible. The mean free path of the different metals, transmission through the interface, ratio of specular reflection to diffusive scattering at the surfaces, and fraction of diffusive scattering at the interface can be included. Furthermore it is possible to vary the mean free path and the BCS interaction NV in the vicinity of the interface. The numerical results show that the normalized initial slope of an SN double layer is independent of almost all film parameters except the ratio of the density of states. There are only very few experimental investigations of this initial slope and they consist of Pb/Nn double layers (Nn stands for a normal metal). Surprisingly the coefficient of the initial slope in these experiments is of the order or less than 2 while the (weak coupling) theory predicts a value of about 4.5. This discrepancy has not been recognized in the past. The autor suggests that it is due to strong coupling behavior of Pb in the double layers. The strong coupling gap equation is evaluated in the thin film limit and yields the value of 1.6 for the coefficient. This agrees much better with the few experimental results that are available. PACS: 74.45.+r, 74.62.-c, 74.20.F

    The Power Flow Angle of Acoustic Waves in Thin Piezoelectric Plates

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    The curves of slowness and power flow angle (PFA) of quasi-antisymmetric (A0) and quasi-symmetric (S0) Lamb waves as well as quasi-shear-horizontal (SH0) acoustic waves in thin plates of lithium niobate and potassium niobate of X-,Y-, and Z-cuts for various propagation directions and the influence of electrical shorting of one plate surface on these curves and PFA have been theoretically investigated. It has been found that the group velocity of such waves does not coincide with the phase velocity for the most directions of propagation. It has been also shown that S0 and SH0 wave are characterized by record high values of PFA and its change due to electrical shorting of the plate surface in comparison with surface and bulk acoustic waves in the same material. The most interesting results have been verified by experiment. As a whole, the results obtained may be useful for development of various devices for signal processing, for example, electrically controlled acoustic switchers

    Proximity Effect in Normal Metal - High Tc Superconductor Contacts

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    We study the proximity effect in good contacts between normal metals and high Tc (d-wave) superconductors. We present theoretical results for the spatially dependent order parameter and local density of states, including effects of impurity scattering in the two sides, s-wave pairing interaction in the normal metal side (attractive or repulsive), as well as subdominant s-wave paring in the superconductor side. For the [100] orientation, a real combination d+s of the order parameters is always found. The spectral signatures of the proximity effect in the normal metal includes a suppression of the low-energy density of states and a finite energy peak structure. These features are mainly due to the impurity self-energies, which dominate over the effects of induced pair potentials. For the [110] orientation, for moderate transparencies, induction of a d+is order parameter on the superconductor side, leads to a proximity induced is order parameter also in the normal metal. The spectral signatures of this type of proximity effect are potentially useful for probing time-reversal symmetry breaking at a [110] interface.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Multiple Andreev Reflections in Weak Links of Superfluid 3He-B

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    We calculate the current-pressure characteristics of a ballistic pinhole aperture between two volumes of B-phase superfluid 3He. The most important mechanism contributing to dissipative currents in weak links of this type is the process of multiple Andreev reflections. At low biases this process is significantly affected by relaxation due to inelastic quasiparticle-quasiparticle collisions. In the numerical calculations, suppression of the superfluid order parameter at surfaces is taken into account self-consistently. When this effect is neglected, the theory may be developed analytically like in the case of s-wave superconductors. A comparison with experimental results is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX

    Impurity-induced stabilization of Luttinger liquid in quasi-one-dimensional conductors

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    It is shown theoretically that the Luttinger liquid phase in quasi-one-dimensional conductors can exist in the presence of impurities in a form of a collection of bounded Luttinger liquids. The conclusion is based upon the observation by Kane and Fisher that a local impurity potential in Luttinger liquid acts, at low energies, as an infinite barrier. This leads to a discrete spectrum of collective charge and spin density fluctuations, so that interchain hopping can be considered as a small parameter at temperatures below the minimum excitation energy of the collective modes. The results are compared with recent experimental observation of a Luttinger-liquid-like behavior in thin NbSe3_3 and TaS3_3 wires.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, final version published in JETP Lett

    Crossed Andreev reflection at spin-active interfaces

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    With the aid of the quasiclassical Eilenberger formalism we develop a theory of non-local electron transport across three-terminal ballistic normal-superconducting-normal (NSN) devices with spin-active NS interfaces. The phenomenon of crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) is known to play the key role in such transport. We demonstrate that CAR is highly sensitive to electron spins and yields a rich variety of properties of non-local conductance which we describe non-perturbatively at arbitrary voltages, temperature, spin-dependent interface transmissions and their polarizations. Our results can be applied to multi-terminal hybrid structures with normal, ferromagnetic and half-metallic electrodes and can be directly tested in future experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; figures 6 and 7 are corrected; version published in Phys. Rev.