28 research outputs found

    Risk of adverse outcomes associated with cardiac sarcoidosis diagnostic schemes

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    BackgroundMultiple cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) diagnostic schemes have been published.ObjectivesThis study aims to evaluate the association of different CS diagnostic schemes with adverse outcomes. The diagnostic schemes evaluated were 1993, 2006, and 2017 Japanese criteria and the 2014 Heart Rhythm Society criteria.MethodsData were collected from the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Consortium, an international registry of CS patients. Outcome events were any of the following: all-cause mortality, left ventricular assist device placement, heart transplantation, and appropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy. Logistic regression analysis evaluated the association of outcomes with each CS diagnostic scheme.ResultsA total of 587 subjects met the following criteria: 1993 Japanese (n = 310, 52.8%), 2006 Japanese (n = 312, 53.2%), 2014 Heart Rhythm Society (n = 480, 81.8%), and 2017 Japanese (n = 112, 19.1%). Patients who met the 1993 criteria were more likely to experience an event than patients who did not (n = 109 of 310, 35.2% vs n = 59 of 277, 21.3%; OR: 2.00; 95% CI: 1.38-2.90; P P P = 0.18 or OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 0.97-2.33; P = 0.067, respectively).ConclusionsCS patients who met the 1993 and the 2006 criteria had higher odds of adverse clinical outcomes. Future research is needed to prospectively evaluate existing diagnostic schemes and develop new risk models for this complex disease.Cardiolog

    Device-related complications in the subcutaneous and transvenous ICD: a secondary analysis of the PRAETORIAN trial.

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    BACKGROUND: The subcutaneous ICD (S-ICD) is developed to overcome lead-related complications and systemic infections, inherent to transvenous ICD (TV-ICD) therapy. The PRAETORIAN trial demonstrated that the S-ICD is non-inferior to the TV-ICD with regard to the combined primary endpoint of inappropriate shocks and complications. This prespecified secondary analysis evaluates all complications in the PRAETORIAN trial. METHODS: The PRAETORIAN trial is an international, multicenter, randomised trial in which 849 patients with an indication for ICD therapy were randomised to receive an SICD (N = 426) or TV-ICD (N = 423) and followed for a median of 49 months. Endpoints were device-related complications, lead-related complications, systemic infections and the need for invasive interventions. RESULTS: Thirty-six device-related complications occurred in 31 patients in the S-ICD group of which bleedings were the most frequent. In the TV-ICD group 49 complications occurred in 44 patients of which lead-dysfunction was most frequent (HR 0.69; P =0.11). In both groups half of all complications were within 30 days after implantation. Lead-related complications and systemic infections occurred significantly less in the S-ICD group compared to the TV-ICD group (P <0.001, P =0.03 respectively). Significantly more complications required invasive interventions in the TV-ICD group compared to the S-ICD group (8.3% vs. 4.3%, HR 0.59; P =0.047). CONCLUSIONS: This secondary analysis shows that, lead-related complications and systemic infections are more prevalent in the TV-ICD group compared to the S-ICD group. In addition, complications in the TV-ICD group were more severe as they required significantly more invasive interventions. This data contributes to shared decision making in clinical practice

    Efficacy and Safety of Appropriate Shocks and Antitachycardia Pacing in Transvenous and Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillators: Analysis of All Appropriate Therapy in the PRAETORIAN Trial.

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    BACKGROUND: The PRAETORIAN trial (A Prospective, Randomized Comparison of Subcutaneous and Transvenous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy) showed noninferiority of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) compared with transvenous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (TV-ICD) with regard to inappropriate shocks and complications. In contrast to TV-ICD, S-ICD cannot provide antitachycardia pacing for monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. This prespecified secondary analysis evaluates appropriate therapy and whether antitachycardia pacing reduces the number of appropriate shocks. METHODS: The PRAETORIAN trial was an international, investigator-initiated randomized trial that included patients with an indication for implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy. Patients with previous ventricular tachycardia <170 bpm or refractory recurrent monomorphic ventricular tachycardia were excluded. In 39 centers, 849 patients were randomized to receive an S-ICD (n=426) or TV-ICD (n=423) and were followed for a median of 49.1 months. ICD programming was mandated by protocol. Appropriate ICD therapy was defined as therapy for ventricular arrhythmias. Arrhythmias were classified as discrete episodes and storm episodes (≥3 episodes within 24 hours). Analyses were performed in the modified intention-to-treat population. RESULTS: In the S-ICD group, 86 of 426 patients received appropriate therapy, versus 78 of 423 patients in the TV-ICD group, during a median follow-up of 52 months (48-month Kaplan-Meier estimates 19.4% and 17.5%; P=0.45). In the S-ICD group, 83 patients received at least 1 shock, versus 57 patients in the TV-ICD group (48-month Kaplan-Meier estimates 19.2% and 11.5%; P=0.02). Patients in the S-ICD group had a total of 254 shocks, compared with 228 shocks in the TV-ICD group (P=0.68). First shock efficacy was 93.8% in the S-ICD group and 91.6% in the TV-ICD group (P=0.40). The first antitachycardia pacing attempt successfully terminated 46% of all monomorphic ventricular tachycardias, but accelerated the arrhythmia in 9.4%. Ten patients with S-ICD experienced 13 electrical storms, versus 18 patients with TV-ICD with 19 electrical storms. Patients with appropriate therapy had an almost 2-fold increased relative risk of electrical storms in the TV-ICD group compared with the S-ICD group (P=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In this trial, no difference was observed in shock efficacy of S-ICD compared with TV-ICD. Although patients in the S-ICD group were more likely to receive an ICD shock, the total number of appropriate shocks was not different between the 2 groups. Registration: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT01296022

    A Rare Case of Acute Abdomen: Garengeot Hernia

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    Rezumat Un caz rar de abdomen acut: hernie Garengeot Asocierea apendicitei acute cu hernia femuralã strangulatã sau încarceratã, reprezintã o patologie rar întâlnitã, dar bine documentatã în literatura de specialitate medicalã, aaea numita hernie a lui Garengeot. Dezvoltarea unei apendicite acute în sacul de hernie femuralã, devine o urgenåã chirurgicalã de abdomen acut. Diagnosticul este întotdeauna confundat cu cel de hernie încarceratã sau strangulatã, diagnosticul de certitudine fiind stabilit intraoperator, ocazie cu care la deschiderea sacului herniar se constatã prezenåa apendicelui cecal, aflat în diferite stadii morfologice ale inflamaåiei, care pot merge pânã la gangrena aei perforaåia acestuia. În aceastã lucrare, am raportat cazul unei femei de 76 de ani, care se prezintã pentru prezenåa unei formaåiuni tumorale femurale, încarcerate, dureroase, care a fost iniåial consideratã ca hernie femuralã încarceratã, diagnosticul final fiind stabilit intraoperator. Tratamentul acestor &quot;hernii&quot; este în general simplu, atunci când nu existã complicaåii ale apendicitei acute, precum prezenåa de puroi în sacul de hernie, aei constã în apendicectomie aei herniorafie. Absenåa unei simptomatologii specifice apendicitei acute, face ca de cele mai multe ori intervenåia chirurgicalã sã fie temporizatã ceea ce duce la apariåia frecventã a complicaåiilor aei la creaeterea morbiditãåii. Cuvinte cheie: hernie femuralã, încarcerare, apendicitã Abstract The association of acute appendicitis with femoral hernia, strangulated or incarcerated, represents a rare but well documented pathology in the specialized medical literature, also known as Garengeot hernia. The development of an acute appendicitis in the femoral hernia sac becomes a surgical emergency of acute abdomen. The diagnosis is always mistaken for the one of incarcerated or strangled hernia, the correct diagnosis being established intraoperatively, occasion which exposes the cecal appendix by opening the herniary bag, found in different morphological stages of inflammation that can go as far as gangrene or even perforation. In this paper, we have reported the case of a 76 year-old female that presented with femoral tumours, incarcerated, painful and initially considered as an incarcerated femoral hernia, the final diagnosis being made intraoperatively. The treatment for these &quot;hernias&quot; is generally simple, when there are no complications of acute appendicitis as the presence of pus in the hernia sac, and consists in appendectomy and herniorrhaphy. The absence of symptoms for an acute appendicitis often delays the surgery which leads to frequent complications and increased rate of morbidity

    Resting state neurophysiology of agonist–antagonist myoneural interface in persons with transtibial amputation

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    Abstract The agonist–antagonist myoneural interface (AMI) is an amputation surgery that preserves sensorimotor signaling mechanisms of the central-peripheral nervous systems. Our first neuroimaging study investigating AMI subjects conducted by Srinivasan et al. (2020) focused on task-based neural signatures, and showed evidence of proprioceptive feedback to the central nervous system. The study of resting state neural activity helps non-invasively characterize the neural patterns that prime task response. In this study on resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging in AMI subjects, we compared functional connectivity in patients with transtibial AMI (n = 12) and traditional (n = 7) amputations (TA). To test our hypothesis that we would find significant neurophysiological differences between AMI and TA subjects, we performed a whole-brain exploratory analysis to identify a seed region; namely, we conducted ANOVA, followed by t-test statistics to locate a seed in the salience network. Then, we implemented a seed-based connectivity analysis to gather cluster-level inferences contrasting our subject groups. We show evidence supporting our hypothesis that the AMI surgery induces functional network reorganization resulting in a neural configuration that significantly differs from the neural configuration after TA surgery. AMI subjects show significantly less coupling with regions functionally dedicated to selecting where to focus attention when it comes to salient stimuli. Our findings provide researchers and clinicians with a critical mechanistic understanding of the effect of AMI amputation on brain networks at rest, which has promising implications for improved neurorehabilitation and prosthetic control

    Reconnection Rate and Long-Term Outcome with Adenosine Provocation During Cryoballoon Ablation for Pulmonary Vein Isolation

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    Adenosine can unmask dormant conduction during pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) for atrial fibrillation (AF). Studies of adenosine use in radiofrequency PVI show high reconnection rates and conflicting results for long-term success, however there is limited data with cryoballoon ablation (CBA). A prospectively maintained database of patients undergoing first CBA at a single institution was analyzed. Adenosine use was at the discretion of the primary operator. Additional freezes were delivered for reconnected veins until dormant conduction was eliminated. The primary endpoint, time to AF recurrence defined as any episode < 30 seconds after a 3-month blanking period, was assessed by Kaplan-Meier analysis. From 2011 to 2015, 406 patients underwent CBA, 361 of whom had > 3 months follow-up. The mean age was 61.7 years, 69% were male, and the prevalence of paroxysmal AF was 79% with no significant difference between those that did and did not receive adenosine (77% vs 86%, respectively, p = 0.23). Adenosine testing was performed in 78 patients (21.6%) with a mean dose of 10.6 mg/vein. Of the 306 veins evaluated, 17 (6%) demonstrated dormant conduction. Over a median 14.4 months follow-up, there was no significant difference in freedom from AF with adenosine use (p= 0.86). Dormant conduction with adenosine is uncommon following CBA and its use does not improve long-term success rates

    Moderate Sedation Reduces Lab Time Compared to General Anesthesia during Cryoballoon Ablation for AF Without Compromising Safety or Long-Term Efficacy

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    Cryoballoon ablation (CBA) for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (pAF) can be performed under general anesthesia (GA) or moderate sedation (MS). Our objective was to compare the effectiveness, safety, procedure duration, and time spent in the electrophysiology (EP) laboratory for CBA performed under GA and MS. Patients undergoing a first CBA for pAF were identified. Patients received either GA administered by an anesthesiologist or MS with midazolam and fentanyl administered by EP laboratory staff. Total time in laboratory (sum of procedure and nonprocedure time); fluoroscopy time; freedom from documented AF, atrial flutter, and atrial tachycardia (FFAF); acute pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) rate; and 30-day complication rate were assessed. A total of 55 patients received GA and 119 patients received MS. PVI success rate was 100% in GA and 98.1% in MS (P = 0.04). Total laboratory time was longer for GA (280.4 ± 54.1 minutes vs 245.5 ± 54.7 minutes; P < 0.001), related to longer nonprocedure time (92.2 ± 28.8 minutes GA vs 71.0 ± 30.0 minutes MS; P < 0.001), but not procedure time (188.3 ± 49.3 minutes GA vs 174.5 ± 50.2 minutes MS; P = 0.09). FFAF was not significantly different over a median follow-up duration of 0.9 (interquartile range 0.4-1.9) years (61.8% GA vs 63.0% MS; log-rank P = 0.90). There was no significant difference in complication rate. Compared to GA, MS during CBA for pAF was independently associated with shorter total EP laboratory time without compromising FFAF or complication rates