1,210 research outputs found

    The Fundamental Plane of Galaxy Clusters

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    Velocity dispersion σ\sigma, radius RR and luminosity LL of elliptical galaxies are known to be related, leaving only two degrees of freedom and defining the so-called ``fundamental plane". In this {\em Letter} we present observational evidence that rich galaxy clusters exhibit a similar behaviour. Assuming a relation LRασ2βL \propto R^{\alpha}\sigma^{2 \beta}, the best-fit values of α\alpha and β\beta are very close to those defined by galaxies. The dispersion of this relation is lower than 10 percent, i.e. significantly smaller than the dispersion observed in the LσL-\sigma and LRL-R relations. We briefly suggest some possible implications on the spread of formation times of objects and on peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters.Comment: 11pp., 4 figures (available on request), LaTeX, BAP-04-1993-015-OA

    Multiple merging events in Abell 521

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    We present a detailed spatial and dynamical analysis of the central \sim~2.2~\h~Mpc region of the galaxy cluster Abell~521 (z=0.247), based on 238 spectra obtained at the 3.6~m Telescope of ESO and at the CFHT. From the analysis of the 125 galaxies confirmed members of the cluster, we derive a mean velocity of 74019125+11274019 ^{+112}_{-125} km/s and detect a complex velocity distribution with high velocity dispersion, 1325100+1451325 ^{+145}_{-100} km/s), but clear departure from a single gaussian component. The general structure of the cluster follows a NW/SE direction, crossed by a perpendicular high density ``ridge'' of galaxies in the core region. The northern region of the cluster is characterized by a lower velocity dispersion as compared to the whole cluster value; it hosts the BCG and a dynamically bound complex of galaxies, and it is associated to a group detected in X-ray (Arnaud et al 2000). This region could be in pre-merger stage onto the main cluster nearly in the plane of the sky. These results, taken together with the fact that most of the clumps detected on the isodensity maps, as well as the early type galaxies and the brightest ones are aligned, suggest that this NW/SE direction is the preferred one for the formation of this cluster. The central high dense region shows a lower velocity location (73625350+34473625 ^{+344}_{-350} km/s) and significantly higher scale (1780142+2341780 ^{+234}_{-142} km/s) as compared to the whole cluster values. This is due to the presence of a low-velocity group of galaxies with a high fraction of emission line objects. This can be explained in a scenario in which a merging of subclusters has recently occurred along the direction of the ``ridge'' with a significant component along the line of sight.Comment: 21 pages, 32 figures, uses aa.cls style, Latex. Accepted for publication in A&

    High-Order Correlations of Rich Galaxy Clusters

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    We analyse the two--dimensional all--sky distribution of rich Abell and ACO galaxy clusters by using counts in cells and measuring the high--order area--averaged angular correlation functions. Confirming previous results, we find a well defined hierarchical relation between the two and three--point correlation functions, remarkably constant with scale. In the angular range 2θ42^\circ \le \theta \le 4^\circ, the southern sample, limited at bII40b_{II} \le -40^\circ and including both Abell and ACO clusters, shows a remarkable hierarchical behavior up to the 6th order, while northern Abell clusters give positive correlations in the same range only up to the 4th order. The inferred deprojected values of the 3--D coefficients SJS_J, where SJ=ξˉJ/ξˉ2J1S_J = \bar{\xi}_J / {\bar{\xi}_2}^{J-1}, are similar to those measured for the galaxy distribution, and consistent with theoretical predictions. These results are confirmed to the 4th order by our analysis of a 3--D sample of Abell and ACO clusters. Assuming that selection effects and / or the absence of a cluster fair sample are the reason of the difference between the two galactic hemispheres, and between Abell and ACO clusters, our results indicate that the statistical properties of the cluster distribution originate from the underlying galaxy distribution and show that the biasing between clusters and galaxies is non--linear.Comment: 29 pp., (ApJ, accepted for publication). This is a uuencoded compressed postscript file including figure

    Properties of Very Luminous Galaxies

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    Recent analysis of the SSRS2 data based on cell-counts and two-point correlation function has shown that very luminous galaxies are much more strongly clustered than fainter galaxies. In fact, the amplitude of the correlation function of very luminous galaxies (L>LL > L^*) asymptotically approaches that of R0R \ge 0 clusters. In this paper we investigate the properties of the most luminous galaxies, with blue absolute magnitude MB21M_B \le -21. We find that: 1) the population mix is comparable to that in other ranges of absolute magnitudes; 2) only a small fraction are located in bona fide clusters; 3) the bright galaxy-cluster cross-correlation function is significantly higher on large scales than that measured for fainter galaxies; 4) the correlation length of galaxies brighter than \MB 20.0 \sim -20.0, expressed as a function of the mean interparticle distance, appears to follow the universal dimensionless correlation function found for clusters and radio galaxies; 5) a large fraction of the bright galaxies are in interacting pairs, others show evidence for tidal distortions, while some appear to be surrounded by faint satellite galaxies. We conclude that very luminous optical galaxies differ from the normal population of galaxies both in the clustering and other respects. We speculate that this population is highly biased tracers of mass, being associated to dark halos with masses more comparable to clusters than typical loose groups.Comment: 29 pages (6 figures) + 2 tables; paper with all figures and images available at http://boas5.bo.astro.it/~cappi/papers.html; The Astronomical Journal, in pres

    ASCA Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 7582: An Obscured and Scattered View of the Hidden Nucleus

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    ASCA observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7582 revealed it was highly variable on the timescale of 2×104\sim2\times10^4 s in the hard X-ray (2-10 keV) band, while the soft X-ray (0.5-2 keV) flux remained constant during the observations. The spectral analysis suggests that this object is seen through an obscuring torus with the thickness of NH1.0×1023cm2_{\rm H}\sim1.0\times 10^{23}\rm cm^{-2}. The hard X-ray is an absorbed direct continuum from a hidden Seyfert 1 nucleus; the soft X-ray is dominated by the scattered central continuum from an extended spatial region. Thus we have an obscured/absorbed and a scattered view of this source as expected from the unification model for Seyfert galaxies. More interestingly, the inferred X-ray column was observed to increase by 4×1022cm2\sim4\times10^{22} \rm cm^{-2} from 1994 to 1996, suggesting a ``patchy'' torus structure, namely the torus might be composed of many individual clouds. The observed iron line feature near 6.4 keV with the equivalent width of 170 eV is also consistent with the picture of the transmission of nuclear X-ray continuum through a non-uniform torus.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To be appear in PASJ 50 No.5 (1998 Oct.25 issue

    The Wide-Angle Outflow of the Lensed z = 1.51 AGN HS 0810+2554

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    We present results from X-ray observations of the gravitationally lensed z = 1.51 AGN HS 0810+2554 performed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton. Blueshifted absorption lines are detected in both observations at rest-frame energies ranging between ~1-12 keV at > 99% confidence. The inferred velocities of the outflowing components range between ~0.1c and ~0.4c. A strong emission line at ~6.8 keV accompanied by a significant absorption line at ~7.8 keV is also detected in the Chandra observation. The presence of these lines is a characteristic feature of a P-Cygni profile supporting the presence of an expanding outflowing highly ionized iron absorber in this quasar. Modeling of the P-Cygni profile constrains the covering factor of the wind to be > 0.6, assuming disk shielding. A disk-reflection component is detected in the XMM-Newton observation accompanied by blueshifted absorption lines. The XMM-Newton observation constrains the inclination angle to be < 45 degrees at 90% confidence, assuming the hard excess is due to blurred reflection from the accretion disk. The detection of an ultrafast and wide-angle wind in an AGN with intrinsic narrow absorption lines (NALs) would suggest that quasar winds may couple efficiently with the intergalactic medium and provide significant feedback if ubiquitous in all NAL and BAL quasars. We estimate the mass-outflow rate of the absorbers to lie in the range of 1.5 and 3.4 Msolar/yr for the two observations. We find the fraction of kinetic to electromagnetic luminosity released by HS 0810+2554 is large (epsilon = 9 (-6,+8)) suggesting that magnetic driving is likely a significant contributor to the acceleration of this outflow.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    On the nature of the X-ray absorption in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4507

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    We present results of the ASCA observation of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4507. The 0.5-10 keV spectrum is rather complex and consists of several components: (1) a hard X-ray power law heavily absorbed by a column density of about 3 10^23 cm^-2, (2) a narrow Fe Kalpha line at 6.4 keV, (3) soft continuum emission well above the extrapolation of the absorbed hard power law, (4) a narrow emission line at about 0.9 keV. The line energy, consistent with highly ionized Neon (NeIX), may indicate that the soft X-ray emission derives from a combination of resonant scattering and fluorescence in a photoionized gas. Some contribution to the soft X-ray spectrum from thermal emission, as a blend of Fe L lines, by a starburst component in the host galaxy cannot be ruled out with the present data.Comment: 8 pages, LateX, 5 figures (included). Uses mn.sty and epsfig.sty. To appear in MNRA