697 research outputs found

    Identification of transmembrane domains that regulate spatial arrangements and activity of prokineticin receptor 2 dimers

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    The chemokine prokineticin 2 (PK2) activates its cognate G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) PKR2 to elicit various downstream signaling pathways involved in diverse biological processes. Many GPCRs undergo dimerization that can modulate a number of functions including membrane delivery and signal transduction. The aim of this study was to elucidate the interface of PKR2 protomers within dimers by analyzing the ability of PKR2 transmembrane (TM) deletion mutants to associate with wild type (WT) PKR2 in yeast using co-immunoprecipitation and mammalian cells using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. Deletion of TMs 5-7 resulted in a lack of detectable association with WT PKR2, but could associate with a truncated mutant lacking TMs 6-7 (TM1-5). Interestingly, TM1-5 modulated the distance, or organization, between protomers and positively regulated Gαs signaling and surface expression of WT PKR2. We propose that PKR2 protomers form type II dimers involving TMs 4 and 5, with a role for TM5 in modulation of PKR2 function

    Individual perceptions of physical activity in a community-level initiative in North Queensland, Australia

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    Introduction: Community-level health initiatives advertise the benefits of physical activity, however, it is unknown how personally relevant these promoted benefits are to those who take part. The purpose of this study was to describe the personal experience of participation in the health programs, and to identify how appropriate the participants felt the programs were. Methods: Participants were rural North Queensland residents participating in Australian federal government funded health initiative programs offered by their local council. There were 25 participants (10 males, 15 females) whose ages ranged from 47 to 79. Twenty-one were in the 12-week Diabetes Australia Beat It program, and four participants were in a 10-week water aerobics program. Qualitative data was provided by participants during semi-structured interviews which asked about current exercise habits, reason for taking part in the program and opinions about the program and facilitators. Results: Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the data. It was an inductive analysis that assessed semantic themes from a realist perspective. The themes fond detail the personal definition of exercise (Exercise to me), the physical benefits of exercise (Keep yourself, Future fitness, Observed changes), and the psychological benefits of exercise (socializing, challenging oneself, sense of achievement). Conclusions: The benefits that participants felt they gained from the physical fitness program, and their reasons for attending were different to the programs' expected outcomes. Programs should aim to appeal and cater to the needs of a wide group of people who have limited access to exercise facilities and health behaviour programs

    Individual perceptions of physical activity in a community-level initiative in North Queensland, Australia

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    Introduction: Community-level health initiatives advertise the benefits of physical activity, however, it is unknown how personally relevant these promoted benefits are to those who take part. The purpose of this study was to describe the personal experience of participation in the health programs, and to identify how appropriate the participants felt the programs were. Methods: Participants were rural North Queensland residents participating in Australian federal government funded health initiative programs offered by their local council. There were 25 participants (10 males, 15 females) whose ages ranged from 47 to 79. Twenty-one were in the 12-week Diabetes Australia Beat It program, and four participants were in a 10-week water aerobics program. Qualitative data was provided by participants during semi-structured interviews which asked about current exercise habits, reason for taking part in the program and opinions about the program and facilitators. Results: Thematic Analysis was used to analyze the data. It was an inductive analysis that assessed semantic themes from a realist perspective. The themes fond detail the personal definition of exercise (Exercise to me), the physical benefits of exercise (Keep yourself, Future fitness, Observed changes), and the psychological benefits of exercise (socializing, challenging oneself, sense of achievement). Conclusions: The benefits that participants felt they gained from the physical fitness program, and their reasons for attending were different to the programs' expected outcomes. Programs should aim to appeal and cater to the needs of a wide group of people who have limited access to exercise facilities and health behaviour programs

    Rapporto sulle misure di Mercurio effettuate sull’Etna nel periodo Novembre 2005 – Marzo 2006 e loro raffronto con altri parametri geochimici

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    traccia nella troposfera, tende ad accumularsi nei processi biologici che seguono la sua deposizione. Il suo lungo tempo di residenza in atmosfera (circa 1 anno) combinato con la sua elevata tossicità, rendono tale elemento di primaria importanza per l’impatto ambientale, soprattutto nelle aree di maggiore emissione. Le emissioni di mercurio da aree vulcaniche attive sono considerate una delle principali sorgenti di mercurio verso l’atmosfera terrestre, insieme con le emissioni antropogeniche legate all’attività mineraria per l’estrazione del cinabro. L’entità del contributo vulcanico a scala regionale e globale rimane tuttavia altamente incerto. Le emissioni vulcaniche possono essere ricche in mercurio elementare gassoso (Hg0), mercurio gassoso reattivo (HgII) presente soprattutto come solfuro ed altre forme di mercurio che devono essere ancora determinate (Symonds et al., 1992; Nicholson, 1993; Barnes & Seward, 1997). L’Etna rappresenta una delle maggiori sorgenti potenzialmente in grado di fornire grandi quantità di Hg in atmosfera, grazie alle sue notevoli emissioni gassose dal plume craterico e dai fianchi (e.g., Ferrara et al., 2000). A partire dalla metà di Novembre 2005 si è reso disponibile un analizzatore portatile della concentrazione di mercurio in fase gassosa Lumex RA-915+ (Figura 1), in visione temporanea grazie all’accordo tra il distributore per l’Italia (Loccioni srl, Ancona) e la sezione di Catania dell’INGV ottenuto su interessamento personale di M. Burton. L’analizzatore si basa sul principio della spettrometria differenziale Zeeman di assorbimento atomico, ed utilizza la modulazione ad alta frequenza della polarizzazione della luce. Lo strumento è in grado di misurare concentrazioni di Hg in aria o in fase gassosa da 0 a 20.000 ng m-3 nella modalità a cella multi-percorso (limite di rilevabilità = 2 ng m-3), oppure da 500 a 200.000 ng m-3 nella modalità a cella singolo-percorso (limite di rilevabilità = 500 ng m-3). La misura viene effettuata mediante aspirazione del campione di aria o di gas all’interno dello strumento attraverso un tubo che, nel caso di gas del suolo o gorgogliante in acqua, viene opportunamente collegato, rispettivamente, ad una sonda inserita nel suolo o ad un imbuto posto sul punto di campionamento. Nel corso degli ultimi due mesi lo strumento è stato utilizzato sull’Etna per misure di Hg nell’aria in varie zone del vulcano, in gas del suolo emessi in due siti ubicati presso Santa Venerina e presso Paternò, in gas fumarolici presso la Torre del Filosofo e in gas gorgoglianti emessi dalle polle d’acqua delle Salinelle dello Stadio di Paternò. Purtroppo, le spesso avverse condizioni meteorologiche che hanno caratterizzato questo periodo, hanno impedito un più esteso utilizzo dell’analizzatore, così come era stato inizialmente preventivat

    First observational evidence for the CO2-driven origin of Stromboli’s major explosions

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    We report on the first detection of CO2 flux precursors of the till now unforecastable “major” explosions that intermittently occur at Strombolivolcano (Italy). An automated survey of the crater plume emissions in the period 2006–2010, during which 12 such explosions happened, demonstrated that these events are systematically preceded by a brief phase of increasing CO2/SO2 weight ratio (up to >40) and CO2 flux (>1300 t d−1) with respect to the timeaveraged values of 3.7 and 500 t d−1 typical for standard Stromboli’s activity. These signals are best explained by the accumulation of CO2-rich gas at a discontinuity of the plumbing system (decreasing CO2 emission at the surface), followed by increasing gas leakage prior to the explosion. Our observations thus supports the recent model of Allard (2010) for a CO2-rich gas trigger of recurrent major explosions at Stromboli, and demonstrates the possibility to forecast these events in advance from geochemical precursors. These observations and conclusions have clear implications for monitoring strategies at other open-vent basaltic volcanoes worldwide

    Optimization of RPCs read-out panel with electromagnetic simulation

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    With the upgrade of the RPCs [1]-[2] and the increase of its performances, the study and the optimization of the read-out panel is necessary in order to maintain the signal integrity and to reduce the intrinsic crosstalk. Through Electromagnetic Simulation, performed with CST Studio Suite, new panels design are tested and their crosstalk property are studied. The behavior of different type of panel is shown, in particular a panel with the decoupling strip connected through their characteristic impedance to the ground plane is simulated


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    Estimation of the daily trend of sulfur dioxide and ash from the thermal infrared measurements of the Spin Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), on board the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geosynchronous satellite, has been carried out. The SO2 retrieval is validated vicariously by using satellite sensors and with ground measurements. The 24 November 2006 tropospheric eruption of Etna volcano is used as a test case. MSG-SEVIRI is an optical imaging radiometer characterized by 12 spectral channels, a high temporal resolution (one image every 15 minutes), and a 10 km2 footprint. The instrument’s spectral range includes the 7.3 and 8.7 mm bands (channels 6 and 7) used for SO2 retrieval and the 10.8 and 12.0 mm (channels 9 and 10) split window bands used for ash detection and retrievals. The SO2 columnar abundance and ash are retrieved simultaneously by means of a Look-Up Table least squares fit procedure for SO2 and using a Brightness Temperature Difference algorithm for ash. The SO2 retrievals obtained using different satellite sensors such as AIRS and MODIS have been carried out and compared with SEVIRI estimations. The results were validated using the permanent mini-DOAS ground system network (FLAME) installed and operated by INGV on Mt. Etna. Results show that the simultaneous presence of SO2 and ash in a volcanic plume yields a significant error in the SO2 columnar abundance retrieval in multispectral Thermal Infrared (TIR) data. The ash plume particles with high effective radius (from 1 to 10 mm) reduce the top of atmosphere radiance in the entire TIR spectral range, including the channels used for the SO2 retrieval. The net effect is a significant SO2 overestimation. To take this effect into account a novel ash correction procedure is presented and applied to the retrieval

    Papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the palatine tonsil: a rare cancer of the head and neck

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    Le neoplasie squamose papillari delle vie aeree digestive superiori sono una rara variante del carcinoma a cellule squamose. Sono caratterizzate da una crescita esofitica papillare e hanno una prognosi generalmente favorevole. Il tumore è già stato descritto a livello delle vie aeree digestive superiori. In tale contesto, le localizzazioni più frequenti sono la laringe e lipofaringe, mentre raramente sono interessati la cavità orale e lipofaringe. Gli studi limitati unitamente allesiguo numero di casi pubblicati di carcinoma squamoso papillare a localizzazione tonsillare, ci hanno indotto a una completa analisi di questo tumore, analizzando gli aspetti clinici, istopatologici, radiologici, virologici e terapeutici, non sempre presenti in letteratura. Un case report di carcinoma squamoso papillare della tonsilla palatina è pertanto riportato. La lesione (T2N0M0), localizzata a livello della tonsilla palatina sinistra, si aggettava verso la cavità orale. HPV DNA 16 e mRNA E6/E7 erano rilevati nella lesione. Un profilo della neoplasia è pertanto presentato unitamente a una completa revisione della recente letteratura, analizzando tutti gli aspetti di interesse di tale neoplasia