971 research outputs found

    Continuous Reasoning for Managing Next-Gen Distributed Applications.

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    Continuous reasoning has proven effective in incrementally analysing changes in application codebases within Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) software release pipelines. In this article, we present a novel declarative continuous reasoning approach to support the management of multi-service applications over the Cloud-IoT continuum, in particular when infrastructure variations impede meeting application's hardware, software, IoT or network QoS requirements. We show how such an approach brings considerable speed-ups compared to non-incremental reasoning

    Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO II. Detection of molecular absorption in the dayside spectrum of HD 102195b

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    The study of exoplanetary atmospheres is key to understand the differences between their physical, chemical and dynamical processes. Up to now, the bulk of atmospheric characterization analysis has been conducted on transiting planets. On some sufficiently bright targets, high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS) has also been successfully tested for non-transiting planets. We study the dayside of the non-transiting planet HD 102195b using the GIANO spectrograph mounted at TNG, demonstrating the feasibility of atmospheric characterization measurements and molecular detection for non-transiting planets with the HRS technique using 4-m class telescopes. The Doppler-shifted planetary signal changes on the order of many km/s during the observations, in contrast with the telluric absorption which is stationary in wavelength, allowing us to remove the contamination from telluric lines while preserving the features of the planetary spectrum. The emission signal from HD 102195b's atmosphere is then extracted by cross-correlating the residual spectra with atmospheric models. We detect molecular absorption from water vapor at 4.4σ\sigma level. We also find convincing evidence for the presence of methane, which is detected at the 4.1σ\sigma level. The two molecules are detected with a combined significance of 5.3σ\sigma, at a semi-amplitude of the planet radial velocity KP=128±6K_P=128\pm 6 km/s. We estimate a planet true mass of MP=0.46±0.03 MJM_P=0.46\pm 0.03~M_J and orbital inclination between 72.5 and 84.79∘^{\circ} (1σ\sigma). Our analysis indicates a non-inverted atmosphere for HD 102195b, as expected given the relatively low temperature of the planet, inefficient to keep TiO/VO in gas phase. Moreover, a comparison with theoretical expectations and chemical model predictions corroborates our methane detection and suggests that the detected CH4CH_4 and H2OH_2O signatures could be consistent with a low C/O ratio.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Exoplanet atmospheres with GIANO. I. Water in the transmission spectrum of HD 189733b

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    High-resolution spectroscopy (R ≥\ge 20,000) at near-infrared wavelengths can be used to investigate the composition, structure, and circulation patterns of exoplanet atmospheres. However, up to now it has been the exclusive dominion of the biggest telescope facilities on the ground, due to the large amount of photons necessary to measure a signal in high-dispersion spectra. Here we show that spectrographs with a novel design - in particular a large spectral range - can open exoplanet characterisation to smaller telescope facilities too. We aim to demonstrate the concept on a series of spectra of the exoplanet HD 189733 b taken at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo with the near-infrared spectrograph GIANO during two transits of the planet. In contrast to absorption in the Earth's atmosphere (telluric absorption), the planet transmission spectrum shifts in radial velocity during transit due to the changing orbital motion of the planet. This allows us to remove the telluric spectrum while preserving the signal of the exoplanet. The latter is then extracted by cross-correlating the residual spectra with template models of the planet atmosphere computed through line-by-line radiative transfer calculations, and containing molecular absorption lines from water and methane. By combining the signal of many thousands of planet molecular lines, we confirm the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b at the 5.5-σ\sigma level. This signal was measured only in the first of the two observing nights. By injecting and retrieving artificial signals, we show that the non-detection on the second night is likely due to an inferior quality of the data. The measured strength of the planet transmission spectrum is fully consistent with past CRIRES observations at the VLT, excluding a strong variability in the depth of molecular absorption lines.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. v2 includes language editin

    Protected areas as refuges for pest species? The case of wild boar

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    Abstract Protected areas are often blamed for offering refuge to pest species populations, giving rise to the so-called "reserve effect". Nevertheless, this major conservation side effect has seldom been investigated or verified on a local scale. Along the borders of two protected areas of different size, we modelled wild boar individual likelihood of being either inside or outside the protected areas throughout the year, considering their activity rhythms and resource availability. No evidence of reserve effect was found in the small protected area, yet the percentage of wild boar moving across the border was smaller in the large one. Moreover, although wild boar use of the large protected area resulted to increase in autumn, we showed that this was not the consequence of hunting avoidance. Our results clearly highlighted the importance to verify reserve effect on a local scale with studies based on detailed information on animal spatial behaviour and environmental variables

    Identification of Sesamin from Sesamum indicum as a Potent Antifungal Agent Using an Integrated in Silico and Biological Screening Platform

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    Due to the limited availability of antifungal drugs, their relevant side effects and considering the insurgence of drug-resistant strains, novel antifungal agents are urgently needed. To identify such agents, we have developed an integrated computational and biological screening platform. We have considered a promising drug target in antifungal drug discovery (exo-1,3-β-glucanase) and a phytochemical library composed of bioactive natural products was used. These products were computationally screened against the selected target using molecular docking and molecular dynamics techniques along with the evaluation of drug-like profile. We selected sesamin as the most promising phytochemical endowed with a potential antifungal profile and satisfactory drug-like properties. Sesamin was submitted to a preliminary biological evaluation to test its capability to inhibit the growth of several Candida species by calculating the MIC/MFC and conducting synergistic experiments with the marketed drug fluconazole. Following the screening protocol, we identified sesamin as a potential exo-1,3-β-glucanase inhibitor, with relevant potency in inhibiting the growth of Candida species in a dose-dependent manner (MIC and MFC of 16 and 32 μg/mL, respectively). Furthermore, the combination of sesamin with fluconazole highlighted relevant synergistic effects. The described screening protocol revealed the natural product sesamin as a potential novel antifungal agent, showing an interesting predicted pharmacological profile, paving the way to the development of innovative therapeutics against fungal infections. Notably, our screening protocol can be helpful in antifungal drug discovery

    Detection of water absorption in the day side atmosphere of HD 189733 b using ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy at 3.2 microns

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    We report a 4.8 sigma detection of water absorption features in the day side spectrum of the hot Jupiter HD 189733 b. We used high-resolution (R~100,000) spectra taken at 3.2 microns with CRIRES on the VLT to trace the radial-velocity shift of the water features in the planet's day side atmosphere during 5 h of its 2.2 d orbit as it approached secondary eclipse. Despite considerable telluric contamination in this wavelength regime, we detect the signal within our uncertainties at the expected combination of systemic velocity (Vsys=-3 +5-6 km/s) and planet orbital velocity (Kp=154 +14-10 km/s), and determine a H2O line contrast ratio of (1.3+/-0.2)x10^-3 with respect to the stellar continuum. We find no evidence of significant absorption or emission from other carbon-bearing molecules, such as methane, although we do note a marginal increase in the significance of our detection to 5.1 sigma with the inclusion of carbon dioxide in our template spectrum. This result demonstrates that ground-based, high-resolution spectroscopy is suited to finding not just simple molecules like CO, but also to more complex molecules like H2O even in highly telluric contaminated regions of the Earth's transmission spectrum. It is a powerful tool that can be used for conducting an immediate census of the carbon- and oxygen-bearing molecules in the atmospheres of giant planets, and will potentially allow the formation and migration history of these planets to be constrained by the measurement of their atmospheric C/O ratios.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Dusty tails of evaporating exoplanets. II. Physical modelling of the KIC 12557548b light curve

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    Evaporating rocky exoplanets, such as KIC 12557548b, eject large amounts of dust grains, which can trail the planet in a comet-like tail. When such objects occult their host star, the resulting transit signal contains information about the dust in the tail. We aim to use the detailed shape of the Kepler light curve of KIC 12557548b to constrain the size and composition of the dust grains that make up the tail, as well as the mass loss rate of the planet. Using a self-consistent numerical model of the dust dynamics and sublimation, we calculate the shape of the tail by following dust grains from their ejection from the planet to their destruction due to sublimation. From this dust cloud shape, we generate synthetic light curves (incorporating the effects of extinction and angle-dependent scattering), which are then compared with the phase-folded Kepler light curve. We explore the free-parameter space thoroughly using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Our physics-based model is capable of reproducing the observed light curve in detail. Good fits are found for initial grain sizes between 0.2 and 5.6 micron and dust mass loss rates of 0.6 to 15.6 M_earth/Gyr (2-sigma ranges). We find that only certain combinations of material parameters yield the correct tail length. These constraints are consistent with dust made of corundum (Al2O3), but do not agree with a range of carbonaceous, silicate, or iron compositions. Using a detailed, physically motivated model, it is possible to constrain the composition of the dust in the tails of evaporating rocky exoplanets. This provides a unique opportunity to probe to interior composition of the smallest known exoplanets.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, A&A accepte

    In Vitro and In Silico Analyses of New Cinnamid and Rosmarinic Acid-Derived Compounds Biosynthesized in Escherichia coli as Leishmania amazonensis Arginase Inhibitors

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    Arginase is a metalloenzyme that plays a central role in Leishmania infections. Previously, rosmarinic and caffeic acids were described as antileishmanial agents and as Leishmania amazonensis arginase inhibitors. Here, we describe the inhibition of arginase in L. amazonensis by rosmarinic acid analogs (1–7) and new caffeic acid-derived amides (8–10). Caffeic acid esters and amides were produced by means of an engineered synthesis in E. coli and tested against L. amazonensis arginase. New amides (8–10) were biosynthesized in E. coli cultured with 2 mM of different combinations of feeding substrates. The most potent arginase inhibitors showed Ki(s) ranging from 2 to 5.7 μM. Compounds 2–4 and 7 inhibited L. amazonensis arginase (L-ARG) through a noncompetitive mechanism whilst compound 9 showed a competitive inhibition. By applying an in silico protocol, we determined the binding mode of compound 9. The competitive inhibitor of L-ARG targeted the key residues within the binding site of the enzyme, establishing a metal coordination bond with the metal ions and a series of hydrophobic and polar contacts supporting its micromolar inhibition of L-ARG. These results highlight that dihydroxycinnamic-derived compounds can be used as the basis for developing new drugs using a powerful tool based on the biosynthesis of arginase inhibitors
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