1,291 research outputs found

    Delineation of the TRAK binding regions of the kinesin-1 motor proteins

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    Understanding specific cargo distribution in differentiated cells is a major challenge. Trafficking kinesin proteins (TRAKs) are kinesin adaptors. They bind the cargo binding domain of kinesin-1 motor proteins forming a link between the motor and their cargoes. To refine the TRAK1/2 binding sites within the kinesin-1 cargo domain, rationally designed C-terminal truncations of KIF5A and KIF5C were generated and their co-association with TRAK1/2 determined by quantitative co-immunoprecipitations following co-expression in mammalian cells. Three contributory regions forming the TRAK2 binding site within KIF5A and KIF5C cargo binding domains were delineated. Differences were found between TRAK1/2 with respect to association with KIF5A

    Histamine release in the prefrontal cortex excites fast-spiking interneurons while GABA released from the same axons inhibits pyramidal cells

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    We studied how histamine and GABA release from axons originating from the hypothalamic tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN) and projecting to the prefrontal cortex (PFC) influence circuit processing. We optostimulated histamine/GABA from genetically defined TMN axons that express the histidine decarboxylase gene (TMNHDC axons). Whole-cell recordings from PFC neurons in layer 2/3 of prelimbic, anterior cingulate, and infralimbic regions were used to monitor excitability before and after optostimulated histamine/GABA release in male and female mice. We found that histamine-GABA release influences the PFC through actions on distinct neuronal types: the histamine stimulates fast-spiking interneurons; and the released GABA enhances tonic (extrasynaptic) inhibition on pyramidal cells (PyrNs). For fast-spiking nonaccommodating interneurons, histamine released from TMNHDC axons induced additive gain changes, which were blocked by histamine H1 and H2 receptor antagonists. The excitability of other fast-spiking interneurons in the PFC was not altered. In contrast, the GABA released from TMNHDC axons predominantly produced divisive gain changes in PyrNs, increasing their resting input conductance, and decreasing the slope of the input–output relationship. This inhibitory effect on PyrNs was not blocked by histamine receptor antagonists but was blocked by GABAA receptor antagonists. Across the adult life span (from 3 to 18 months of age), the GABA released from TMNHDC axons in the PFC inhibited PyrN excitability significantly more in older mice. For individuals who maintain cognitive performance into later life, the increases in TMNHDC GABA modulation of PyrNs during aging could enhance information processing and be an adaptive mechanism to buttress cognition

    Zika virus infection in pregnancy and adverse fetal outcomes in São Paulo State, Brazil: a prospective cohort study.

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    Robust epidemiological and biological evidence supports a causal link between prenatal Zika Virus (ZIKV) infection and congenital brain abnormalities including microcephaly. However, it remains uncertain if ZIKV infection in pregnancy also increases the risk for other adverse fetal and birth outcomes. In a prospective cohort study we investigated the influence of ZIKV on the prevalence of prematurity, low birth weight, small-for-gestational-age, and fetal death as well as microcephaly (i.e., overall and disproportionate) in the offspring of women attending a high-risk pregnancy clinic during the recent ZIKV outbreak in Brazil. During the recruitment period (01 March 2016-23 August 2017), urine samples were tested for ZIKV by RT-PCR from all women attending the high-risk pregnancy clinic at Jundiaí University Hospital and from the neonates after delivery. Of the 574 women evaluated, 44 (7.7%) were ZIKV RT-PCR positive during pregnancy. Of the 409 neonates tested, 19 (4.6%) were ZIKV RT-PCR positive in the first 10 days of life. In this cohort, maternal ZIKV exposure was not associated with increased risks of prematurity, low birth weight, small-for-gestational-age, or fetal death. However, relative to ZIKV-negative neonates, ZIKV-positive infants had a five-fold increased risk of microcephaly overall (RR 5.1, 95% CI 1.2-22.5) and a ten-fold increased risk of disproportionate microcephaly (RR 10.3, 95% CI 2.0-52.6). Our findings provide new evidence that, in a high-risk pregnancy cohort, ZIKV RT-PCR positivity in the neonate at birth is strongly associated with microcephaly. However, ZIKV infection during pregnancy does not appear to influence the risks of prematurity, low birth weight, small-for-gestational-age or fetal death in women who already have gestational comorbidities. The results suggest disproportion between neonatal head circumference and weight may be a useful screening indicator for the detection of congenital microcephaly associated with ZIKV infection

    Proposing new variables for the identification of strategic groups in franchising

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    The identification of strategic groups in the Spanish franchising area is the main aim of this study. The authors have added some new strategic variables (not used before) to the study and have classified franchisors between sectors and distribution strategy. The results reveal the existence of four perfectly differentiated strategic groups (types of franchisors). One of the major implications of this study is that the variables that build a strategic group vary depending on the respective sector the network operates in and its distribution strategy. This fact indicates that including sector and distribution strategy is absolutely necessary to achieve good classifications of franchisor type

    Intestinal Immunity to Poliovirus Following Sequential Trivalent Inactivated Polio Vaccine/Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine and Trivalent Inactivated Polio Vaccine-only Immunization Schedules: Analysis of an Open-label, Randomized, Controlled Trial in Chilean Infants.

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    Background: Identifying polio vaccine regimens that can elicit robust intestinal mucosal immunity and interrupt viral transmission is a key priority of the polio endgame. Methods: In a 2013 Chilean clinical trial (NCT01841671) of trivalent inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV; targeting types 1 and 3), infants were randomized to receive IPV-bOPV-bOPV, IPV-IPV-bOPV, or IPV-IPV-IPV at 8, 16, and 24 weeks of age and challenged with monovalent oral polio vaccine type 2 (mOPV2) at 28 weeks. Using fecal samples collected from 152 participants, we investigated the extent to which IPV-bOPV and IPV-only immunization schedules induced intestinal neutralizing activity and immunoglobulin A against polio types 1 and 2. Results: Overall, 37% of infants in the IPV-bOPV groups and 26% in the IPV-only arm had detectable type 2-specific stool neutralization after the primary vaccine series. In contrast, 1 challenge dose of mOPV2 induced brisk intestinal immune responses in all vaccine groups, and significant rises in type 2-specific stool neutralization titers (P < .0001) and immunoglobulin A concentrations (P < 0.0001) were measured 2 weeks after the challenge. In subsidiary analyses, duration of breastfeeding also appeared to be associated with the magnitude of polio-specific mucosal immune parameters measured in infant fecal samples. Conclusions: Taken together, these results underscore the concept that mucosal and systemic immune responses to polio are separate in their induction, functionality, and potential impacts on transmission and, specifically, provide evidence that primary vaccine regimens lacking homologous live vaccine components are likely to induce only modest, type-specific intestinal immunity