11 research outputs found

    Theoretical study on the electronic, structural, properties and reactivity of a series of mono-, di-, tri- and tetrachlorothiophenes as well as corresponding radical cation forms as monomers for conducting polymers

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    In this paper, electrical and structural properties of mono-, di-, tri- and tetrachlorothiophenes and their radical cations have been studied using the density functional theory and B3LYP method with 6-311++G** basis set. The effects of the number and position of the substituent of chlorine atoms on the properties of the thiophene ring for all chlorothiophenes and their radical cations have been studied. Vibrational frequencies, nuclear chemical shielding constants, spin-density distribution, size and direction of dipole moment vector, ionization potential, electric polarizabilities and NICS values of these compounds have been calculated as well. The analysis of these data showed that double bonds in 3-chlorothiophene are more delocalized and it is the best possible candidate monomer among all chlorothiophenes for the synthesis of corresponding conducting polymers with modified characteristics

    The effect of new emergency program on patient length of stay in a teaching hospital emergency department of Tehran

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    Background and Aim: Ideally, the period of patients admitting in the Emergency Department (ED) should not exceed 6 hours. Prolonged of the patients admitting time affects the ED overcrowding, quality of patient care and patient satisfaction. To evaluate the efficacy of new programs and suggest new strategies to reduce the overcrowding in a typical overcrowded ED of general teaching hospital in Tehran city. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive case study, charts of patients held over 24 hours, in Imam Hossein Hospital affiliated to the Shaheed Beheshti Medical University, were reviewed from April 21 rd on August 23 rd , 2008. Results: Of 15,477 patients, 151 (1%) have been held in the ED over 24 hours. Reasons for this long-stay included:lack of available bed in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (125 patients), lack of available bed in related wards (18 patients), poor final decision - making by physician (eight patient) Conclusion: Long-term stay of patients in ED of teaching hospital is a major problem. The most frequent cause is a limitation of inpatient beds. The long stay time had not been affected by paraclinic procedures, multispecialities involvement or the lack of obvious diagnosis. The following solution is proposed: (1) creation of a holding unit, (2) active inter-facility transfer and (3) governing admittance of patients who need ICU care to related wards

    Perfectionistic concerns cognitions predict burnout in college athletes: a three-month longitudinal study

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    The majority of research examining the relationship between perfectionism and athlete burnout has focused on trait perfectionism, while overlooking the importance of the cognitive elements of perfectionism. Perfectionistic cognitions represent an influential cognitive bias driving perfectionistic behavior. Although perfectionistic cognitions have been shown to correlate with burnout symptoms in athletes, this body of work is very limited and does not include college athletes. In addition, it is currently unclear whether perfectionistic cognitions also predict changes in athlete burnout over time. To address these issues, we conducted a two-wave, three month longitudinal study and measured perfectionistic cognitions and burnout in a sample of 170 college athletes both at the start and end of a competitive season. In doing so, we also sought to empirically test the different models of perfectionistic cognitions that have been proposed (original, short, and multidimensional). Using cross-lagged panel models, we found that perfectionistic concerns cognitions predicted increases in burnout. The findings provide initial evidence that perfectionistic cognitions predict changes in athlete burnout over time in college athletes. Consequently, the findings have important implications for our understanding of both athlete burnout and perfectionistic cognitions

    The epidemiology of hepatitis C virus in Iran: Systematic review and meta-analyses

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