548 research outputs found

    La performance economique de la filiere tomate industrielle en Algerie

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    Dans ce papier, on rend compte de l'évolution de la filière "tomates industrielles" en Algérie. On y montre  d'abord que la production de tomates industrielles, depuis 1970, a connu un taux de croissance significatif, dépassant largement le taux de croissance démographique. Le taux a cependant été négatif en moyenne au cours des années 2000 suite à la concurrence des importations et à la baisse des capacités de transformation. On y montre ensuite – à partir d'une enquête qui a touché les deux principaux maillons de la filière (3 usines de transformation et 150 agriculteurs) – que la filière "tomates industrielles", malgré les difficultés de l’activité, génère des gains – plus ou moins significatifs mais toujours positifs - pour l’ensemble des acteurs.MOTS CLES: Industrie agroalimentaire, tomate, maraîchage

    Change in antioxidant and lignifying enzyme activities in rubbing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) internodes

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    In tomato plant, rubbing applied to a young internode inhibits elongation of the rubbed internode and its neighbouring one. These morphological changes were correlated with an increase in lignification enzyme activities, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and peroxidases (POD), 24 h after rubbing of theforth internode. Furthermore, a decrease in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content was detected in the rubbed internode and the upper one. Lignin synthesis in tomato plant measured 14 days after mechanical stress application was significantly stimulated in the rubbed internodes (n°4) as compared with the control. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses revealed that lignin synthesized in response to mechanical elicitation displayed a distinct structure, substantially enriched in syringyl (S) units, as compared to constitutive lignin. Taken together, our results suggest that the decrease in rubbed internode length is as a result of IAA oxidation, increases in enzyme activities (PAL and POD) and cell wall rigidification induced by lignification process.Key words: Mechanical stimulation, Solanum lycopersicum, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), lignin

    Contamination des eaux souterraines par le lixiviat des décharges publiques : Cas de la nappe phréatique R’Mel (Province de Larache - Maroc Nord-Occidental)

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    La percolation du lixiviat en provenance des dechets des decharges constitue une source de pollution des ressources en eau souterraine par infiltration, constituant ainsi une menace aussi importante que celle liee al'accentuation du deficit hydrique. La decharge publique de Larache constitue un modele type de deterioration des ressources en eaux par un effet de contamination du lixiviat en provenance de la decharge et des pratiques agricoles. Les mesures realisees sur le lixiviat et sur les eaux prelevees des puits situes autour de la decharge et ayant porte sur les parametres physicochimiques, de pollution (O2 dissous, DCOc), de metaux lourds et sur des analyses bacteriologiques, permettent de qualifier le lixiviat comme une source de contamination a potentiel anoxique et reducteur. La charge polluante est importante et se traduit par des valeurs de DCO et dfazote kjeldahl elevees (63375 mg/l et de 798 mg/l). Les resultats permettent aussi de conclure sur la qualite mediocre des eaux contenues dans les poches souterraines notamment pendant la periode seche, ce qui est illustree par les valeurs elevees en certains metaux (Pb (800 ƒÊg/l), Cd (40 ƒÊg/l), Cr (80 ƒÊg/l) et Fe (650 mg/l)), en coliformes totaux, en coliformes fecaux et en streptocoques fecaux

    Toutes les cavernes tuberculeuses ne sont pas apicales !

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    Les patients suivis pour maladie de système sous traitement sont ditsimmunodéprimé et sont sujet aux infections pulmonaires notamment la tuberculose.Nous rapportons le cas de la patiente A.S suivie pour dermatomyosite sous corticoïdes qui présente une tuberculose pulmonaire cavitaire basale compliquéed’un pneumothorax, qui est le mode de révélation de celle-ci.Il faut évoquer la tuberculose pulmonairede siège atypique et la recherche

    Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth and rhizobium symbioses development in kabuli and desi chickpeas grown under drought stress conditions

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    Non-Peer ReviewedArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have induced drought tolerance in several plants and could increase chickpea yield under semiarid climates. Desi chickpea are more drought tolerant than Kabuli suggesting a weak mycorrhizal symbiosis in this chickpea type. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to assess the extent and the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on the growth and yield in Kabuli and Desi chickpea cultivars under well watered and drought stress conditions and on their association with Mesorhizobium cicer. The experiment had a split-plot design with two water levels, 30% of field capacity (deficient water) and 70% of field capacity (sufficient water) randomized in main plots. Two inoculation treatments, M. cicer + AMF and M. cicer only, were applied to chickpea (Kabuli, CDC Frontier and CDC Xena; Desi, CDC Anna, and CDC Nika). The factorial combinations of inoculation and cultivar were randomized in the subplots. There were four repetitions. One set of plants was harvested at the time of symbioses development and another set was harvested at seed maturation. The data was analyzed with ANOVA. Results indicated that the Kabuli and Desi chickpea mycorrhizal symbioses are not different, as indicated by the absence of a cultivar by inoculation interaction on shoot and root growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation. AM Fungi inoculation delayed nodule development but had no effect on grain yield. CDC Frontier had 4 times more nodules and 6 times more nitrogenase activity than CDC Anna, Nika and Xena

    Impact of Ground Truth Annotation Quality on Performance of Semantic Image Segmentation of Traffic Conditions

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    Preparation of high-quality datasets for the urban scene understanding is a labor-intensive task, especially, for datasets designed for the autonomous driving applications. The application of the coarse ground truth (GT) annotations of these datasets without detriment to the accuracy of semantic image segmentation (by the mean intersection over union - mIoU) could simplify and speedup the dataset preparation and model fine tuning before its practical application. Here the results of the comparative analysis for semantic segmentation accuracy obtained by PSPNet deep learning architecture are presented for fine and coarse annotated images from Cityscapes dataset. Two scenarios were investigated: scenario 1 - the fine GT images for training and prediction, and scenario 2 - the fine GT images for training and the coarse GT images for prediction. The obtained results demonstrated that for the most important classes the mean accuracy values of semantic image segmentation for coarse GT annotations are higher than for the fine GT ones, and the standard deviation values are vice versa. It means that for some applications some unimportant classes can be excluded and the model can be tuned further for some classes and specific regions on the coarse GT dataset without loss of the accuracy even. Moreover, this opens the perspectives to use deep neural networks for the preparation of such coarse GT datasets.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, The Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Education Applications (ICCSEEA2019) 26-27 January 2019, Kiev, Ukrain

    Teaching wrestling at school: proposal of a new pedagogical approach based on games for learning of technical moves

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    Background and Study Aim. The purpose of this study was to find the effect of the game based on educational method and technical approach on the performance of legs attacks in free-style wrestling. Material and Methods. The type of research was semi-experimental. Participants included 20 boys’ students who were divided into two groups based on the game-based approach (10) and technical training (10). The teaching unit was a format of 12 lessons over 4 weeks (2 days per week). Each lesson lasted 60 minutes. At the end of each training session, the participants played benchmark bouts, one on one, for 2 x 6 minutes. The data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software at a significance level of 0.05. Results. The results showed that both the game-based and technical approach groups had a significant improvement in successful leg attacks in free-style wrestling. With regard to the preparation of leg attacks, there was no improvement for the technical approach group.  However, the game-based group had a significant improvement in the total number of attacks compared to the technical group. Conclusions. The results suggest that the use of a game-based educational method can significantly increase the important factors of wrestling performance related to leg attacks in young wrestlers. Teachers can connect actions from other technical movements from the same family of leg attacks

    Global approach and targeted approach in the management of hospital effluents

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    Recent studies show a certain danger associated with drug residues, chemicals, radionuclides, biofilms, resistant bacteria and viruses, downstream of wastewater treatment plants (WTP). These results confirm the existence of hazardous substances in the hospital effluents. The University Hospital Frantz Fanon in Blida is located in a sensitive place of Mitidja. The effluents can contaminate surface water (valley Sidi El Kebir, valley Mazafran) and groundwater via infiltration and the porous nature of the soil. It is feared that the underground current (groundwater) contaminate a large portion of the basement of the Mitidja in the long run. Faced with the urgency and the risk they represent, we have developed a method called the targeted approach for more effective management of hospital waste. Indeed, in the global approach, the hospital effluents are collected by a sewer system treated in a wastewater treatment plant before being rendered in the environment. The targeted approach avoids the effluents in the sewer system of the hospital and the WTP, it neutralizes chemical and biological pollution out of each hospital unit. Furthermore, the realization of a washer-disinfector endoscope adapted to the specific protocols (exploration digestive, bronchial, etc.) represents an application of the targeted approach. Indeed, management of the disinfectant solution by electrical control in a closed circuit allows the mastery of biological pollution (ΣBi) and chemical (ΣCi). It seems that the evolution of medical science brings new concerns, in addition to biological pollution, bacterial and viral. Today we speak of pathogen proteins resistant to conventional disinfection processes. The targeted approach remains appropriate and focuses on the development and adaptation of new technology in the disinfection procedur

    Phéochromocytome de découverte fortuite (à propos d’un cas)

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    Nous rapportons un cas inhabituel d’incidentalome surrénalien compliqué d’un état de choc après surrénalectomie lors d’une intervention pour néoplasie du bas rectum ; qui s’est avéré être un phéochromocytome. Ainsi, cette observation montre la nécessité d’une exploration hormonale systématique de tout incidentalome surrénalien , afin d'éviter tout incident pouvant être fatal

    A non-local rheology for granular flows across yield conditions

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    The rheology of dense granular flows is studied numerically in a shear cell controlled at constant pressure and shear stress, confined between two granular shear flows. We show that a liquid state can be achieved even far below the yield stress, whose flow can be described with the same rheology as above the yield stress. A non-local constitutive relation is derived from dimensional analysis through a gradient expansion and calibrated using the spatial relaxation of velocity profiles observed under homogeneous stresses. Both for frictional and frictionless grains, the relaxation length is found to diverge as the inverse square-root of the distance to the yield point, on both sides of that point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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