18 research outputs found

    Representations of linear dual rate system via single SISO LTI filter, conventional sampler and block sampler

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    In this brief, it is proved that a linear dual-rate system can be represented via a series cascade of: 1) a conventional expander, a single-input single-output (SISO) linear time-invariant (LTI) filter and a block decimator, or 2) a block expander, an SISO LTI filter and a conventional decimator. Hence, incompatible nonuniform filter banks could achieve perfect reconstruction via LTI filters, conventional samplers and block samplers without expanding the input-output dimension of a subsystem of linear dual-rate systems or converting the nonuniform filter banks to uniform filter banks. The main advantage of the proposed representations is to avoid complicated design of the circuit layout caused by connecting subsystems with large input-output dimension or a lot of subsystems togethe

    Single step optimal block matched motion estimation with motion vectors having arbitrary pixel precisions

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    This paper proposes a non-linear block matched motion model with motion vectors having arbitrary pixel precisions. The optimal motion vector which minimizes the mean square error is solved analytically in a single step. Our proposed algorithm can be regarded as a generalization of conventional half pixel search algorithms and quarter pixel search algorithms because our proposed algorithm could achieve motion vectors with arbitrary pixel precisions. Also, the computational effort of our proposed algorithm is lower than that of conventional quarter pixel search algorithms because our proposed algorithm could achieve motion vectors in a single step

    Occurence of elliptical fractal patterns in multi-bit bandpass sigma delta modulators

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    It has been established that the class of bandpass sigma delta modulators (SDMs) with single bit quantizers could exhibit state space dynamics represented by elliptic or fractal patterns confined within trapezoidal regions. In this letter, we find that elliptical fractal patterns may also occur in bandpass SDMs with multibit quantizers, even for the case when the saturation regions of the multibit quantizers are not activated and a large number of bits are used for the implementation of the quantizers. Moreover, the fractal pattern may occur for low bit quantizers, and the visual appearance of the phase portraits between the infinite state machine and the finite state machine with high bit quantizers is different. These phenomena are different from those previously reported for the digital filter with two’s complement arithmetic. Furthermore, some interesting phenomena are found. A bit change of the quantizer can result in a dramatic change in the fractal patterns. When the trajectories of the corresponding linear systems converge to a fixed point, the regions of the elliptical fractal patterns diminish in size as the number of bits of the quantizers increases

    Prompts or proximity? Recycling old techniques for a new population

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    Sign posting and container proximity manipulations have been shown to be effective methods of increasing recycling in university and corporate settings. The generalizability of these methods to other populations is unknown. The current study used an ABCDEAB reversal design to examine recycling behavior in an adult mental health population at a local socialization center. During baseline (A), the amount of recyclable materials placed in trash containers was monitored. Recycling containers were then introduced to the center. During intervention phases, recycling and trash containers were placed adjacent to each other without signs (B), 4 meters apart without signs (C), adjacent to each other with signs (D), and 4 meters apart with signs (E). A brief reversal to baseline was then implemented followed by reinstating the least intrusive-most effective treatment. Results indicated that placing recycling and trash containers in close proximity (with or without signage) yielded the greatest overall increase in recycling behavior. Moreover, patrons of the center were able to reliably assist in data collection and maintain the project following the withdrawal of intervention. Techniques for increasing recycling behavior can be extended to a novel population and setting, albeit with some unique challenges to data collection (e.g., can theft)

    Solid-state semiconductors are better alternatives to arc-lamps for efficient and uniform illumination in minimal access surgery

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    Current arc-lamp illumination systems have a number of technical and ergonomic limitations. White light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are energy-efficient solid-state lighting devices which are small, durable and inexpensive. Their use as an alternative to arc-lamp light sources in minimal access surgery has not been explored. This study aims to develop an LED-based endo-illuminator and to determine its lighting characteristics for use in minimal access surgery. METHODS: We developed an LED endo-illuminator using a white LED mounted at the tip of a steel rod. Offline image analysis was carried out to compare the illuminated field using the LED endo-illuminator or an arc-lamp based endoscope in terms of uniformity, shadow sharpness and overall image intensity. Direct radiometric power measurements in light intensity and stability were obtained. Visual perception of fine details at the peripheral endoscopic field was assessed by 13 subjects using the different illumination systems. RESULTS: Illumination from the LED endo-illuminator was more uniform compared to illumination from an arc-lamp source, especially at the closer distance of 4 cm (0.0006 versus 0.0028 arbitrary units--lower value indicates more uniform illumination). The shadows were also sharper (edge widths of 16 versus 44 pixels for the first edge and 15 versus 61 pixels for the second edge). The overall mean image intensity was higher (127 versus 100 arbitrary units) when using the autoshutter mode despite the lower direct radiometric power, about one tenth of the arc-lamp endoscopic system. The illumination was also more stable with less flickering (0.02% versus 5% of total power in non-DC components). Higher median scores on visual perception was also obtained (237 versus 157, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The LED endo-illuminator provides more uniform illumination with sharper shadows, less flickering and better illumination for visual perception than the arc-lamp-based system currently used