311 research outputs found

    Efficient waterlines cleaning protocols in post-weaning rooms: a new way to reduce antibiotic consumption?

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    In this study, we have chosen a sensitive period, the weaning period, to evaluate in pig farms the effects of different mechanical and chemical waterlines cleaning protocols similar to those used in poultry farms. The experiment has been set up during the down period in two post-weaning rooms with two different protocols. They combined the mechanical action of draining, one detergent (either alkaline or enzymatic), another draining state, and finally one acid used at an antibacterial concentration. To follow the bacteriological quality of water during protocols, we have counted the total flora at 22°C and 37°C in water. Before and after the experiment, cotton swabs were applied into the pipes to evaluate the biofilm. Bacterial concentration in water increased along the pipelines: total flora was higher at watering place than at the entry of the building. Both protocols combining mechanical and chemical procedures reduced total flora, improved water quality and cleanliness of pipes. Our results show that waterlines cleaning protocols used in poultry farms can be transferred in post-weaning rooms. By reducing water’s total flora and the formation of biofilms, they could be part of the health prevention measures for troubles which are linked to a poor water quality

    Modelling the prevalence of Salmonella carrier pigs at slaughtering age: influence of management systems and of the Salmonella status of replacement gilts

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    To reduce Salmonella contamination of pork food cham at the farm level, control actions can aim at preventmg the introduction of the bactena into herds or/and at preventing the in-herd transmission. Our aim is to estimate the influence of (i) the decontamination efficiency and (ii) the Salmonella status of replacement gilts on the prevalence of carrier pigs at slaughtering age. We developed a stochastic mathematical model to simulate the pig population dynamics and the Salmonella transmiss1on withrn a farrow-to-finish herd. Results show a different prevalence of carnage in groups of delivered pigs according to the scenarios tested

    Review: Towards the agroecological management of ruminants, pigs and poultry through the development of sustainable breeding programmes. II. Breeding strategies

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    Agroecology uses ecological processes and local resources rather than chemical inputs to develop productive and resilient livestock and crop production systems. In this context, breeding innovations are necessary to obtain animals that are both productive and adapted to a broad range of local contexts and diversity of systems. Breeding strategies to promote agroecological systems are similar for different animal species. However, current practices differ regarding the breeding of ruminants, pigs and poultry. Ruminant breeding is still an open system where farmers continue to choose their own breeds and strategies. Conversely, pig and poultry breeding is more or less the exclusive domain of international breeding companies which supply farmers with hybrid animals. Innovations in breeding strategies must therefore be adapted to the different species. In developed countries, reorienting current breeding programmes seems to be more effective than developing programmes dedicated to agroecological systems that will struggle to be really effective because of the small size of the populations currently concerned by such systems. Particular attention needs to be paid to determining the respective usefulness of cross-breeding v. straight breeding strategies of well-adapted local breeds. While cross-breeding may offer some immediate benefits in terms of improving certain traits that enable the animals to adapt well to local environmental conditions, it may be difficult to sustain these benefits in the longer term and could also induce an important loss of genetic diversity if the initial pure-bred populations are no longer produced. As well as supporting the value of within-breed diversity, we must preserve between-breed diversity in order to maintain numerous options for adaptation to a variety of production environments and contexts. This may involve specific public policies to maintain and characterize local breeds (in terms of both phenotypes and genotypes), which could be used more effectively if they benefited from the scientific and technical resources currently available for more common breeds. Last but not least, public policies need to enable improved information concerning the genetic resources and breeding tools available for the agroecological management of livestock production systems, and facilitate its assimilation by farmers and farm technicians

    Comparison of sequential cytomegalovirus isolates in a patient with lymphoma and failing antiviral therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) treatments in immunocompromised patients are hampered by resistance to antiviral drugs. Longitudinal changes in the resistance genotype may depend on changes in selective pressure and the complexity of CMV isolates. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate longitudinal changes in the CMV resistance genotype and phenotype along with strain-specific variability in a patient with non-Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma in whom successive anti-CMV treatments failed. STUDY DESIGN: The resistance phenotype and genotype of seven CMV isolates collected from one patient during a 2-year follow-up period were retrospectively analysed. In parallel, we used glycoprotein B (gB) genotyping, and a- and UL10-13-sequence analysis to study CMV interstrain variability. RESULTS: The patient was infected by at least three CMV strains plus variants of the parental strains. Resistance to ganciclovir, cidofovir and foscarnet was successively detected during the follow-up period. UL97 protein kinase changes responsible for resistance to ganciclovir were initially detected at residues 591 and 592, and then at position 594. Decreased sensitivity to foscarnet coincided with the appearance of amino acid substitution N495K in DNA polymerase, whereas cross-resistance to ganciclovir and cidofovir was due to the L501I substitution. CONCLUSIONS: The CMV isolates obtained from our patient were complex mixtures of strains. Changes in resistance genotypes depended on resistance selective pressure and were not linked to interstrain variation

    Does advancing male age influence the expression levels and localisation patterns of phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) in human sperm?

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    Socio-economic factors have led to an increasing trend for couples to delay parenthood. However, advancing age exerts detrimental effects upon gametes which can have serious consequences upon embryo viability. While such effects are well documented for the oocyte, relatively little is known with regard to the sperm. One fundamental role of sperm is to activate the oocyte at fertilisation, a process initiated by phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ), a sperm-specific protein. While PLCζ deficiency can lead to oocyte activation deficiency and infertility, it is currently unknown whether the expression or function of PLCζ is compromised by advancing male age. Here, we evaluate sperm motility and the proportion of sperm expressing PLCζ in 71 males (22–54 years; 44 fertile controls and 27 infertile patients), along with total levels and localisation patterns of PLCζ within the sperm head. Three different statistical approaches were deployed with male age considered both as a categorical and a continuous factor. While progressive motility was negatively correlated with male age, all three statistical models concurred that no PLCζ–related parameter was associated with male age, suggesting that advancing male age is unlikely to cause problems in terms of the sperm’s fundamental ability to activate an oocyt

    Lifestyle behaviours of young adult survivors of childhood cancer

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    This cross-sectional study collected baseline data on the health behaviours of a large population of survivors of childhood cancer in the UK, aged 18–30 years, compared with those of sex- and age-matched controls. Data from 178 young adult survivors of childhood cancer, diagnosed and treated at Bristol Children's Hospital, 184 peers from the survivors' GP practices and 67 siblings were collected by postal questionnaire. Conditional logistic regression analysis showed that, for matched sets of survivors and controls, survivors of a variety of childhood cancers reported lower levels of alcohol consumption (P=0.005), lower levels of cigarette smoking (P=0.027) and lower levels of recreational drug use (P=0.001) than controls. Analysis of matched sets of survivors and siblings showed similar trends but no significant differences. A health behaviour index for each participant was constructed from the data collected on five key health behaviours which influence future health status. Comparison of the means for each case group showed that survivors of childhood cancer were leading healthier lives than controls or siblings. This finding was expressed most clearly as the difference in the means of the health behaviour index for each case group, derived from five health behaviours (one-way ANOVA, P<0.001)

    Identification of Cancer Cell-Line Origins Using Fluorescence Image-Based Phenomic Screening

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    Universal phenotyping techniques that can discriminate among various states of biological systems have great potential. We applied 557 fluorescent library compounds to NCI's 60 human cancer cell-lines (NCI-60) to generate a systematic fluorescence phenotypic profiling data. By the kinetic fluorescence intensity analysis, we successfully discriminated the organ origin of all the 60 cell-lines

    Designing an intervention to help people with colorectal adenomas reduce their intake of red and processed meat and increase their levels of physical activity: a qualitative study

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    Background: most cases of colorectal cancer (CRC) arise from adenomatous polyps and malignant potential is greatest in high risk adenomas. There is convincing observational evidence that red and processed meat increase the risk of CRC and that higher levels of physical activity reduce the risk. However, no definitive randomised trial has demonstrated the benefit of behaviour change on reducing polyp recurrence and no consistent advice is currently offered to minimise patient risk. This qualitative study aimed to assess patients' preferences for dietary and physical activity interventions and ensure their appropriate and acceptable delivery to inform a feasibility trial.Methods: patients aged 60-74 included in the National Health Service Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (NHSBCSP) were selected from a patient tracking database. After a positive faecal occult blood test (FOBt), all had been diagnosed with an intermediate or high risk adenoma (I/HRA) at colonoscopy between April 2008 and April 2010. Interested patients and their partners were invited to attend a focus group or interview in July 2010. A topic guide, informed by the objectives of the study, was used. A thematic analysis was conducted in which transcripts were examined to ensure that all occurrences of each theme had been accounted for and compared.Results: two main themes emerged from the focus groups: a) experiences of having polyps and b) changing behaviour. Participants had not associated polyp removal with colorectal cancer and most did not remember being given any information or advice relating to this at the time. Heterogeneity of existing diet and physical activity levels was noted. There was a lack of readiness to change behaviour in many people in the target population.Conclusion: this study has demonstrated the difficulties involved in developing interventions to change dietary and physical activity behaviour in this population. The need to tailor the intervention to individuals, the lack of knowledge about the aetiology of colon cancer and the lack of motivation to change behaviour are critical factors