441 research outputs found

    Counting the negative eigenvalues of the thermalon in three dimensions

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    Some years ago it was shown that the cosmological constant may be reduced by thermal production of membranes that, after nucleation, collapse into a black hole. The probability of the process was calculated in the leading semiclassical approximation by studying an associated Euclidean configuration called the thermalon. Here we investigate the thermalon in three spacetime dimensions, describing the nucleation of closed strings that collapse into point particle singularities. In this context we may analyze the one-loop structure without the well known problems brought in by the propagating gravitational degrees of freedom. We found that the coupling to gravity may increase the number of negative eigenvalues of the operator

    The horizon and its charges in the first order gravity

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    In this work the algebra of charges of diffeomorphisms at the horizon of generic black holes is analyzed within first order gravity. This algebra reproduces the algebra of diffeomorphisms at the horizon, (Diff(S^1)), without central extension

    Quasinormal modes for massless topological black holes

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    An exact expression for the quasinormal modes of scalar perturbations on a massless topological black hole in four and higher dimensions is presented. The massive scalar field is nonminimally coupled to the curvature, and the horizon geometry is assumed to have a negative constant curvature.Comment: CECS style, 11 pages, no figures. References adde

    Conserved charges for gravity with locally AdS asymptotics

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    A new formula for the conserved charges in 3+1 gravity for spacetimes with local AdS asymptotic geometry is proposed. It is shown that requiring the action to have an extremum for this class of asymptotia sets the boundary term that must be added to the Lagrangian as the Euler density with a fixed weight factor. The resulting action gives rise to the mass and angular momentum as Noether charges associated to the asymptotic Killing vectors without requiring specification of a reference background in order to have a convergent expression. A consequence of this definition is that any negative constant curvature spacetime has vanishing Noether charges. These results remain valid in the limit of vanishing cosmological constant.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Columns, revtex. Last version for Phys. Rev. Let

    Higher Dimensional Gravity, Propagating Torsion and AdS Gauge Invariance

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    The most general theory of gravity in d-dimensions which leads to second order field equations for the metric has [(d-1)/2] free parameters. It is shown that requiring the theory to have the maximum possible number of degrees of freedom, fixes these parameters in terms of the gravitational and the cosmological constants. In odd dimensions, the Lagrangian is a Chern-Simons form for the (A)dS or Poincare groups. In even dimensions, the action has a Born-Infeld-like form. Torsion may occur explicitly in the Lagrangian in the parity-odd sector and the torsional pieces respect local (A)dS symmetry for d=4k-1 only. These torsional Lagrangians are related to the Chern-Pontryagin characters for the (A)dS group. The additional coefficients in front of these new terms in the Lagrangian are shown to be quantized.Comment: 10 pages, two columns, no figures, title changed in journal, final version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Determinant and Weyl anomaly of Dirac operator: a holographic derivation

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    We present a holographic formula relating functional determinants: the fermion determinant in the one-loop effective action of bulk spinors in an asymptotically locally AdS background, and the determinant of the two-point function of the dual operator at the conformal boundary. The formula originates from AdS/CFT heuristics that map a quantum contribution in the bulk partition function to a subleading large-N contribution in the boundary partition function. We use this holographic picture to address questions in spectral theory and conformal geometry. As an instance, we compute the type-A Weyl anomaly and the determinant of the iterated Dirac operator on round spheres, express the latter in terms of Barnes' multiple gamma function and gain insight into a conjecture by B\"ar and Schopka.Comment: 11 pages; new comments and references added, typos correcte

    de Sitter Thermodynamics: A glimpse into non equilibrium

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    In this article is shown that the thermodynamical evolution of a Schwarzschild de Sitter space is the evaporation of its black hole. The result is extended in higher dimensions to Lovelock theories of gravity with a single positive cosmological constant
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