118 research outputs found

    Sensitivity analysis on dynamic responses of geometrically imperfect base excited cantilevered beams

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    The non-linear non-planar dynamic responses of a near-square cantilevered geometrically imperfect (i.e., slightly curved) beam under harmonic primary resonant base excitation with a one-to-one internal resonance is investigated. By assuming two different geometric imperfection shapes, the sensitivity of the perfect beam model predicted limit-cycles to small geometric imperfections is analyzed by continuing them versus the imperfection parameter incorporating the imperfect beam model. This was carried out by assuming that the corresponding frequency detuning parameter associated with each limit-cycle is fixed. Also, other possible branches of dynamic solutions for the corresponding fixed detuning parameter within the interval of the imperfection amplitude are determined and the importance of accounting for the small geometric imperfections is discussed

    On the Representation Theory of Orthofermions and Orthosupersymmetric Realization of Parasupersymmetry and Fractional Supersymmetry

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    We construct a canonical irreducible representation for the orthofermion algebra of arbitrary order, and show that every representation decomposes into irreducible representations that are isomorphic to either the canonical representation or the trivial representation. We use these results to show that every orthosupersymmetric system of order pp has a parasupersymmetry of order pp and a fractional supersymmetry of order p+1p+1.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Phase synchronization on scale-free and random networks in the presence of noise

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    In this work we investigate the stability of synchronized states for the Kuramoto model on scale-free and random networks in the presence of white noise forcing. We show that for a fixed coupling constant, the robustness of the globally synchronized state against the noise is dependent on the noise intensity on both kinds of networks. At low noise intensities the random networks are more robust against losing the coherency but upon increasing the noise, at a specific noise strength the synchronization among the population vanishes suddenly. In contrast, on scale-free networks the global synchronization disappears continuously at a much larger critical noise intensity respect to the random networks

    On supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    This paper constitutes a review on N=2 fractional supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics of order k. The presentation is based on the introduction of a generalized Weyl-Heisenberg algebra W_k. It is shown how a general Hamiltonian can be associated with the algebra W_k. This general Hamiltonian covers various supersymmetrical versions of dynamical systems (Morse system, Poschl-Teller system, fractional supersymmetric oscillator of order k, etc.). The case of ordinary supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics corresponds to k=2. A connection between fractional supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and ordinary supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics is briefly described. A realization of the algebra W_k, of the N=2 supercharges and of the corresponding Hamiltonian is given in terms of deformed-bosons and k-fermions as well as in terms of differential operators.Comment: Review paper (31 pages) to be published in: Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry, A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov Lowdin, Volume 3, E. Brandas and E.S. Kryachko (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 200
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