4,750 research outputs found

    Termination and Cost Analysis with COSTA and its User Interfaces

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    COSTA is a static analyzer for Java bytecode which is able to infer cost and termination information for large classes of programs. The analyzer takes as input a program and a resource of interest, in the form of a cost model, and aims at obtaining an upper bound on the execution cost with respect to the resource and at proving program termination. The costa system has reached a considerable degree of maturity in that (1) it includes state-of-the-art techniques for statically estimating the resource consumption and the termination behavior of programs, plus a number of specialized techniques which are required for achieving accurate results in the context of object-oriented programs, such as handling numeric fields in value analysis; (2) it provides several nontrivial notions of cost (resource consumption) including, in addition to the number of execution steps, the amount of memory allocated in the heap or the number of calls to some user-specified method; (3) it provides several user interfaces: a classical command line, a Web interface which allows experimenting remotely with the system without the need of installing it locally, and a recently developed Eclipse plugin which facilitates the usage of the analyzer, even during the development phase; (4) it can deal with both the Standard and Micro editions of Java. In the tool demonstration, we will show that costa is able to produce meaningful results for non-trivial programs, possibly using Java libraries. Such results can then be used in many applications, including program development, resource usage certification, program optimization, etc

    Análisis y clasificación de pavimentos exteriores para espacios públicos: propuesta de pavimentos de matriz base de CAC reforzados con fibras vegetales y sintéticas

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    Este trabajo está estructurado en tres partes; un análisis de tipos de pavimentos para espacios públicos desde una perspectiva arquitectónica, realizándose una selección de plazas duras de Barcelona en un periodo comprendido entre 1992 hasta el 2016, estableciendo algunas características como la tipología, forma de colocación, forma de evacuación del agua entre otros factores presentes en los pavimentos empleados en dichas plazas de estudio. Una parte experimental de desarrollo de un tipo de pavimento basado en un material compuesto de matriz de cemento a base de Cemento de Aluminato de Calcio (CAC), metacaolìn y refuerzo de fibras tanto sintética como vegetal y por ultimo una parte final de verificación de la idoneidad del pavimento desarrollado como sustituto de un pavimento comercial previamente analizado

    Social Entrepreneurship in Mexico

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    The main objective of this chapter is to show how social entrepreneurship favors endogenous development of indigenous communities to improve their quality of life, while contributing to the preservation of their cultural heritage and also promoting environmental protection and sustainable development. In this context and based on the approaches of the Theory of Entrepreneurship, it discusses what is meant by social entrepreneurship and the impact of social capital in the creation of such enterprises

    The number of configurations in the full shift with a given least period

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    For any group GG and any set AA, consider the shift action of GG on the full shift AGA^G. A configuration xAGx \in A^G has \emph{least period} HGH \leq G if the stabiliser of xx is precisely HH. Among other things, the number of such configurations is interesting as it provides an upper bound for the size of the corresponding Aut(AG)\text{Aut}(A^G)-orbit. In this paper we show that if GG is finitely generated and HH is of finite index, then the number of configurations in AGA^G with least period HH may be computed using the M\"obius function of the lattice of subgroups of finite index in GG. Moreover, when HH is a normal subgroup, we classify all situations such that the number of GG-orbits with least period HH is at most 1010.Comment: 8 page

    Thermal stabilization ability of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanofillers

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    Electronic version of an article published as "Plastics research online", 17 December 2012 The polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanofillers examined in this study provided little or no improvement to the thermal properties of melt-blended acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polymer composites.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Shipbuilding 4.0 Index Approaching Supply Chain

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    The shipbuilding industry shows a special interest in adapting to the changes proposed by the industry 4.0. This article bets on the development of an index that indicates the current situation considering that supply chain is a key factor in any type of change, and at the same time it serves as a control tool in the implementation of improvements. The proposed indices provide a first definition of the paradigm or paradigms that best fit the supply chain in order to improve its sustainability and a second definition, regarding the key enabling technologies for Industry 4.0. The values obtained put shipbuilding on the road to industry 4.0 while suggesting categorized planning of technologies

    Reporte de caso prematuro con fibrosis quística Trujillo - Perú

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    La fibrosis quística (FQ) es una enfermedad congénita ocasionada por la mutación del gen CFRT que afecta a 1 de cada 3 500 nacidos vivos a nivel mundial. En Latinoamérica, hemos visto un gran progreso con respecto al diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad; sin embargo, para algunos países de la región éste es un objetivo aún lejano. A continuación, se expone el caso de un prematuro varón de 32 semanas de edad gestacional, 1250g de peso y RCIU tipo III que presentó sintomatología florida en etapa neonatal, relacionada con anemia e hiperbilirrubinemia, ictericia colestásica, intolerancia alimentaria y problemas respiratorios, en el cual se sospechó de una enfermedad metabólica. El resultado del tamizaje neonatal ampliado se obtuvo postmortem y resultó positivo para FQ.Tesi

    Uso intravaginal de registradores iButton para medir a temperatura corporal em veadovermelho (Cervus elaphus) em pastejo

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    When collecting accurate physiological data, it is important to eliminate human interference and have a continuous recording. Particularly important in wild animals, non-invasive methods for measuring body temperature can be useful in monitoring health status and researching environmental and climatic effects. The aim of this study was to describe two methods for automatic recording of body temperature by means of a vaginal device in red deer (Cervus elaphus). Automatic thermal recording devices (iButton) were placed adhered to a vaginal sponge (10 animals, 10 days) and/or CIDR-G (13 animals, 10 days); all females were xylazine sedated first. All devices were successfully recovered and only one of them failed. In all cases, the devices recorded a rhythmic pattern of body temperature, and no major inconveniences were observed, suggesting that the iButton device can be successfully used in cases where continuous body temperature recording is required without any mayor interference caused by the handling itself.Para recopilar datos fisiológicos precisos, es importante eliminar la interferencia humana y tener un registro continuo. Particularmente importante en los animales salvajes, los métodos no invasivos para medir la temperatura corporal pueden ser útiles para monitorear el estado de salud e investigar los efectos ambientales y climáticos. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir dos métodos para el registro automático de la temperatura corporal mediante un dispositivo vaginal en ciervo rojo (Cervus elaphus). Se colocaron dispositivos automáticos de registro térmico (iButton) adheridos a una esponja vaginal (10 animales, 10 días) y CIDR-G (13 animales, 10 días); todas las hembras fueron sedadas primero con xilazina. Todos los dispositivos se recuperaron con éxito y solo uno de ellos falló. En todos los casos, los dispositivos registraron un patrón rítmico de la temperatura corporal y no se observaron mayores inconvenientes, lo que sugiere que el dispositivo iButton puede ser utilizado con éxito en los casos en que se requiera un registro continuo de la temperatura corporal sin mayores interferencias causadas por el propio manejo.Ao coletar dados fisiológicos precisos, é importante eliminar a interferência humana e ter um registro contínuo. Particularmente importante em animais selvagens, métodos não invasivos para medir a temperatura corporal podem ser úteis no monitoramento do estado de saúde e na pesquisa de efeitos ambientais e climáticos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever dois métodos de registro automático da temperatura corporal por meio de um dispositivo vaginal em veados vermelhos (Cervus elaphus). Foram colocados dispositivos automáticos de registro térmico (iButton) aderidos a uma esponja vaginal (10 animais, 10 dias) e/ou CIDR-G (13 animais, 10 dias); todas as fêmeas foram sedadas com xilazina primeiro. Todos os dispositivos foram recuperados com sucesso e apenas um deles falhou. Em todos os casos, os aparelhos registraram um padrão rítmico da temperatura corporal, não sendo observados maiores inconvenientes, sugerindo que o dispositivo iButton pode ser utilizado com sucesso nos casos em que é necessário o registro contínuo da temperatura corporal sem qualquer interferência maior causada pelo próprio manuseio