467 research outputs found
Aportaciones con visión de género de las profesionales de la comunicación en los órganos de dirección del Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía (SPA)
La actual crisis económica ha empeorado aún más las condiciones laborales de los periodistas, especialmente de las mujeres, que presentan mayores cuotas de precarización en las redacciones y acumulan más despidos que sus compañeros varones. Esta situación, enquistada desde hace años, ha favorecido la reacción de algunas de ellas ante la discriminación que supone la falta de promoción y la degradación de sus condiciones laborales por quienes han considerado que sus responsabilidades familiares merman su lealtad a la empresa. Para defender sus derechos como trabajadoras algunas decidieron integrarse en el Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía y formar parte de sus órganos de dirección donde la presencia de mujeres en puestos clave para la organización ha sido una constante desde su constitución en diciembre de 1999. Ellas han introducido nuevas formas de actuación y planteamientos con visión de género que marcan la dinámica de la organización interna y externamente
El movimiento asociativo de los periodistas: el caso del Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía (SPA)
Las malas condiciones laborales de los profesionales de la información y el empeoramiento paulatino de las mismas desde hace diez años llevó a un grupo de unos ochenta periodistas andaluces a constituir en diciembre de 1999 el Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía. Al margen de cualquier otra organización, los profesiones de los medios de comunicación andaluces optaron por convertirse en sindicalistas y defender sus condiciones laborales amparándose en la Ley. El catálogo de irregularidades laborales existente en las redacciones, donde trabajar sin contrato era una realidad aceptada entre el colectivo profesional, el cobro de honorarios por trabajos "a la pieza" una práctica cotidiana y la utilización de becarios algo habitual para cubrir puestos estructurales, convertía la práctica de la profesión en un páramo sin ningún tipo de regulación donde la ética y deontología profesional quedaban reducidas a espléndidos códigos sin valor alguno. Tras la positiva experiencia de los Sindicatos de Periodistas de Cataluña y Madrid, algunos periodistas andaluces entendieron que este tipo de organización podría empezar a poner coto a los desmanes de las empresas periodísticas andaluzas y defender una profesión que, a pesar de haber obtenido en la década de los 70 el respaldo de la Universidad, no respetaba los derechos de sus trabajadores. Con una organización basada en estructuras provinciales bajo una ejecutiva de ámbito regional, el Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía ha ofrecido a los profesionales de esta comunidad autónoma un modelo distinto de organización, con una actuación directa en los centros de trabajo y amparado en la legislación laboral para conseguir desde el corazón de las empresas regular la práctica del periodismo. En el momento de concluir este estudio, más de 400 periodistas mantienen su afiliación al Sindicato, un número discreto para una organización joven que ha ampliado su campo de trabajo hacia la formación continua de sus profesionales, una acción sindical fuertemente apoyada por un gabinete jurídico experto y el contacto permanente con estructuras profesionales internacionales. El nacimiento de los sindicatos de periodistas en España - unas organizaciones habituales en el resto del mundo cuyo espacio natural ha sido ocupado históricamente por las Asociaciones de la Prensa en nuestro país- ha puesto sobre la mesa la necesidad de que los periodistas se impliquen, como el resto de los trabajadores de otros sectores productivos, en la defensa de sus intereses profesionales y laborales. Esta combinación de lo laboral y lo profesional constituye, además, la novedad de la propuesta presentada por los sindicatos de periodistas frente a otras organizaciones
Online gerontechnological resources analysis for active aging
Gerontechnology has become a new field of interest in aging, showing the potential of these new tools to promote the well-being of the elderly and active aging. Although few studies have focused on analyzing the online resources available for this purpose. Here, we identify and analyze the online resources focused on some of the main areas of interest in active aging, according to its main characteristics, as well as aspects of accessibility, use and quality, with special emphasis on those resources aimed specifically at older people. We identified and coded 557 links. These links are focused on 7 dimensions of active aging. Descriptive and multivariate analyses show a lack of online resources aimed specifically at older people, especially in relation to psychosocial and emotional variables. We have found significant limitations of accessibility, use and quality of resources. We conclude on the need for greater involvement institutional, social and scientific to maximize the possibilities offered by the Internet and to overcome the limitations found and that might serve as some of the causes of the generational digital divide existing
Moduli Spaces of Semistable Sheaves on Singular Genus One Curves
We find some equivalences of the derived category of coherent sheaves on a
Gorenstein genus one curve that preserve the (semi)-stability of pure
dimensional sheaves. Using them we establish new identifications between
certain Simpson moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on the curve. For rank
zero, the moduli spaces are symmetric powers of the curve whilst for a fixed
positive rank there are only a finite number of non-isomorphic spaces. We prove
similar results for the relative semistable moduli spaces on an arbitrary genus
one fibration with no conditions either on the base or on the total space. For
a cycle of projective lines, we show that the unique degree 0 stable
sheaves are the line bundles having degree 0 on every irreducible component and
the sheaves supported on one irreducible component. We also
prove that the connected component of the moduli space that contains vector
bundles of rank is isomorphic to the -th symmetric product of the
rational curve with one node.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures. Added the structure of the biggest component of
the moduli space of sheaves of degree 0 on a cycle of projective lines. Final
version; to appear en IMRS (International Mathematics Research Notices 2009
Direct steam generation in parabolic trough collectors
Existing commercial parabolic trough power plants use thermal oil as a heat transfer fluid, with working temperatures in the region of 400ºC. In order to achieve more efficient generating systems, a second generation of parabolic troughs that operate at temperatures higher than 400ºC is being developed. One possibility, Abengoa Solar is assessing, it is the use of direct steam generation (DSG) inside parabolic troughs in order to achieve higher temperatures; the first stage heating up to 450 ºC and the second stage heating up to 550 ºC. There is, however, a certain degree of complexity in the use of DSG technology that has resulted in it not yet being utilized in commercial plant designs. Due to the presence of saturated steam inside the parallel loops the required control system is more complex, particularly during transitory periods of radiation. Also the higher operating pressures and temperatures in the solar field mean that the receiver tubes and interconnections between collectors are very critical components. For this reason, typical systems utilize an intermediate fluid for energy transfer. In order to overcome these challenges, Abengoa Solar has built a demonstration plant of 8 MWht. The plant is composed of an evaporator field with three parallel loops and a superheater field with two loops in order to work at 85 bar and 450ºC. The demonstration plant has been operated and evaluated for one year. During this test period, the following have been evaluated and validated: An innovative control strategy system that guarantees the stability of the plant even under transient conditions. Receiver tube design able to achieve 450ºC, analyzing the mechanical behavior, optical performance, and heat losses. Different configurations of interconnections between collectors with ball joints and flexible rotation joints. A theoretical model has been developed for commercial scale DSG plants and validated with experimental data obtained from the demonstration plant
Wear Fast, Die Young: More Worn Teeth and Shorter Lives in Iberian Compared to Scottish Red Deer
Teeth in Cervidae are permanent structures that are not replaceable or repairable; consequently their rate of wear, due to the grinding effect of food and dental attrition, affects their duration and can determine an animal's lifespan. Tooth wear is also a useful indicator of accumulative life energy investment in intake and mastication and their interactions with diet. Little is known regarding how natural and sexual selection operate on dental structures within a species in contrasting environments and how these relate to life history traits to explain differences in population rates of tooth wear and longevity. We hypothesised that populations under harsh environmental conditions should be selected for more hypsodont teeth while sexual selection may maintain similar sex differences within different populations. We investigated the patterns of tooth wear in males and females of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) in Southern Spain and Scottish red deer (C. e. scoticus) across Scotland, that occur in very different environments, using 10343 samples from legal hunting activities. We found higher rates of both incisor and molar wear in the Spanish compared to Scottish populations. However, Scottish red deer had larger incisors at emergence than Iberian red deer, whilst molars emerged at a similar size in both populations and sexes. Iberian and Scottish males had earlier tooth depletion than females, in support of a similar sexual selection process in both populations. However, whilst average lifespan for Iberian males was 4 years shorter than that for Iberian females and Scottish males, Scottish males only showed a reduction of 1 year in average lifespan with respect to Scottish females. More worn molars were associated with larger mandibles in both populations, suggesting that higher intake and/or greater investment in food comminution may have favoured increased body growth, before later loss of tooth efficiency due to severe wear. These results illustrate how independent selection in both subspecies, that diverged 11,700 years BP, has resulted in the evolution of different longevity, although sexual selection has maintained a similar pattern of relative sex differences in tooth depletion. This study opens interesting questions on optimal allocation in life history trade-offs and the independent evolution of allopatric populations.The European Union Lifelong Learning programme (Leonardo da Vinci) supported the post-graduate students that collaborated in this study. The Scottish Government through the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS), Deer Commission Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage (project RP64) and Spanish Ministry of Science (projects CGL2007-63594 and CGL2010-17163) funded this study. During the writing up of this study FJPB was granted with a visiting professor fellowship by the University of Cordoba (Spain)
Impact of life experiences and use of Web 2.0 tools in adults and older adults
p. 1-11El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la calidad de vida percibida, con prácticas que promueven el uso diario de herramientas web 2.0 en adultos y adultos mayores.Se diseñó un cuestionario en línea, que se administró a 1.095 adultos españoles, y se realizaron análisis descriptivos y multivariados utilizando el método general linealS
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