414 research outputs found

    Prospectiva de futuro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Lenguaje Musical en España

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    Este artículo tiene por objetivo conocer cuál ha sido la evolución del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del Lenguaje Musical, así como una prospectiva de su futuro como materia fundamental en los Conservatorios Profesionales de Música de España. La metodología de investigación aplicada ha sido el análisis de contenido, la entrevista semi-estructurada a expertos de prestigio en la docencia del Lenguaje Musical, los grupos de discusión y la encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de un diseño educativo innovador para la asignatura de Lenguaje musical en los Conservatorios Profesionales de Música de España

    Seller Responsiveness to the Customer Complaining and its Effect on Postcomplain Behaviors

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    Este estudio analiza la relación entre la sensibilidad del vendedor (SV) a la reclamación del cliente y sus comportamientos postqueja: intención de recompra, comunicación oral e informal –WOM– (positiva, negativa), queja (intención futura, ante terceros) y abandono. Desarrollamos un indicador para medir su percepción de SV, que ajusta a una función de la familia de distribuciones Johnson SB. Usando este índice, la intención de recompra, de abandono y de queja futura presentan niveles significativamente diferentes según sea la SV, no ocurriendo lo mismo para queja ante terceros y WOM (positiva o negativa). No se encuentra un efecto de halo de la creencia general sobre los vendedores en la influencia de la sensibilidad percibida en el vendedor sobre los comportamientos postqueja. Finalmente se discute el rol delThis study analizes the relation between seller’s sensitivity or responsiveness to the customers complainings and their postcomplaint behaviors: loyalty/retention, word–of–mouth responses (positive and negative), future complaining intention, third party response (public or private) and exit or customer deception. We develop a seller’s responsiveness index that fits for a Johnson SB function. Using this index we find that the higher perceived seller’s responsiveness, the higher future purchase intention, the higher future complaints and the lower customer deception or exit. No significant results have been found for third party and positive and negative word–of–mouth responses. The «halo effect» of customer’s general perception–of–salespeople on salesperson responsiveness for a specific claim has not been found. Finally we discuss the role of salesperson in complaining behavior, and we offer academic and managerial recommendations.Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Perceived parenting styles and adjustment during emerging adulthood: a cross-national perspective

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    The aim of the present study is to determine whether the influence of parenting style on children’s wellbeing is sustained during emerging adulthood. This is a stage in which young people, despite feeling themselves to be adults, often remain in the family home and continue to be financially dependent on their parents. Moreover, since parents’ beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are constructed and interpreted within their cultural milieu, the study also aims to explore the situation in Spain (SP) and Portugal (PT). Those two Southern Europe countries are representative of what is known as the “family welfare regime”, in which the family acts as the main provider of care and security not only during childhood, but also during emerging adulthood. Thus, the present study examines, from a cross-cultural perspective, the relationship between perceived parenting styles and psychological adjustment among a sample of 1047 emerging adults from Spain and Portugal. The results reveal that the most beneficial styles during this stage are the authoritative and permissive ones, with the authoritarian style being more closely related to psychological distress. The study highlights intercultural similarities and the positive role played by more symmetrical relationships in the adjustment of emerging adults in both countries.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2013-45687-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-097405-B-I0

    Gamification and Breakout Edu in Professional Training. «Grey Place» program in Social Integration

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    La gamificación educativa es el uso de dinámicas y mecánicas propias de los juegos al ámbito educativo, con el objetivo de aumentar la motivación escolar del alumnado. Desde la presente aportación se presenta el diseño e implementación de una unidad de trabajo gamificada en Formación Profesional durante el curso 2018/2019 para la asignatura de Apoyo a la Intervención Educativa del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Integración Social. Se plantea un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje cooperativo a través de un proyecto gamificado centrado en la identificación y creación de recursos educativos para alumnado con diversidad funcional. Se concluye que el uso de estrategias gamificadas pueden ser motivadoras para el alumnado y beneficiosas para su aprendizaje.Educational gamification is the use of dynamics and mechanics propers of the games to educational sphere, with the aim to increase the scholastic motivation of students. From the present contribution, is presented the design and implementation of a work-gamificated unit in Vocational Training during the academic year 2018/2019 for the "Supporting to educational intervention" subject of Higher-Level Training Cycle on Social Integration. It states a cooperative teaching - learning process through of a gamification project focuses in identification and creation of educational resources for student body with functional diversity. It is concluded that use of gamification strategies may be motivating for student body and beneficial for their learning

    Estilos educativos parentales y malestar psicológico en adultos emergentes universitarios del sur de Europa

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal examinar la relación existente entre los estilos educativos parentales y el malestar psicológico de adultos y adultas emergentes estudiantes de Universidad. Debido a que las prácticas parentales se interpretan y construyen dentro del contexto cultural en que se llevan a cabo, hemos realizado el estudio en dos países distintos del sur de Europa, España y Portugal. Los estilos educativos parentales se crearon siguiendo el método empleado en el clásico estudio de Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg and Dornsbush (1991) basado en puntuaciones terciles. La muestra estuvo compuesta por personas adultas emergentes universitarias de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 30 años procedentes de España (N = 552; M = 20,29; SD = 2,13) y Portugal (N = 492; M = 20,20; SD = 2,10). El principal resultado es que los y las estudiantes de Universidad que perciben a sus padres y madres con un estilo educativo autoritario tienen mayores niveles de malestar psicológico en ambos países, tanto España como Portugal. Nuestros resultados revelan por un lado, la necesidad de realizar estudios sobre relaciones familiares durante la adultez emergente en los países del sur de Europa, ya que en estos países la mayoría de los y las jóvenes vive esta etapa en el contexto familiar y la familia continúa siendo un referente fundamental en la promoción de un desarrollo saludable. Por otro lado, la necesidad de politicas sociales de apoyo a la familia durante esta etapa del desarrollo

    Gender differences in perceived family involvement and perceived family control during emerging adulthood: A cross-country comparison in Southern Europe

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    The aim of the present study was to explore gender differences in perceived parental involvement and perceived psychological and behavioral control during emerging adulthood in two Southern European countries (Spain and Portugal). Data were collected from 491 Portuguese and 552 Spanish undergraduate emerging adults (53.7 % women and 46.3 % men) aged between 18 and 29 years (M = 20.24 and SD = 2.12). Results indicated that women perceived higher levels of parental involvement than men in both countries, and men perceived more behavioral control than women in Portugal. Furthermore, gender was found to moderate the association between perceived parental involvement and perceived psychological and behavioral control differently in each country. Taken together, our findings suggest that gender-differentiated socialization patterns persist during emerging adulthood and that these patterns may be affected by the sociocultural context.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2013-45687-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-097405-B-I00Universidad de Oporto FCT UID/PSI/00050/201

    A characterization of metrics for comparing satellite-based and ground-measured global horizontal irradiance data: a principal component analysis application

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    The increasing integration of photovoltaic (PV) power plants into power systems demands a high accuracy of yield prediction and measurement. With this aim, different global horizontal irradiance (GHI) estimations based on new-generation geostationary satellites have been recently proposed, providing a growing number of solutions and databases, mostly available online, in addition to the many ground-based irradiance data installations currently available. According to the specific literature, there is a lack of agreement in validation strategies for a bankable, satellite-derived irradiance dataset. Moreover, different irradiance data sources are compared in recent contributions based on a diversity of arbitrary metrics. Under this framework, this paper describes a characterization of metrics based on a principal component analysis (PCA) application to classify such metrics, aiming to provide non-redundant and complementary information. Therefore, different groups of metrics are identified by applying the PCA process, allowing us to compare, in a more extensive way, different irradiance data sources and exploring and identifying their differences. The methodology has been evaluated using satellite-based and ground-measured GHI data collected for one year in seven different Spanish locations, with a one-hour sample time. Data characterization, results, and a discussion about the suitability of the proposed methodology are also included in the paper.The paper includes results of activities conducted under the Research Program for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia (Spain), the Seneca Foundation, and the Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia (Spain). This work was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Union–FEDER Funds, ENE2016-78214–C2-1-R

    Sensitive parameter analysis for solar irradiance short-term forecasting: application to LoRa-based monitoring technology

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    Due to the relevant penetration of solar PV power plants, an accurate power generation forecasting of these installations is crucial to provide both reliability and stability of current grids. At the same time, PV monitoring requirements are more and more demanded by different agents to provide reliable information regarding performances, efficiencies, and possible predictive maintenance tasks. Under this framework, this paper proposes a methodology to evaluate different LoRa-based PV monitoring architectures and node layouts in terms of short-term solar power generation forecasting. A random forest model is proposed as forecasting method, simplifying the forecasting problem especially when the time series exhibits heteroscedasticity, nonstationarity, and multiple seasonal cycles. This approach provides a sensitive analysis of LoRa parameters in terms of node layout, loss of data, spreading factor and short time intervals to evaluate their influence on PV forecasting accuracy. A case example located in the southeast of Spain is included in the paper to evaluate the proposed analysis. This methodology is applicable to other locations, as well as different LoRa configurations, parameters, and networks structures; providing detailed analysis regarding PV monitoring performances and short-term PV generation forecasting discrepancies.This research was funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FEDER/MICINN-AEI), project RTI2018–099139–B–C21

    Perspective of the teacher in the teaching-learning process of the musical language in the professional conservatories of music of Spain

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    El Lenguaje Musical constituye uno de los pilares donde se asienta el resto de conocimientos musicales, ya que su aprendizaje contribuye a las bases de un instrumentista, de un compositor o de un docente de música, ya que implica un cuádruple enfoque formativo: auditivo, vocal, rítmico y teórico. El estudio tiene por objetivo conocer las opiniones que tienen los docentes sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura de Lenguaje Musical en los Conservatorios Profesionales de Música de España. La metodología utilizada ha sido no experimental de tipo exploratorio, teniendo como instrumento de investigación la encuesta. La muestra elegida, con afijación simple no ponderada ha sido de n155 de una población de 320 profesores de Lenguaje Musical, con un nivel de confianza del 95% (dos sigmas) y P=Q, el error máximo posible de ±6%, para el conjunto de la muestra y en el supuesto de muestreo aleatorio simple. Como variables de estudio se han analizado: a) las dimensiones que engloban la materia del Lenguaje Musical, b) la metodología utilizada, c) los recursos, d) la formación del profesorado, e) la organización de la enseñanza de la materia y f) la coordinación entre profesores. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que: 1) el ritmo es la dimensión que más se trabaja, 2) las TIC se imponen como recurso fundamental para ciertos aprendizajes, 3) se hace imprescindible crear un nuevo diseño educativo innovador y adaptado a las necesidades del nuevo estudiante que ingresa en un Conservatorio Profesional de Música.The Musical Language constitutes one of the pillars where the rest of musical knowledge is based, since its learning contributes to the bases of an instrumentalist, a composer or a music teacher, since it implies a quadruple formative focus: auditory, vocal, rhythmic and theoretical. The objective of the study is to know the opinions of a sample of teachers about the teaching-learning process of the subject of Musical Language in the Professional Music Conservatories of Spain. The methodology used has been non-experimental exploratory type, having as a research instrument the survey. The chosen sample, with simple non-weighted affixation, was n155 from a population of 320 teachers of Musical Language, with a confidence level of 95% (two sigma’s) and P=Q, the maximum possible error of ± 6%, for the whole sample and in the simple random sampling scenario. As study variables: a) the dimensions that make up the theme of the Musical Language, b) the methodology used, c) the resources, d) the teacher training, e) the organization of the teaching of the subject and f) the coordination among teachers. The results obtained show that: 1) the rhythm is the dimension that works the most, 2) ICTs are imposed as a fundamental resource for certain learning, 3) it is essential to create a new innovative educational design adapted to the needs of the new student