500 research outputs found

    Gender differences in motivation and perception of utility of the scholar spot

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    El principal objetivo del estudio es analizar las diferencias entre el nivel de autodeterminación y la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en función del género y su incidencia sobre la percepción de utilidad del deporte. Participaron en el estudio 1897 jóvenes jugadores de baloncesto, balonmano, fútbol y voleibol (1378 chicos y 519 chicas). Diferentes instrumentos fueron utilizados para medir las distintas variables abordadas en el estudio. Los resultados mostraron que los chicos presentan puntuaciones más altas en todos los tipos de motivación y que su sentimiento de competencia es más elevado que el de las chicas. Por otro lado, la motivación autodeterminada y la satisfacción de las necesidades conducen a percibir mayor utilidad del deporte en ambos génerosThe aim of the study was to analyze the differences between self-determination level and satisfaction of the three psychological needs with respect to gender and their influence on the perception of utility of the sport. The sample comprised 1897 basketball, handball, football and volleyball young players (1378 boys and 519 girls). Different measures were used to examine the differences between the variables contained in the study. Results showed that boys were more intrinsically and extrinsically motivated and showed less a motivation than girls, as well as their scored higher in competence than girls. However, both for boys and girls, self-determined motivation and psychological needs satisfaction led to a greater perception of utility of the spor

    Analysis of the group process and the performance in semiprofessional soccer

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    El principal objetivo del estudio es aplicar un modelo teórico analizando dos de los antecedentes de la eficacia colectiva, el clima motivacional y la cohesión grupal, y su principal consecuencia como es el rendimiento. Los participantes fueron 203 futbolistas que participaban en el grupo XIV de la Liga Nacional de Tercera División, que rellenaron diversos instrumentos para valorar el clima motivacional, la cohesión y la eficacia colectiva. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que el modelo teórico que se aplica confirma que el clima que implica a la tarea predice la cohesión grupal. Además, la cohesión tarea se manifiesta como el principal predictor de la eficacia colectiva, y ésta a su vez del rendimiento. La principal conclusión es que para optimizar la percepción de eficacia colectiva y con ello, la mejora del rendimiento, parece fundamental que los entrenadores planteen estrategias para fomentar los aspectos tarea del clima motivacional y la cohesión grupal en los jugadores.The main aim of the study was to test a theoretical model examining two of the antecedents of the collective efficacy, motivational climate and group cohesion, as well as performance as their principal consequence. Participants were 203 footballers who played in the XIV group of National League in Third Division and filled several instruments to assess motivational climate, cohesion and collective efficacy. The theoretical model showed that mastery climate predicted group cohesion. Furthermore, task cohesion emerged as the strongest predictor of collective efficacy, and this variable predicted performance. The main conclusion is that to optimize perception of collective efficacy and so, increase performance, it seems important that coaches promote strategies to enhance task related motivational climate and group cohesion in players

    Análisis del clima motivacional como antecedente de la eficacia colectiva en futbolistas semiprofesionales

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    Suplemento de artículos seleccionados con revisión del Congreso Andaluz de Psicología de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (13 : 2011 : Sevilla). Editores : José Carlos Caracuel ; Rocío Bohórquez.The main aim of the study was to examine the relationships between the motivational climate created by coaches and peers regarding collective efficacy. To this end, we used a sample of 377 football players belonging to 20 teams in Group XIV of the Spanish Third Division, who completed questionnaires on peer motivational climate, coach motivational climate and collective efficacy. After analyzing the results, we showed that the mastery climate created by peers and coach had a significant and positive relationship to collective efficacy. This association was supported by a regression analysis that showed that the mastery climate was the strongest predictor of collective efficacy. To conclude, we emphasize the importance of promoting a mastery climate in training sessions by coaches and peers to improve collective efficacy

    Self-determination in teaching formative basketball players and its influence on respect to rules and opponents

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    The aim of this study was to examine adaptive behaviors in teaching formative basketball players with regard to their motivations to play. Hence, 284 federative basketball players, ranging in age from 11 to 16 years old from the Region of Extremadura took part in the study. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and lineal regression analysis were conducted with SPSS 19.0 statistical program. Results showed that more self-determined players had greater adaptive conducts, such as respect to rules and opponents. Finally, it is noteworthy to provide intrinsic regulations in youth basketball players to create a good learning and promotes social values

    La formación docente ante el trastorno del espectro autista

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    Teacher training in learning disorders is vital to achieve a true competence and inclusive education and physical activity acquires special significance. The objective of this study was to assess the training that teachers have active on students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and what factors can influence the improvement of teaching practice. The sample consists of a total of 68 teachers from different public schools in the province of Toledo (CLM). An ad hoc questionnaire based on scientific literature and reviewed by experts was used. The results show how there is little training regarding the treatment of students with special educational needs and ASD students. Enhance the support within the classroom to the teacher and have more number and availability of intervention programs appropriate to each type of educational need, will serve to alleviate the possible shortcomings in this regard.La formación docente en trastornos del aprendizaje es vital para alcanzar una verdadera educación competencial e inclusiva y la actividad física adquiere especial significado. El objetivo del presente estudio fue valorar la formación que tienen los docentes en activo sobre el alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) y qué factores pueden influir en la mejora de la práctica docente. La muestra está formada por un total de 68 docentes de diferentes centros educativos públicos de la provincia de Toledo (CLM). Se utilizó un cuestionario ad hoc basado en la literatura científica y revisado por expertos. Los resultados muestran como existe una escasa formación respecto al tratamiento del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales y alumnos TEA. Potenciar el apoyo dentro del aula al docente y disponer de mayor número y disponibilidad de programas de intervención adecuados a cada tipo de necesidad educativa, servirá para paliar las posibles carencias al respecto

    Estereotipos de género en educación física

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    The school, and the Physical Education may become as one of the setting where with the so-called hidden curriculum, attitudes loaded with prejudices, in terms of gender stereotyped, could be shown.  The main objective of our study was to identify the perception of primary school students between 11 and 12 years old (11.87 ± 0.38) about gender stereotypes linked to physical activity and sport, based on sub-stereotypes associated with the type of practice , regarding the teaching staff and classroom climate. The main results show the presence of stereotypes related to performance, self-concept and treatment by teachers. From the school and from the area of Physical Education, we must bear in mind these situations that we must reorient to achieve a true inclusive school and society that allows equal opportunities.La escuela y en particular el área de Educación Física, puede ser uno de los escenarios donde, bajo el denominado currículum oculto, se pongan de manifiesto actitudes estereotipadas y cargadas de prejuicios desde el punto de vista deportivo y motor. El objetivo principal de nuestro estudio fue identificar la percepción de los escolares de Educación Primaria entre los 11 y 12 años (11.87± 0.38) sobre los estereotipos de género vinculados con la actividad física y el deporte, a partir de subestereotipos asociados al tipo de práctica, respecto al profesorado y a clima de clase. Los principales resultados muestran la presencia de estereotipos relacionados con el rendimiento, el autoconcepto y el trato por parte del profesorado. Desde la escuela y desde el área de Educación Física se debe tener muy presente estas situaciones que debemos reorientar para lograr una verdadera escuela inclusiva y sociedad que permita la igualdad de oportunidades

    Changes in compliance with school-based physical activity recommendations in Spanish youth: The UP&DOWN longitudinal study

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    The study aimed (a) to examine changes in physical activity (PA) during the whole day, school hours, recess, and physical education classes (PEC) during a 2-year period in primary and secondary students; (b) to identify changes in the proportion of compliance with specific PA recommendations for these periods; and (c) to examine whether PA levels at baseline are associated with PA levels 2 years later. Eight hundred and fourteen (51.8% boys) children and 658 (50.1% boys) adolescents from 41 Spanish schools participated in the study. Hip-worn accelerometers were used to assess PA during different time periods. Light PA (LPA) declined during the whole day, school hours, recess (all P < 0.001, except child girls for recess), and PEC (all, P < 0.05) in children and adolescents. Moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) during the whole day and recess declined in child boys (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively) and adolescent boys (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively). MVPA during PEC declined in adolescent boys (P < 0.001) and adolescent girls (all P < 0.05). The proportion of compliance with the specific PA recommendations for these periods declined (P < 0.05), except for PEC in adolescent girls. PA during the whole day at baseline was moderately associated with PA during the whole day years later (ICCs = 0.210-0.544, with one exception), but this association was lower for the school-based PA. In conclusion, time spent in MVPA and LPA during the whole day and recess declined over time in child and adolescent boys and during PEC in adolescents. These findings highlight the need to promote PA interventions in these settings

    Historia económica heterodoxa de la Escuela de Salamanca: padres de la Economía Política y Hacienda Pública y referentes de otras escuelas

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    Ésta es una revisión crítico-reveladora y hermenéutica sobre el papel de la Escuela de Salamanca en el nacimiento de la Economía moderna, por lo que debería ser conocida como Escuela Española de Economía (EEE). Se trata de un estudio de Economía Política y Hacienda Pública, además de Historia Económica y de Pensamiento Social, que combina diversos enfoques y técnicas, en especial, la metodología escolástica, de verificación mediante contraste de fuentes y sistematización de argumentos lógicos con respaldo empírico. En este estudio se aclara primero la noción de Escuela Española de Economía y su relación con otras escuelas económicas. Seguidamente, se expone el tránsito de la economía moral a la política y positiva, con sus disciplinas y su influjo en la configuración de los estudios de economía. Se completa todo ello con la sistematización de principios económico-financieros inspirados por EE

    Agilidad, flexibilidad de producción e innovación en la empresa manufacturera espa-ñola

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    Este artículo analiza en una muestra de empresas manufactureras españolas la relación de la producción ágil con el esfuerzo interno y la cooperación externa en innovación tecnológica. Los resultados del estudio indican que las empresas con mayor capacidad de agilidad utilizan con más intensidad un amplio conjunto de tecnologías agiles de desarrollo, fabricación y suministro. Las empresas más ágiles también cooperan externamente más en innovación y dicha cooperación modera la flexibilidad de producción de las empresas, indicando con ello que, gracias a la cooperación externa en innovación las empresas con menor flexibilidad de producción pueden aun así conseguir mayor capacidad de agilidad

    On providing mobility management in WOBANs: Integration with PMIPv6 and MIH

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    The Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN) is a promising access architecture that combines the high performance of optical networks with the ubiquity and convenience of wireless technologies. This article proposes a network-based mobility framework that is specially tailored for WOBANs. The proposed architecture is based on Proxy Mobile IPv6 and IEEE 802.21 mobility management protocols, but it also defines a number of optimizations that enable the seamless handover of mobile nodes. In particular, the hierarchical architecture together with the broadcast-and-select nature of the optical part of the WOBAN are leveraged to: optimize the mobility of users with respect to the overall network resources, both at the wireless access and optical distribution parts, remove the overhead of IP-in-IP tunneling between the PMIPv6 entities, and perform an efficient bicasting during the handover process to minimize packet loss.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the EU-funded MEDIEVAL (grant FP7-ICT-2009-5/258053), the CAM-funded Medianet project (under code S-2009/TIC-1468) and the MICINN research grant TIN2010-20136-C03.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad