3,166 research outputs found

    Servicios avanzados de telefonía IP mediante SIP

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    La telefonía IP es una evolución de la telefonía convencional, que funciona mediante conmutación de circuitos, hacia conmutación de paquetes, un tipo de conmutación, en principio no pensada para este fin y que gracias al crecimiento de la popularidad de las redes de acceso de banda ancha aparece como una realidad viable. SIP es el protocolo de señalización utilizado en este tipo de telefonía. La incorporación de servidores de aplicaciones SIP permite la implementación de servicios avanzados en el marco de la telefonía IP que incrementan las posibilidades que ofrece la telefonía convencional. Para disponer de un servidor de aplicaciones dentro de un entorno hay que definir los elementos básicos de la arquitectura a la que pertenece tales como la integración con otros servidores de aplicaciones, con servidores SIP, con puertas de enlace, etc. La interacción de todos estos elementos se muestra en la explicación de un ejemplo real.Peer Reviewe

    Application layer multicast algorithm

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    This paper presents a multicast algorithm, called MSM-s, for point-to-multipoint transmissions. The algorithm, which has complexity O(n2) in respect of the number n of nodes, is easy to implement and can actually be applied in other point-to multipoint systems such as distributed computing. We analyze the algorithm and we provide some upper and lower bounds for the multicast time delay.Peer Reviewe

    A BDD proposal for Probabilistic Switching Activity Estimation

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    Switching activity computation is a essential stage for dynamic power estimation. Binary decision diagrams (BDD) are widely used in probabilistic activity estimation. However, the BDD size used for switching activity increases significantly in respect to the logic function BDDs. In this paper we propose a new BDD structure for activity computations in which important size reductions are achieved with no accuracy loss. The proposal includes the definition of a BDD activity operator. This operator has been implemented in a BDD package and then, in an automated tool. This implementation has permitted the analysis of several circuits and has corroborated the size reductions and the accuracy of the result

    Virtual Models for Crystallography Teaching in Mineralogy: Some Suggestions

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    [Abstract] Crystallography concepts are usually among the most demanding subjects for Mineralogy students. Traditional onsite teaching of Mineralogy starts with physical models of crystal polyhedra and frequently also includes the observation of models of crystal structures. These teaching strategies could be difficult to implement under pandemic situations like the present one. But they also have other disadvantages under the usual access conditions as their use by the students is restricted by the number of students in relation to the number of models and by the availability of the models and teaching staff. Additionally, onsite teaching can pose challenges to both students and teachers with temporal or permanent disabilities. We consider here some possibilities of teaching with virtual models of crystal polyhedra, twinning, and crystal structures, based on some of the available freeware options and considering the main concepts taught in the usual Mineralogy syllabus.Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/04509/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/04028/2020Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/47Xunta de Galicia; R2017/00

    Remote operations could be the future for Earth Sciences teaching: a speculative discussion

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    [Abstract] The current COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc in the regular workings of many institutions, such as those dedicated to teaching; therefore, there is an urge for alternatives to traditional face-to-face teaching. However, for certain subjects, such as Earth Sciences, distance-teaching approaches could be seen as counterintuitive to the essential foundations of the subject (where empirical information, especially from fieldwork, is considered paramount for its foundation and growth). In this work, we consider remote operations that could complement, improve, and perhaps even replace the traditional approach for teaching Earth Sciences, potentially producing better learning outcomes, even in relation to laboratory and fieldwork, including studies involving locations outside of planet Earth. Additionally, we consider the possible advantages for other professional settings related to this area, such as those concerning terrain characterization for engineering works, mineral resources, and environmental studies, as well as possible support for space missions and stations in other astronomical bodies (where mineral exploration and extraction could be developed and, hence, benefit from remote operations).Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; FCT-UIDB/04509/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; FCT-UIDB/04028/2020Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2018/47Xunta de Galicia; R2017/00

    Characterization of Microbial Communities Associated with Ceramic Raw Materials as Potential Contributors for the Improvement of Ceramic Rheological Properties

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    Technical ceramics are being widely employed in the electric power, medical and engineering industries because of their thermal and mechanical properties, as well as their high resistance qualities. The manufacture of technical ceramic components involves complex processes, including milling and stirring of raw materials in aqueous solutions, spray drying and dry pressing. In general, the spray-dried powders exhibit an important degree of variability in their performance when subjected to dry-pressing, which affects the efficiency of the manufacturing process. Commercial additives, such as deflocculants, biocides, antifoam agents, binders, lubricants and plasticizers are thus applied to ceramic slips. Several bacterial and fungal species naturally occurring in ceramic raw materials, such as Sphingomonas, Aspergillus and Aureobasidium, are known to produce exopolysaccharides. These extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) may confer unique and potentially interesting properties on ceramic slips, including viscosity control, gelation, and flocculation. In this study, the microbial communities present in clay raw materials were identified by both culture methods and DNA-based analyses to select potential EPS producers based on the scientific literature for further assays based on the use of EPS for enhancing the performance of technical ceramics. Potential exopolysaccharide producers were identified in all samples, such as Sphingomonas sp., Pseudomonas xanthomarina, P. stutzeri, P. koreensis, Acinetobacter lwoffi, Bacillus altitudinis and Micrococcus luteus, among bacteria. Five fungi (Penicillium citrinum, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Acremonium persicinum and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa) were also identified as potential EPS producers.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia-EXPL/CTM-CER/0637/201

    Topologías para la distribución de contenidos en redes de comunicación

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    The peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks are distribution topologies that take advantage of the ability that their nodes have to forward the information that they receive. For the particular case of video transmission using P2P networks, known as streaming P2P, there are implementations based on BitTorrent protocol data dissemination for files downloading. These networks use a pseudorandom topology which makes difficult to determine both the size of the network -defined as the maximum number of nodes which can receive information with a given quality of service- and the distribution delay. Despite this lack of definition, in the current thesis we present a structured network in which the nodes establish both incoming and outgoing connections according to a deterministic joining algorithm. That topology allows to calculate exactly the number of nodes that may join the network and that in stable conditions may get the flow with guaranteed quality of service, and also one very fitted bound for the total distribution delay. In our case, we have defined networks which contain a single source node with a bandwidth weater than the bandwidth of the information flow, and also a set of nodes with a bandwidth lower than the bandwidth of the flow. This constraint is used to distinguish the high capacity nodes from the terminal nodes which either have physical limitations due to their access link bandwidth or do not consider to allocate all their bandwidth to the forwarding of the information flow. In fact, high capacity nodes can be considered sources either because they produce the flow physically or because, receiving it from another distribution network, they forward it as source to the low bandwidth nodes that belong to the P2P network. Once the distribution topology is described, we define the mathematical model for its analysis. With this purpose, we normalize the flow bandwidth and we define a network joining algorithm with the aim of optimizing distribution delay. Following, the network topology is characterized by means of three parameters: the number of nodes that can be served directly by the source, the number of download connections that must arrive to a node to guarantee the reception at unitary rate, and the maximum number of upload connections that a node can establish. Likewise, the information flow is segmented into generic information units called objects, which are transmitted into the network by means of a certain set of dissemination trees. The number of dissemination trees corresponds to the number of download connections of a node. With this background material, we calculate the maximum number of peers which can be connected, under stable conditions, to the network, and also a very fitted bound for the transmission delay. Besides, we present a simulation that allows to evaluate the performance of the described topology in the field of VANET networks. Finally, in the last chapter we present a proposal for application-layer multicast distribution network which can be used to send the information flow from the node that initially produces it to the source nodes of the P2P distribution network that we have described.Las redes superpuestas peer-to-peer (P2P) son topologías de distribución que aprovechan la capacidad que tienen sus nodos de retransmitir a otros nodos la información que reciben. En el caso particular de la transmisión de vídeo mediante redes P2P, conocida como streaming P2P, existen implementaciones basadas en la diseminación de datos del protocolo BitTorrent de descarga de ficheros. Estas redes emplean una topología pseudoaletoria que hace difícilmente caracterizable tanto el tamaño que puede tener la red -entendido como el máximo número de nodos a los que se puede garantizar una calidad de servicio determinada- como el retardo de distribución. Frente a esta falta de definición, en el presente trabajo se presenta una red estructurada en la que los nodos establecen conexiones tanto de recepción como de retransmisión según un algoritmo de ingreso determinista. Dicha topología permite calcular exactamente el número máximo de nodos que pueden formar la red y que, en condiciones de estabilidad, reciben el flujo con garantías de calidad, así como una cota muy ajustada del retardo total de distribución. En nuestro caso, hemos definido redes formadas por un único nodo fuente con una capacidad mayor que el ancho de banda de la transmisión del flujo, así como por una serie de nodos cuya capacidad es inferior al ancho de banda de dicho flujo. Esta restricción sirve para separar los nodos de alta capacidad de los nodos terminales que o bien tienen limitaciones físicas debido a la capacidad de su enlace o bien no quieren destinar toda su capacidad a la retransmisión del flujo de información. De hecho, los nodos de alta capacidad pueden considerarse fuentes o bien porque generan físicamente el flujo o bien porque, recibiéndolo a través de otra red de distribución, lo retransmiten como fuente a los nodos de baja capacidad que conforman la red P2P. Una vez descrita la topología de distribución, se define el modelo matemático para su análisis. Para ello se normaliza el ancho de banda del flujo y se propone un algoritmo de ingreso de nodos en la red con el objeto de optimizar el retardo de distribución. A continuación, se caracteriza la topología de la red mediante tres parámetros: el número de nodos a los que puede servir el nodo fuente, el número de conexiones de descarga que deben llegar a un nodo para recibir el flujo a tasa unitaria y el número máximo de conexiones de subida que puede establecer un nodo. Asimismo, se segmenta el flujo de información en unidades genéricas, denominadas objetos, que se diseminan en la red a través de un determinado conjunto de árboles de difusión. El número de árboles de difusión se corresponde con el número de conexiones de descarga de los nodos. Todo esto permite obtener una expresión del número de nodos que, en condiciones de estabilidad, pueden conectarse a la red, así como una cota muy ajustada del retardo total de transmisión. Presentamos además una simulación que permite evaluar el rendimiento de la topología descrita en el entorno de redes VANET. De forma complementaria, en el último capítulo se presenta una propuesta de distribución multicast en la capa de aplicación que puede emplearse para transmitir el flujo de información desde el nodo que lo produce inicialmente hasta los nodos fuentes de las redes P2P de distribución.Postprint (published version

    Experimental observation of fractional topological phases with photonic qudits

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    Geometrical and topological phases play a fundamental role in quantum theory. Geometric phases have been proposed as a tool for implementing unitary gates for quantum computation. A fractional topological phase has been recently discovered for bipartite systems. The dimension of the Hilbert space determines the topological phase of entangled qudits under local unitary operations. Here we investigate fractional topological phases acquired by photonic entangled qudits. Photon pairs prepared as spatial qudits are operated inside a Sagnac interferometer and the two-photon interference pattern reveals the topological phase as fringes shifts when local operations are performed. Dimensions d=2,3d = 2, 3 and 44 were tested, showing the expected theoretical values.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Improving the 14c dating of marine shells from the Canary Islands for constructing more reliable and accurate chronologies

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    Radiocarbon dating of closely associated marine mollusk shells and terrestrial material (charred wood or bone) collected from archaeological contexts on Tenerife and Fuerteventura islands allowed us to quantify the marine C-14 reservoir effect (Delta R) around the Canary Archipelago. Coastal Fuerteventura has a positive weighted mean Delta R value of +185 +/- 30 C-14 yr, while for Tenerife a range of negative and positive values was obtained, resulting in a Delta R weighted mean value of 0 +/- 35 C-14 yr. These values are in accordance with the hydrodynamic system present off the Canary Islands characterized by a coastal upwelling regime that affects the eastern islands (Fuerteventura and Lanzarote) but not the other islands of the archipelago, namely Tenerife. Because of this oceanographic pattern, we recommend the extrapolation of these results to the remaining islands of the archipelago, i.e. the first value must be used for the eastern islands, while for the central and western islands the acceptable Delta R value is 0 +/- 35 C-14 yr