46 research outputs found

    Role of leptin in inflammation and vice versa

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    Inflammation is an essential immune response for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. In a general sense, acute and chronic inflammation are different types of adaptive response that are called into action when other homeostatic mechanisms are insufficient. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the cellular and molecular events that are involved in the acute inflammatory response to infection and tissue injury, the causes and mechanisms of systemic chronic inflammation are much less known. The pathogenic capacity of this type of inflammation is puzzling and represents a common link of the multifactorial diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. In recent years, interest has been raised by the discovery of novel mediators of inflammation, such as microRNAs and adipokines, with different effects on target tissues. In the present review, we discuss the data emerged from research of leptin in obesity as an inflammatory mediator sustaining multifactorial diseases and how this knowledge could be instrumental in the design of leptin-based manipulation strategies to help restoration of abnormal immune responses. On the other direction, chronic inflammation, either from autoimmune or infectious diseases, or impaired microbiota (dysbiosis) may impair the leptin response inducing resistance to the weight control, and therefore it may be a cause of obesity. Thus, we are reviewing the published data regarding the role of leptin in inflammation, and the other way around, the role of inflammation on the development of leptin resistance and obesity

    Uso de catecolamina para la diferenciación de células madre a cardiomiocitos.

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    Uso de catecolamina para la diferenciación de células madre a cardiomiocitos. La presente invención se refiere al uso de catecolamina para la diferenciación de células madre a cardiomiocitos y su maduración así como un método para la obtención y maduración de estas células cardíacas. Ademås, la catecolamina puede usarse para la preparación de un medicamento destinado al tratamiento de un daño cardíaco.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Universidad de Extremadura, Universidad de JaénB1 Patente sin examen previ

    Expression and immunohistochemical localization of leptin in human periapical granulomas

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    Background: Leptin, initially described as an adipocyte-derived hormone to regulate weight control, is expressed in normal and inflamed human dental pulp, being up-regulated during pulp experimental inflammation. Leptin receptor (LER) has been identified in human periapical granulomas. The aim of this study was to analyze and characterize the expression of leptin in human periapical granulomas. Material and Methods: Fifteen periapical inflammatory lesions were obtained from extracted human teeth and teeth which underwent periapical surgery. After their morphological categorization as periapical granulomas and gradation of the inflammatory infiltrate, they were examined by immunohistochemistry using human leptin policlonal antibodies. Leptin mRNA expression was also determined by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and the amount of leptin protein was analyzed by immunoblot. Results: All periapical lesions exhibited the characteristic of chronic granulomatous inflammatory process with inflammatory infiltrate grade III. Leptin+ cells were detected in 13 periapical granulomas (86.6%). The median number of Leptin+ cells in periapical granulomas was 1.70 (0.00-7.4). Amongst the inflammatory cells in the periapical granulomas, only macrophages were reactive to leptin antibodies. Western blot analysis revealed the presence in all samples of a protein with apparent molecular weight of approximately 16 kDa, corresponding to the estimated molecular weights of leptin. The expression of leptin mRNA was confirmed by qRT-PCR analysis and the size of the amplified fragment (296 bp for leptin and 194 bp for cyclophilin) was assessed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Conclusions: For the first time, it has been demonstrated that human periapical granuloma expresses the adipokine leptin

    Low levels of granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells may be a good marker of survival in the follow-up of patients with severe COVID-19

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    Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes a disease (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) that may develop into a systemic disease with immunosuppression and death in its severe form. Myeloid-derived suppressive cells (MDSCs) are inhibitory cells that contribute to immunosuppression in patients with cancer and infection. Increased levels of MDSCs have been found in COVID-19 patients, although their role in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 has not been clarified. For this reason, we raised the question whether MDSCs could be useful in the follow-up of patients with severe COVID-19 in the intensive care unit (ICU). Thus, we monitored the immunological cells, including MDSCs, in 80 patients admitted into the ICU. After 1, 2, and 3 weeks, we examined for a possible association with mortality (40 patients). Although the basal levels of circulating MDSCs did not discriminate between the two groups of patients, the last measurement before the endpoint (death or ICU discharge) showed that patients discharged alive from the ICU had lower levels of granulocytic MDSCs (G-MDSCs), higher levels of activated lymphocytes, and lower levels of exhausted lymphocytes compared with patients who had a bad evolution (death). In conclusion, a steady increase of G-MDSCs during the follow-up of patients with severe COVID-19 was found in those who eventually died

    PEST sequences from a cactus dehydrin regulate its proteolytic degradation

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    Dehydrins (DHNs) are intrinsically disordered proteins expressed under cellular dehydration-related stresses. In this study, we identified potential proteolytic PEST sequences located at the central and C-terminal regions from the Opuntia streptacantha OpsDHN1 protein. In order to evaluate these PEST sequences as proteolytic tags, we generated a translational fusion with the GUS reporter protein and OpsDHN1 coding sequence. We found a GUS degradation effect in tobacco agro-infiltrated leaves and Arabidopsis transgenic lines that expressed the fusion GUS::OpsDHN1 full-length. Also, two additional translational fusions between OpsDHN1 protein fragments that include the central (GUS::PEST-1) or the C-terminal (GUS::PEST-2) PEST sequences were able to decrease the GUS activity, with PEST-2 showing the greatest reduction in GUS activity. GUS signal was abated when the OpsDHN1 fragment that includes both PEST sequences (GUS::PEST-1-2) were fused to GUS. Treatment with the MG132 proteasome inhibitor attenuated the PEST-mediated GUS degradation. Point mutations of phosphorylatable residues in PEST sequences reestablished GUS signal, hence these sequences are important during protein degradation. Finally, in silico analysis identified potential PEST sequences in other plant DHNs. This is the first study reporting presence of PEST motifs in dehydrins

    Role of Sam68 in post-transcriptional gene regulation

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    The STAR family of proteins links signaling pathways to various aspects of post-transcriptional regulation and processing of RNAs. Sam68 belongs to this class of heteronuclear ribonucleoprotein particle K (hnRNP K) homology (KH) single domain-containing family of RNA-binding proteins that also contains some domains predicted to bind critical components in signal transduction pathways. In response to phosphorylation and other post-transcriptional modifications, Sam68 has been shown to have the ability to link signal transduction pathways to downstream effects regulating RNA metabolism, including transcription, alternative splicing or RNA transport. In addition to its function as a docking protein in some signaling pathways, this prototypic STAR protein has been identified to have a nuclear localization and to take part in the formation of both nuclear and cytosolic multi-molecular complexes such as Sam68 nuclear bodies and stress granules. Coupling with other proteins and RNA targets, Sam68 may play a role in the regulation of differential expression and mRNA processing and translation according to internal and external signals, thus mediating important physiological functions, such as cell death, proliferation or cell differentiation

    Biological flora of Central Europe: Cyperus esculentus L

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    This paper presents information on all aspects of the biology of Cyperus esculentus L. (yellow nutsedge) and deals with its taxonomy, morphology, genetic diversity, distribution, habitat requirements, ecology and life cycle, with special emphasis on uses and cultivation, history of introduction, impact and management in Europe. C. esculentus is a tuber geophyte and most likely originates from the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It is a variable plant and four wild-type varieties are presently recognized, in addition to a cultivated form. C. esculentus reproduces primarily by its underground tubers, although abundant seeds are produced. In temperate climates, tubers usually sprout in late spring and the plant withers at the beginning of the winter. C. esculentus is only cultivated in the ValĂšncia region in Spain. Invasion foci emerged across Europe at the beginning of the 1980s and at present, C. esculentus is most abundant on arable land and in ruderal habitats, followed by riverine vegetation. In heavily infested regions of Europe, C. esculentus causes substantial yield losses in field crops and although different management strategies are available, C. esculentus remains difficult to control.Follak, S.; Belz, R.; Bohren, C.; Castro, OD.; Guacchio, ED.; Pascual-Seva, N.; Schwarz, M.... (2016). Biological flora of Central Europe: Cyperus esculentus L. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 23:33-51. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2016.09.003S33512

    The continuity of effect of schizophrenia polygenic risk score and patterns of cannabis use on transdiagnostic symptom dimensions at first-episode psychosis: findings from the EU-GEI study

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    Abstract: Diagnostic categories do not completely reflect the heterogeneous expression of psychosis. Using data from the EU-GEI study, we evaluated the impact of schizophrenia polygenic risk score (SZ-PRS) and patterns of cannabis use on the transdiagnostic expression of psychosis. We analysed first-episode psychosis patients (FEP) and controls, generating transdiagnostic dimensions of psychotic symptoms and experiences using item response bi-factor modelling. Linear regression was used to test the associations between these dimensions and SZ-PRS, as well as the combined effect of SZ-PRS and cannabis use on the dimensions of positive psychotic symptoms and experiences. We found associations between SZ-PRS and (1) both negative (B = 0.18; 95%CI 0.03–0.33) and positive (B = 0.19; 95%CI 0.03–0.35) symptom dimensions in 617 FEP patients, regardless of their categorical diagnosis; and (2) all the psychotic experience dimensions in 979 controls. We did not observe associations between SZ-PRS and the general and affective dimensions in FEP. Daily and current cannabis use were associated with the positive dimensions in FEP (B = 0.31; 95%CI 0.11–0.52) and in controls (B = 0.26; 95%CI 0.06–0.46), over and above SZ-PRS. We provide evidence that genetic liability to schizophrenia and cannabis use map onto transdiagnostic symptom dimensions, supporting the validity and utility of the dimensional representation of psychosis. In our sample, genetic liability to schizophrenia correlated with more severe psychosis presentation, and cannabis use conferred risk to positive symptomatology beyond the genetic risk. Our findings support the hypothesis that psychotic experiences in the general population have similar genetic substrates as clinical disorders