397 research outputs found

    Hemangioma intramuscular: (aportación de 6 casos y revisión de la literatura)

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    Se presentan seis casos de hemangioma intramuscular. Se discute la etiología, histopatología, métodos diagnósticos y el tratamiento óptimo. El tratamiento de elección debe ser la escisión ampliada siempre que ésta sea posible, siendo los resultados satisfactorios.Six cases of haemangioma arising in skeletal muscle are described. The aetiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of thes e tumours are discussed. Wide excision remains the treatment of choice whereve r possible with satisfactory results

    Carcass bone content in wild rabbits hunted in Andalusia (Spain)

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    Para caracterizar el contenido de hueso de la canal del conejo de monte ( Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus ) procedente de la ca- za, se analizaron 53 canales encorambradas adquiridas en mercados de abastos de Sevilla (España) con un peso medio de 767,8 g. Las canales encorambradas se desollaron y prepararon para obtener las canales de referencia, que tuvieron un peso medio de 551,2 g, Se realizó el despiece tecnológico propuesto por la World Rabbit Science Association, que rindió un 14,3% de patas delanteras, un 38,0% de patas traseras, un 32,1% de pieza lomo y un 11,4% de caja torácica. El contenido de hueso fue del 16,3% en las patas delanteras, 13,4% en las patas traseras, 9,4% en la pieza lomo, 22,5% en la caja torácica y 13,0% en el conjunto de la canal de referencia. El contenido de hueso de la pata trasera fue un predictor fiable del contenido de hueso de la canal de referencia, pues se obtuvo una R 2 =0,737 (p<0,001). No se encontró dimorfismo sexual en el contenido de hue- so ni correlación entre el peso de la canal y el contenido de hueso de la canal del conejo de monte. En comparación con los valores publicados para razas y líneas de aptitud cárnica a la edad de sacrificio habitual en España, el contenido de hueso de la canal del conejo de monte es moderado.With the aim to characterise the carcass bone content of the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus) obtained from hunting, 53 specimens (unskinned, eviscerated rabbits) bought in markets of Seville (Spain) were analysed. The specimens weighed 767.8 g. T he reference carcass, obtained by flaying the specimens, weighed 551.2 g, and after carrying out the technological division accord ing the method proposed by the World Rabbit Science Association, 14.3% of fore leg, 38.0% of hind part, 32.1% of loin, and 11.4% of tho ra- cic cage were obtained. Bone percentage was 16.3% in the fore leg, 13.4% in the hind part, 9.4% in the loin, 22.5% in the thora cic ca- ge, and 13.0 in the reference carcass. Bone percentage of the hind leg gave a reliable prediction of the bone percentage of the carcass, because R 2 =0,737 (p<0,001) was achieved. No sexual dimorphism was found for the bone content, nor correlation between carcass weight and bone content of the carcass of the wild rabbit. When compared to figures published for meat breeds and lines at the usual age of slaughtering in Spain, the bone content of the wild rabbit carcass is moderat

    Predicción de los comportamientos positivos en educación física: una perspectiva desde la Teoría de la autodeterminación

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    El presente estudio analiza los antecedentes motivacionales que pueden incidir en la realización de comportamientos positivos en las clases de educación física. La muestra está formada por 1692 alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años (M = 13.34; DT = .76), pertenecientes a 99 clases de 32 centros educativos públicos. Se somete a verificación un modelo completo de regresión estructural que, teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza multinivel de los datos, refleja cómo la percepción de apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas predice el tipo de motivación a través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, y cómo el tipo de motivación actúa como predictor de los comportamientos positivos. Los resultados destacan los procesos motivacionales como elementos claves para el desarrollo de comportamientos adaptativos en el contexto de la educación física

    A decade of GRB follow-up by BOOTES in Spain (2003-2013)

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    This article covers ten years of GRB follow-ups by the Spanish BOOTES stations: 71 follow-ups providing 23 detections. Follow-ups by BOOTES-1B from 2005 to 2008 were given in the previous article, and are here reviewed, updated, and include additional detection data points as the former article merely stated their existence. The all-sky cameras CASSANDRA have not yet detected any GRB optical afterglows, but limits are reported where available

    The Palaeocene Cerro Munro tonalite intrusion (Chubut Province, Argentina): A plutonic remnant of explosive volcanism?

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    The Cerro Munro sub-volcanic intrusion is emplaced in the back-arc (400 km from the trench) as small sub-circular tonalite-granodiorite plutons with abundant radial porphyritic dikes. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data give an age of crystallization of 57 Ma ± 1.4 Ma. It is located to the east of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) that shows a protracted and episodic magmatic history from Cretaceous to Miocene time. The NPB Palaeogene episode is characterized by the lack of magmatic activity at the arc axis, as small plutonic emplacements move to the fore-arc and back-arc. This Palaeogene tectono-magmatic episode is ruled by the detachment of the Aluk plate during the Aluk-Farallon-SAM triple junction, active at that time along northern Patagonia active margin, changing the Cretaceous ?NPB orogenic? setting to a Palaeogene ?Munro transitional? tectono-magmatic setting. Near the contacts, the tonalite contains abundant enclaves of igneous appearance and variable size from several cm to dm, described as autoliths. The study of autoliths and host tonalite reveals interesting results on the processes of fractionation in a thermally zoned magma chamber. Autoliths, and in a large extent the host tonalite, represent disguised cumulates from which a hydrous silicic liquid was extracted. Barometry calculations from mineral chemistry in both autoliths and tonalites record a shallow pressure of emplacement of 0.5 kbar. Rhyolite-dacite flows and ignimbrites, surrounding the northern contact of the Cerro Munro tonalite, may represent the exsolved liquid from the plutonic cumulates. The study by cathodoluminiscence and electron backscattered diffraction techniques from a rhyolite-hosted quartz supports this protracted history of the Cerro Munro magma chamber.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    The Palaeocene Cerro Munro tonalite intrusion (Chubut Province, Argentina): A plutonic remnant of explosive volcanism?

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    The Cerro Munro sub-volcanic intrusion is emplaced in the back-arc (400 km from the trench) as small sub-circular tonalite-granodiorite plutons with abundant radial porphyritic dikes. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data give an age of crystallization of 57 Ma ± 1.4 Ma. It is located to the east of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) that shows a protracted and episodic magmatic history from Cretaceous to Miocene time. The NPB Palaeogene episode is characterized by the lack of magmatic activity at the arc axis, as small plutonic emplacements move to the fore-arc and back-arc. This Palaeogene tectono-magmatic episode is ruled by the detachment of the Aluk plate during the Aluk-Farallon-SAM triple junction, active at that time along northern Patagonia active margin, changing the Cretaceous ?NPB orogenic? setting to a Palaeogene ?Munro transitional? tectono-magmatic setting. Near the contacts, the tonalite contains abundant enclaves of igneous appearance and variable size from several cm to dm, described as autoliths. The study of autoliths and host tonalite reveals interesting results on the processes of fractionation in a thermally zoned magma chamber. Autoliths, and in a large extent the host tonalite, represent disguised cumulates from which a hydrous silicic liquid was extracted. Barometry calculations from mineral chemistry in both autoliths and tonalites record a shallow pressure of emplacement of 0.5 kbar. Rhyolite-dacite flows and ignimbrites, surrounding the northern contact of the Cerro Munro tonalite, may represent the exsolved liquid from the plutonic cumulates. The study by cathodoluminiscence and electron backscattered diffraction techniques from a rhyolite-hosted quartz supports this protracted history of the Cerro Munro magma chamber.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Analysis of disaggregation techiques applied to satellite images for the estimation of surface termal parameters at different scales

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    During the last years, both the technological development and the greater availability of geospatial information have led to the emergence of new application areas for remote sensing techniques. This is also relevant in the case of thermal remote sensing. Applications such as crop tracking require a greater availability of thermal information with spatial resolutions appropriate for a more local level scope. However, and despite the increasing availability of remote sensing products that have appeared and are expected to appear in the coming years, thermal infrared data continue to be available at lower spatial resolutions than the visible and nearinfrared data. Numerous authors have developed or tested methods to extract information at the sub-pixel level by using complementary remote sensing products with suitable results for using in applications at higher scales. Most of these methods are based on correlations between some vegetation indexes, such as NDVI, and radiative temperatures for a given cover. They are based on traditional mathematical models, such as linear or quadratic regression. Despite newer analysis tools like Support Vector Machines (SVM) or Neural Networks (NN) have become relevant in the last decade, their application on thermal remote sensing is in an relatively early stage of research and the use of traditional methods remains nowadays. The objective of this study is carrying out a comparison of these methods. A downscaling process from a MODIS temperature product scene has been developed using different methodologies. The results have been evaluated using “in situ” (ground-truth) temperature measurements showing an estimate of the accuracy and the potential of two different techniques

    Using small molecules to facilitate exchange of bicarbonate and chloride anions across liposomal membranes

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    Bicarbonate is involved in a wide range of biological processes, which include respiration, regulation of intracellular pH and fertilization. In this study we use a combination of NMR spectroscopy and ion-selective electrode techniques to show that the natural product prodigiosin, a tripyrrolic molecule produced by microorganisms such as Streptomyces and Serratia, facilitates chloride/bicarbonate exchange (antiport) across liposomal membranes. Higher concentrations of simple synthetic molecules based on a 4,6-dihydroxyisophthalamide core are also shown to facilitate this antiport process. Although it is well known that proteins regulate Cl-/HCO3- exchange in cells, these results suggest that small molecules may also be able to regulate the concentration of these anions in biological systems